Cheat Day...?



  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    I have a cheat day every Saturday as I play football for 90mins I need to fill up on carbs in the morning and pre game then I treat myself to a few beers and a good meal with the wife and a nice desert afterwards! Something to look forward to at the end of a hungry week! Go for it and I bet you still lose weight!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    Make 80% of your intake quality foods. Perfection is not sustainable.
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    I don't have cheat days because I eat what I crave within my calorie allowance so I don't go crazy by the time that cheat day comes around. That DOESN'T mean I don't fall off the wagon.I just get back up and get with the program the next day.
  • dannyennis74
    dannyennis74 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi , I have a cheat day once a week, perfectly fine and it does help, but on your clean days , make sure its clean,

  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Could a cheat day undo a good week of clean eating if say I go over my calories by 1000+ just for that one day?
  • kellyw036
    kellyw036 Posts: 58 Member
    So I totally pigged out at a party. -_-
    I felt super guilty, so I asked my mom if I had utterly destroyed my diet. She said that when one of her friends went on a diet, they allowed themselves one "cheat day" a week to eat pretty much whatever they wanted, and they still lost weight.
    Is it okay to take a cheat day? I mean, can you still lose weight just as long as you're good every other day of the week?

    Look into the "Spike Diet" good information
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    As opposed to a cheat day it's better to have a cheat meal - like a chinese or dessert or something once a week. I try and eat fairly cleanly all week then have a bit of cake or something at the weekend to avoid feeling like I'm restricting myself too much and so will end up having a binge. Like tomorrow is mothers day - so I'll have some cake with my mum tomorrow - but back to normal eating after that.
    I totally agree! A cheat meal once a week or maybe once in a while is good but I full cheat day seems like too much
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I don't agree with having a 'cheat day' personally as I feel the only person I am cheating is myself. I tend to have a little bit of what I fancy every now and again but i always try and make sure it is within my calorie goal by eating healthily around it. My personal trainer is totally the opposite though and he eats clean Monday to Saturday but has a total binge day on a Sunday eating everything from McDonald's breakfasts, KFC lunches, takeaway for tea and unlimited chocolate, crisps or biscuits in between. His girlfriend does it with him and she is also tiny and it has done them no harm so each to their own... I personally don't think my body could take it though!

  • oncearound
    oncearound Posts: 31 Member
    This is an interesting yet controversial topic for many attempting to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. I had trouble with this question for a very long time...bothered me so much that I started to research and ask questions of nutritionists and doctors (I'm a nurse and work with many different health professions). What it boils down to, is how well do you know yourself and what you want? I tried to lose weight a million different ways and have succeeded some and failed at pretty much all of them. Each program was different but one thing remained the same....I set unrealistic expectations for me and tried to push too hard and fast. I have seen some fantastic results on these boards, but I don't need the 12-pack abs (I just want flat) so Insanity is probably not something I will do because honestly, I'm just too lazy. I work out 5 days a week (doing things that make me sweat and don't kill me when I'm done and I PIG OUT ON SUNDAYS! (And I don't feel one bit guilty about it.) The same concept can be used in food as it is in exercise. Insanity workout works on 'muscle confusion'..the muscles don't know whats coming next so they can't get used to anything and form nicely (look at some of these pics around here). Your body does the same with food. When I look at my food diaries, I consume roughly the same number of calories everyday except Sunday..somewhere around 800-1000. For most, they are going to say "that is way to few calories", but I am satisfied and full at this level so I stay there...but I also limit a lot of the stuff I love Monday thru Saturday. I weigh in Sunday morning and then eat whatever I want after that until I go to bed on Sunday, then repeat the next week. I confuse my body by giving it a ton to eat and then reduce it again. This does not work for everyone because some can't revert back on Monday...I can and do and the weight is coming off consistently. Before you start this process (Cheat Day) make sure you have the willpower to revert back because if you don't think you can, you won't! I have talked with many different nutritionists and doctors and they say it is safe and pretty common to do this, some of us just do it naturally. But again, find what works for you. If it works do it...if not don't! Good luck !