I Started A Blog!

It's not as awesome as NPH's "Sing Along Blog" (if you don't know what I'm talking about, then I don't want you reading my blog, anyway lol), but I think it's pretty cool.

The purpose of my blog is to keep me motivated to get back into shape, and working out. I had successfully lost 50+ pounds, but around this time last year, I lost my motivation, and the pounds came creeping back on. They crept all the way back to almost where I began, and for the past few months I have been super depressed about it.

This blog is a good spot for me to vent, and also to acknowledge the good things that I have going on! So please feel free to follow, comment, ask questions, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, keep me on track!

Thanks all!

You can find me at: http://happyprettydc.tumblr.com