How long until results?

I've been doing this for a week now and i have either met my calorie goal or i have been under. I have also worked out every day and i didn't even lose a pound. Am i just being too anxious?? How long should it take to see results?


  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    You aren't eating enough. You've been eating your exact allowed calories and working out? This is putting your body into starvation mode and you won't lose weight. You must eat all of your calories each day and if you work out, you must increase your calories.
  • audiblesilence
    A lot of times, when you start exercising, you actually gain about 5lbs in just muscle mass before you start to lose weight. Just keep going and your metabolism will start to adjust and you'll see results! Probably within the next week or two.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    A lot of times, when you start exercising, you actually gain about 5lbs in just muscle mass before you start to lose weight. Just keep going and your metabolism will start to adjust and you'll see results! Probably within the next week or two.

    Not in this case.
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    It took me two weeks to start losing weight.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I agree with Seoid... you should be striving to eat ALL of your calories. And when you're exercising - make sure that you're eating those calories back too. Make sure that you're drinking all of your water too. Too many people come into this thing thinking that the calorie recommendation is a "high recommendation" and that if they eat under that amount they'll lose faster... it just doesn't work that way. I'm constantly amazed that I've lost 30 lbs and have not been hungry once... that I eat more now than I can ever remember eating in my entire life... and I drop consistently.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Are you drinking all of your water? You will gain at the beginning if you are drinking all of your water and you were dehydrated prior but your body will eventually even itself out. Also if you are not looking at your sodium you should be tracking that one too. You can go to FOOD - SETTINGS and you can track 5 different things. Sodium is a killer for my weight loss. If I don't watch it I stay the same or even gain. Just some ideas for you. Don't get discouraged :smile:
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    Are you drinking all of your water? You will gain at the beginning if you are drinking all of your water and you were dehydrated prior but your body will eventually even itself out. Also if you are not looking at your sodium you should be tracking that one too. You can go to FOOD - SETTINGS and you can track 5 different things. Sodium is a killer for my weight loss. If I don't watch it I stay the same or even gain. Just some ideas for you. Don't get discouraged :smile:

    Yes, sodium can destroy a diet.
  • SilviaGG
    SilviaGG Posts: 19
    How many calories are you allowed??? you have to eat them all..... what happens is that you body goes on starving mode and gets very slow that's why you don't loose weight... try 2 or 3 days.. and you will feel different.
    are you registrating all you eat correctly???
    Did you notice the lines at the end when you do it??
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    If weight loss was a scientific calculation, we'd all be at out goal weights!

    It depends, everybody is different, everyday is different. I've had instances where I've taken in the same and exercised off the same calories week to week, one week I'd lose several lbs, the next I'd lose nothing. It's not just the amount of calories, type of calories can affect weight loss too. Also, stress, water intake, even going to the bathroom!

    Before my surgery, I had to cut down to less than 800lbs per day and I lost 11lbs in those two weeks, so you can lose with a huge calorie deficit, although it is not advised, especially without doctor supervision, and long term it can cause your metabolism to decrease and other problems too.

    Weight loss just takes time, and often just when you find what works for you, when you start to lose, you'll likely have to change it up again! Be patient, keep working at it, & good luck!
  • chug8
    chug8 Posts: 10
    I'm allowed 1200 calories. But I never have realized the note of not eating enough at the end. thank you for pointing that out to me. So basically if i eat all my calories then go work out and burn 300 calories i need to come home and eat 300 calories to get back to my 1200 limit? it's all making better sense to me now. Sorry I'm new to all of this calorie counting, just praying it works.
  • Sillybunni
    Sillybunni Posts: 61 Member
    I will say that I gain weight when I start exercising again because muscles will hold water while they repair themselves. At least I hope that's what that is!
    Take your measurements too. This really helped me. After ten days I'd already lost inches but with no real change on the scale. It certainly is encouraging to see SOME change.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm allowed 1200 calories. But I never have realized the note of not eating enough at the end. thank you for pointing that out to me. So basically if i eat all my calories then go work out and burn 300 calories i need to come home and eat 300 calories to get back to my 1200 limit? it's all making better sense to me now. Sorry I'm new to all of this calorie counting, just praying it works.

    That's exactly it! And trust me... it works! It REALLY, REALLY works!
  • chug8
    chug8 Posts: 10
    Thanks everybody! :flowerforyou: