Looking for 30 Day Shred Buddies!

Anyone been meaning to start the 30DS again (or for the first time?)

I've started it several times over the past 2 years, and always stopped around day 10, even though I was getting great results.

I'd love a few buddies to help keep me accountable and vice versa :)

A bit about me:
Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
HW: 175
CW: 175
GW: 130
Biggest struggle with weight loss: Binge/Emotional eating and Sugar Addiction.
I enjoy yoga, walking, various workout DVDs, body weight exercises. I feel my best eating mostly raw/plant based foods, but I think it's ideal to allow yourself to have almost anything in moderation.

Feel free to add me! I plan on starting the 30DS tomorrow evening :)


  • tts30
    tts30 Posts: 14 Member
    im in:)
  • xtina1129
    xtina1129 Posts: 111 Member
    Im debating on this or p90X.. have you by chance done both?
  • jcourter76
    jcourter76 Posts: 14 Member
    im in!
    37 yrs old
    Started at 215, now im 204.5 and looking to get to about 150! i got alot so im in!!!!` having someone to push me would be great! are you great the work out off of youtube!
  • I haven't done P90X! I've heard it's great, but I chose the 30DS over it because it was only $9 (free on YouTube now though!) while P90X is $120 new...
  • IAmPersuaded
    IAmPersuaded Posts: 48 Member
    Im debating on this or p90X.. have you by chance done both?

    I have done both workouts. Just finished 30 Day Shred at the end of February and started P90X again this week. Both are great workouts. 30DS is a very intense short workout. My endurance and stamina have definitely improved. Did not see the scale move much but saw definite results. P90X is so much easier to get through now that I have done 30DS shred. The P90X workouts are intense but with breaks and they are much longer. Hope this helps you decide.
  • You can get it off YouTube :) I know it's on"befit"s channel, just search it, should be pretty easy to find. Good luck!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    There's a group for people who started on 1st March and you're welcome to join in. There are people who started later who have hopped on board. Good luck with it!
  • BonnieFife
    BonnieFife Posts: 104 Member
    Hi there ive been doing the 30 day shred, i completed my 1st 30 days by end of feb, i decided to keep it going then i discovered Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism :smile: I now do 35 mins of this weekdays & the full workout at the weekends, I started around 185lbs, im now 177lbs and im looking to get to 140lbs Long way to go but im feeling all the better for doing it and looking better, ive found the pounds are falling of slower but the inches are melting away.
  • I'm in! WOOOOO HOOO! Let's get it done!
  • lilynblue
    lilynblue Posts: 27 Member
    I am currently on day 4, but I am only doing it 2 days at a time with one rest day in between.

    Height: 5'2
    SW: 170.6 (MFP SW)
    CW: 165.6
    GW: TBD 120-130?

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    My name is Paige. I am a proud mommy but, I am not proud of my new mommy body! ;)
    SW: 244
    CW: 234
    GW: 144

    I have started 30 day shred and I never seem to get past day 6... It's very annoying! I am in!
  • WindyJenny
    WindyJenny Posts: 69 Member
    I'm going to start it tomorrow, knowing that I will be doing the modified version shown in the video to start. ;)

    SW 285
    CW 260
    GW 150ish
  • CecePaints
    CecePaints Posts: 4 Member
    I just started today! It was hard, and I had to do modified versions of the moves, but I am confident I'll eventually be able to do the full versions.

    Stats as a 5'2'' female:

    SW: 164
    CW: 157
    GW: 120

    Fellow female shorties add me! I am looking for motivation!
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    hey! i just got the 30 Day Shred, tonight was my second day using it and I'm totally loving it so far!
    im a 6'1'', 18 year old college student
    SW: 260
    CW: 205
    Goal: 190

    I'm hoping Jillian will help me get past this plateau that i cant seem to get past! anyone feel free to add me! (: