
Hello everybody,
i have just joined this site after losing half a stone with just slimfast. i wanted more motivation and something that monitored what i ate more closely, as im prone to binging and justifying things to myself like" if i have a whole pizza to myself today i just wont have one of my meals tommorow", which of course never works!

so im here and im hoping this will work as to get to my target weight is to make myself happy and confident!

looking forward to talking to you all


  • nbloom
    nbloom Posts: 14
    Hi Laura,

    I feel that same way about why I joined this site. I binge and then usually the next day I starve myself or just eat less, which obviously doesn't work. I am hoping this helps me to get my target weight as well and allows me to really be happy and have confidence. I think that we will be successful here I just have to keep myself from over eating every now and then because then it makes everything good that i've done cancel out.

    Nice talking with you and good luck :)

  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome! I think you will like it here!
  • CookieJarD
    Good luck, Laura! I am new too - and I think this is going to help us out a lot! Best wishes - Donna
  • minx88xl
    SORRY i just havent seen my ticker in a long time and want to see my progress on it
  • kaitee24
    kaitee24 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new to this sight also, it seems to be a great place to get to know people and have support in your goals! Good luck!