Overnight weight gain


So, here's my situation (I don't know if this type of subject is allowed on MFP message boards, but I'm desperate!)...basically I need to put on weight after losing a dangerous amount. I recognise I need to do something about it now and so I'm aiming to gain about 1 pound a week (I don't want to go any faster as weight gain is still quite a scary prospect for me).
So I did really well with my eating yesterday - I ate about 2,500 calories which is a big deal considering I was living on under 1,000 calories per day for some months.
However, (I don't know if I should have done this), I hopped on the scales this morning and found they had gone up 2 pounds!! Is this real weight gain overnight? I'm scared I'm just going to balloon up but at the same time I need to eat more to put on weight.
Can anyone explain these 2 pounds?

Thank you for any advice :)


  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Have you set your MFP goals to gain a pound a week? Your weight can fluctate daily by a few pounds so don't be alarmed by this. You may be better off just weighing in once a week, at the same time, wearing the same clothes. This will give you a better picture overall of what is happening to your body and the weight you are gaining. xx
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    You realize that the food you eat still has weight to it? If you weigh 100 lbs and eat 2 lbs of food you will see that two lbs reflected on the scale to some degree until your body digests, absorbs and excretes the remaining waste. Water will also influence your weight gain. Im asuming you are trying to put on fat weight ? If so, a lb of fat is approximately 3500 calories. Now since you've been starving yourself for months, dont be surprized if you bounce back quickly. Your body is naturally going to want to store the cals as fat because it's not going to know what's going on for the first little while. Dont worry about it being uncontrolled, just use this site and that shouldn't happen if you log everything accurately.