HELP: on a plateau AGAIN!! Need some advice

I'm on a plateau AGAIN!! grrrr.. Is it normal to hit a plateau that often??

Do you all have some advice for me?



  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    It's a sign you need to change something (again) for example,
    Try splitting up your workout into two different sessions per day. Or, double up your workouts. Add another kind of activity into your regimen. Clean up your diet. Play around with your calorie count. Maybe research intermittent fasting and try that.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    How the heck do you expext anyone to help you when you give ZERO information about how you got to this stage? Your diary is closed.
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    I have found that if i take a day or two to just eat as i please and then get back into it, the weight just falls off!!
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    How the heck do you expext anyone to help you when you give ZERO information about how you got to this stage? Your diary is closed.

    Thanks, you're so kind (sarcasm). You've could also said: your diary is not open so I can't help you.
    Your profile is also not viewable for non-friends. So I think you can relate to an other person who also has her profile closed.

    But thanks anyway...
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    I have found that if i take a day or two to just eat as i please and then get back into it, the weight just falls off!!

    Thanks for the advice!!
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    It's a sign you need to change something (again) for example,
    Try splitting up your workout into two different sessions per day. Or, double up your workouts. Add another kind of activity into your regimen. Clean up your diet. Play around with your calorie count. Maybe research intermittent fasting and try that.

    Thank you!! I already thought that I need to change something. Thanks
  • edessad
    edessad Posts: 91 Member
    I sometimes find that if you have a couple of days at about 250-350cal more than normal, things start moving again. Hope this helps...oh, I agree, sarcasm doesn't help anyone. Good luck in your journey.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    what is your diet like? i find i have a habbit of eating the same things day in day out and after a while things start to slow down so i have to change it up change what i normaly have for breakfast add in a different fruit or something, when your body gets too used to something it can get a bit lazy sometimes (sorry don't know the technical way of explaining it lol)

    also are you being completely honest with your diary logging everything e.t.c? sometimes we can subconsciously cheat!! and not log little things that do end up adding up e.t.c

    it is kind of hard to advise you without being able to see though what your days are like - hope you can get out your plateau soon best of luck
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    I would add some calories to your diet. The intensity of your workout it likely limited by calories. Also look at your workouts if you only do cardio add some weight training. It can be body weight, but just change something. Finally, define plateau? If it is only a couple days just keep at it. I find that in a 2 week period, I will have almost identical numbers but lose 1 lb one week and 2.5 the next. It shouldn't be that way, but the body has to adjust as it changes.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    How long have you stayed the same for? Just wondering if it's actually a plateau or other stuff - hormones, water retention etc etc.

    Make sure you're eating enough cals for your activity level - 1200 is very low for many people so try not to fall into that trap. Otherwise I'd mix a few things up - do different exercise, eat different meals. See if that mixes things up for you and gets things moving in the right direction.

    Good luck!
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    I sometimes find that if you have a couple of days at about 250-350cal more than normal, things start moving again. Hope this helps...oh, I agree, sarcasm doesn't help anyone. Good luck in your journey.

    Yeah normally I do that, but the last couple of day I was been eating above my goal LOL but still under my TDEE. Thank you!
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    what is your diet like? i find i have a habbit of eating the same things day in day out and after a while things start to slow down so i have to change it up change what i normaly have for breakfast add in a different fruit or something, when your body gets too used to something it can get a bit lazy sometimes (sorry don't know the technical way of explaining it lol)

    also are you being completely honest with your diary logging everything e.t.c? sometimes we can subconsciously cheat!! and not log little things that do end up adding up e.t.c

    it is kind of hard to advise you without being able to see though what your days are like - hope you can get out your plateau soon best of luck

    Yeah I think I need to eat some other foods also.

    With logging I'm completely honest, I logg every little thing, kind of obsessive LOL

    Thanks for your advice!
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    I would add some calories to your diet. The intensity of your workout it likely limited by calories. Also look at your workouts if you only do cardio add some weight training. It can be body weight, but just change something. Finally, define plateau? If it is only a couple days just keep at it. I find that in a 2 week period, I will have almost identical numbers but lose 1 lb one week and 2.5 the next. It shouldn't be that way, but the body has to adjust as it changes.

