CRAP, I haveto go shopping in the morning.. just great

So, my brother's step son is being baptized tomorrow. I had an outfit in mind, that fit last month.. and I've only lost like 5lbs since then so I figured it would still fit.. WRONG! Apparently, I only lost five POUNDS.. but I've lose inches galore without noticing.. That's good right? Well I have nothing to wear now, because the outfit is SWIMMING on me..

I don't know how to add a photo here..but if you compare my profile picture, to the picture of me in a grey shirt.. you'll see the difference.

So.. I have to go shopping at 10AM as soon as JCPenney opens.. ugh.. lolz


  • laradean
    laradean Posts: 6
    That is a GOOD bad problem to have!
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss and inches loss! What about Kohls? I know they open super early sometimes...maybe you can get it done before 9AM! :wink:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Congrats and i'm sorry :laugh: That's awesome and sucks both at the same time. I say go to Old Navy, they are cheaper since you'll be swimming in the next outfit in a months or so.
    What are you doing to lose so many inches???
  • lovingmyjaybird
    It is, plus I work for JCP, and have tons of coupons.. So I mean I'll getthe outfit for next to nothing.. I have an outfit in mind, I hope it looks right on me.. I knowwe have my size,because I've been staring at it for 2 weeks now lol
    That is a GOOD bad problem to have!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    KOHLS is the DEVIL.. lmao.. I work for JCP, I can't betray JCP
    Congrats on your weight loss and inches loss! What about Kohls? I know they open super early sometimes...maybe you can get it done before 9AM! :wink:
  • lovingmyjaybird
    JCP really isn't that expensive,you just have to watch for the right sales. Sorry, I'm in sales mode.. lmao..

    I walk ALOT..I mean ALOT ALOT, and I take my 35lb toddler on a bike ride every night.. (in the toddler seat on the back).. Which helps alot, I do 50 situps a day, and wall push ups.. I have extra skin tho.. EWWWW
    Congrats and i'm sorry :laugh: That's awesome and sucks both at the same time. I say go to Old Navy, they are cheaper since you'll be swimming in the next outfit in a months or so.
    What are you doing to lose so many inches???
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Saw your pics - you look awesome! Congrats on having such an "awful" problem! :wink: Here's to hoping your new outfit fits like you want it to! :bigsmile:
  • lovingmyjaybird
    Thanks so much.. I need to upload my BEFORE picture.. but I'm too lazy to dig out my flash drive.. I have lost ALOT more than you see now..

    I hope so too... The belt I use doesn't have notches.. it's just one of those loopy belts, so I hadn't even noticed because all I ever wear is work clothes.. lmao
    Saw your pics - you look awesome! Congrats on having such an "awful" problem! :wink: Here's to hoping your new outfit fits like you want it to! :bigsmile: