Overweight Friends and Family Not Being Supportive

Hello all. I was wondering if anyone else struggles with this. I am one of the least heavy people in my social groups, be it family, friends, what have you. But that doesn't mean i'm happy with my own body. Whenever I mention my diet or exercise around any of them, they start getting upset with me saying things like "there's no reason for you to be doing any of that" or "well if you think YOU'RE fat than you must think i'm a whale or something". I'm concerned with my own body image, not how they look. Its like they think my attempts to better myself are a personal insult to them.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It's not about you - it's about them.

    Most people who are overweight tend to think it's for reasons that are beyond their control. I know I did. So, when someone took the intiative to lose weight/get fit, it made me question that belief. And I didn't want to realize that I could change my weight. If I didn't have to take responsibility for it, I couldn't feel guilty about my weight or the life I was living.

    It's like you're holding up a mirror for their bad choices. Unfortunately, that tends to piss people off. It sucks, but eventually, it should settle down a little.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Lora is right - that is their issue, not yours.

    Do what is good for you and maybe they will change...but maybe not. Bottom line is you have to do the work and reap the rewards on your own. You can do it. You should do it. Best of luck to you!
  • kpstacy
    kpstacy Posts: 41 Member
    The truth is those people are probably very unhappy and seeing you make a change is hard for them. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THEM!!!!! They are not you and you have to decide that you are important enough to make a change. Listen, my husband is about 200 lbs overweight and does not want to change right now. I will not let that stop me from going on a 2 hour hike with my kids or eating healthy, even if that means I make a separate meal. BEACAUSE THIS IS ABOUT ME! I so sorry that you don't have the support that you deserve, but you have to decide that you have to live the life you DESERVE. Healthy, active, and happy. They will reach that point if it is meant for them too..... if not, then that is their decision. Look at it this way... YOU ARE THEIR EXAMPLE. You plant the seed of a healthy lifestyle, the rest is up to them. God bless you on your journey. Keep it up!