    I do HIIT training (cardio) and kettlebell (weight).

    Yeah, maybe I'm being impatient, I'm on the same weight for a week and a half now.

    Thank you!
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    How long have you stayed the same for? Just wondering if it's actually a plateau or other stuff - hormones, water retention etc etc.

    Make sure you're eating enough cals for your activity level - 1200 is very low for many people so try not to fall into that trap. Otherwise I'd mix a few things up - do different exercise, eat different meals. See if that mixes things up for you and gets things moving in the right direction.

    Good luck!

    For a week and a half now. I know, I'm being impatient. But I used to see the scale moving on a daily basis. I know it's not good to get on the scale every day, but I'm still doing it. I know you can weigh some more one day and weigh less the other day, so that's not what I'm worrying about. But if I don't see the scale doing anything (moving up or down, it doesn't matter) for 1.5 weeks, than I'm starting to wonder why it's not moving.

    I'm eating enough though. I'm eating my TDEE -20% and that's like 1705 kcals for me. So that can't be the problem. Maybe I should eat at my TDEE for a couple a days and then go back to 1705 kcals.

    Thanks for your advice!
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    I would add some calories to your diet. The intensity of your workout it likely limited by calories. Also look at your workouts if you only do cardio add some weight training. It can be body weight, but just change something. Finally, define plateau? If it is only a couple days just keep at it. I find that in a 2 week period, I will have almost identical numbers but lose 1 lb one week and 2.5 the next. It shouldn't be that way, but the body has to adjust as it changes.

    I do HIIT training (cardio) and kettlebell (weight).

    Yeah, maybe I'm being impatient, I'm on the same weight for a week and a half now.

    Thank you!

    I wouldn't consider that a plateau. I've been on the same weight for 2 weeks and yes, it's frustrating but I wouldn't call it a plateau just yet. If still nothing changed in 1-2 more weeks then I'll have to start doing something.
    I've read a lot about breaking plateaus and they all state the same; get enough sleep, change-up your workout routine, try eat above your TDEE for a few days, calorie cycle etc. I hope this can help you!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I have found that if i take a day or two to just eat as i please and then get back into it, the weight just falls off!!

    Thanks for the advice!!

    I tried this last weekend and lost 2.6lbs this week - despite only being set to lose 1.5lbs. Already more than I lost in the whole of February! Give it a try.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I've also made sure that I've eaten back all of my exercise calories on the day I've earned them whereas before I used to eat some and store up the rest for the weekend. Maybe that's also made a difference?

    I'd say 3 weeks + is a plateau.
  • radscorpion
    Hi! Ugh I know your pain - I was stuck on a plateau for over 6 weeks and Friday morning I weighed myself and I suddenly dropped 2lbs! I had tried yo-yoing my calories (both adding and subtracting) and yet the scale just *wouldn't* budge for me and I'm definitely disciplined. The scale actually shifted in weight when I switched up my routine and tried something new (I was sore for two days afterwards) and took an impromptu rest day... Suddenly my body is dropping weight like crazy. I mean this new routine knocks my heart rate into the 170s sometimes which might have some significance (I usually work out in or around my target burning heart rate, usually within 140-160) so maybe the sudden burst of intensity added to my body actually being sore to the point where sitting down is an ordeal kick-started it again?
    I hope you bust through your plateau - I know how frustrating it is!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    How the heck do you expext anyone to help you when you give ZERO information about how you got to this stage? Your diary is closed.

    Thanks, you're so kind (sarcasm). You've could also said: your diary is not open so I can't help you.
    Your profile is also not viewable for non-friends. So I think you can relate to an other person who also has her profile closed.

    But thanks anyway...

    Mine isn't open because I don't need any help. You do apparently. Big difference.
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    I always thought this was a site to help each other instead of acting so ugly towards people you don't even know.

    But anyways.. fortunatly the majority of the people, who responded on this post, are very nice. Thanks y'all for your help. And I will ignore the people who are acting this weird!