why isn't it working???!!!



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'm 5ft and 106lbs!
    Just work on your exercise and eat more!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What is it with young girls on here that think it's a good look to be skinny, men love curves and the weight you want to be ain't gonna give you curves, don't go for the lollipop look and it's so not worth wasting your life dieting when you don't need to

    There are all kinds of people in this world, and for every type of person, I can guarantee that there is someone who is attracted to them. Probably more than someone.

    Please don't start body shaming here. Most of us are concerned about the OPs health - this doesn't need to be made into a "you're not a real woman without curves" thread.
    I'm not saying that at all but to go too low could spiral out of control, ive seen too many people with eating disorders, so please don't put words into my mouth

    That is exactly my concern for the OP - an eating disorder/body image issues.

    To suggest that only your definition of a perfect body is attractive to men is just as damaging as an internal voice that says she needs to be thinner. And your suggestion is also potentially damaging to the people who are reading this thread.

    I'm not trying to attack you, but body shaming is rampant on this site, and I'm not ok with that. To say that "men love curves" and suggest that being curvy is the only acceptable body type to appear attractive to the opposite sex isn't helpful. And even if you feel like it's an innocent comment, things can get of control quickly around here.

    Let's focus on suggesting alternative solutions to the OP - for being healthy and strong - no matter what her body type is.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    My friend, please seek help---5'7" and 125 seems perfect---I think you may have an eating disorder and certainly a distorted image of what you should weigh. I say this seriously as a caring person, don't lose weight, do get some help.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    This is a troll post, right?

    I'm 5'1 and 103 would barely be considered healthy for ME.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    To the OP and everybody else:

    The OP is a ballet dancer, however the ideal weight for a ballet dancer is 85lbs at 5 foot tall - add on 5lbs for every 1" in height, this takes the OP's ideal weight for ballet dancing to be 120lbs.

    120lbs - OP you are already almost at your ideal weight.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Forget about your scale and work on body fat. You're at a healthy weight for your height. I would think that trying to get too low in weight would be detrimental to your ballet performance. Take measurements and eat closer to your maintenance while incorporating a strength training program.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    What is it with young girls on here that think it's a good look to be skinny, men love curves and the weight you want to be ain't gonna give you curves, don't go for the lollipop look and it's so not worth wasting your life dieting when you don't need to

    No offense Tracy but I don't give a damn what men think looks good on me. If I took into account what others thought of how my body looked I'd be jumping around like a lunatic trying to be curvy and perfect. I know my own body, I gain weight in my legs and butt and have no chest at all. I have the body of an athlete when I take care of it. Lean muscles and not "curvy" at all. Curvy for me is cellulite....not attractive at all.

    Having said that, I'm 5'8" and look "okay" at 150 lbs. Right now I'm working towards 135 pounds to get rid of the rest of the fat stores in my thighs, butt and stomach. Once I get rid of the fat I will adjust my caloric goals and go back to building muscle because I don't need to have the super slim body of a ballerina. Unless the OP has the serious potential of being a ballerina as a career then being 103 pounds seems dangerously underweight and unrealistic at 5'7".
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    The OP is a ballet dancer, however the ideal weight for a ballet dancer is 85lbs at 5 foot tall - add on 5lbs for every 1" in height, this takes the OP's ideal weight for ballet dancing to be 120lbs.

    Dee.. Is that the post you found when you were searching out the question about ideal ballet dancer weight? :D

    On paper, you are in the ballpark now. Rule of thumb is 5'-85 lbs and then add 5 lbs for every inch over that. so that would be 5'7" 120 tops. Ideally they do like them a bit smaller than that depending on the company. 4-7 lbs would do it. So 112-115 would work depending on how much muscle you have.
    *to the other person who answered 105, this is totally dependent on your height. If you were 5'3" it would be too big. She is a tall girl and for 5'7" 105 would be a bit frail and lacking muscle to dance. Most companies don't like their female dancers to be over 5'7" so they won't be taller than the men when they are en pointe. I also would assume that she is not betting on being made a Principal right off. Either apprentice or corps de ballet depending on her past experience with other ballet companies. Nobody auditions for the position of Principal. You are asked from another company, or come up through the ranks. Many companies have all heights of dancers (within a specific target range) because some ballets are "short ballets" and others "tall ones." NYCB is a perfect example of this. Nobody gets cast in every ballet. Some girls are as short at 5'1" and others over 5'7".
  • kwentz1960
    Possibly because you are too thin already? Maybe you need to be reflective on why it is that you can't be content with your body?
  • melaniecmajors
    melaniecmajors Posts: 39 Member
    I concur with the first girl's advice about up'ing your calories. I do not concur with the other semi-rude comments about your body image. I was training for a fitness competition a few years ago and had to eat, eat, eat because I was strength training and trying to lose. I lost 8 lbs. because I ate MORE not less.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    What is it with young girls on here that think it's a good look to be skinny, men love curves and the weight you want to be ain't gonna give you curves, don't go for the lollipop look and it's so not worth wasting your life dieting when you don't need to

    Not that I agree with her GW...but really who cares what men like, we don't run our lives for them, surely I'm not alone in thinking this.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    As a professional athlete, you need a professional trainer. If you really are a ballerina, there is one in your company.

    I used to dance seriously and had no fat on me. But muscles weigh a lot. Don't be silly. There is a lot of bad nutrition and advice out there in the dance community.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I understand where you're coming from, with the ballet culture, but I think, or at least hope, that this issue is finally changing.

    Check out the awesome Misty Copeland:


    She weighs 103 lbs but she's only 5'2", almost half a foot shorter than you.

    I would really recommend focusing on strength training and body recomposition, as other posters have suggested. Best of luck to you!!