Newbie. :3

I just joined this site yesterday after my primary care physician recommended it. I had been thinking of joining weight watchers for a while, and still kind of am, but I don't want to go and get all invested in something financially when I WANT to do something about my health but am not 100% sure on my follow through. Plus, this seems like a pretty welcoming place after lurking for 24 hours before registering and the people here seem genuinely supportive.

The lowdown:

I'm twenty five and three hundred and one pounds. Last September, I believe, I weighed in at 332. I want to take the steady, sustainable route to get to 200. I've presently got gallstones, which is what prompted the ER visit AND then the visit with my PCP, and she suggested this site. I've got no other problems then clinical obesity, but with having my gallbladder removed on the 1st of April it has raised a lot of concerns I've harbored for a long time in regards to my health and well being. I've heard that both being obese and losing weight fast can prompt a gallstone attack, that lots of people have them and don't know, that the surgery [done laparoscopically] is quick, safe and routine. However, both my parents are clinically obese and have a variety of serious health issues [think heart disease, stroke, heart attacks, diabetes type II, high blood pressure, etc]

With watching them and seeing their lifestyles... I don't want to go that way. Losing weight for vanity's sake is always nice, in my head, and I know there are going to be some naysayers out there- but presently I'm not disgusted by how I look. I'm not tremendously unhappy with my appearance. It's not stuck in my head that fat is ugly because I think ugly, like pretty, is diverse and comes in all shapes and sizes. It's the overriding, keeps me up at night concern and worry about health that is the driver for these changes. Every time I'm in the hospital for one of my parents I think- I don't want to be on that bed and I don't want to put my loved ones through this.

I'm presently doing the C25K. Week 1 is kind of kicking my rear, but that's okay- I push myself each time and more than likely will keep on week one until the surgery is done and I'm recovered. Because of the gallstones, I'm nervous about doing a lot of things right now- but I'm trying to stay low sodium, low fat, low spice. No fast food since diagnosis. I don't drink soda and I've stopped eating chocolate. [Therapist thinks I emotionally eat- I kind of think it is true since I stopped chocolate I eat almost no "treats"- cookies, cakes, pie etc and I don't feel the overwhelming compulsion to go back either.] I'm trying to navigate the tricky waters of what to eat now, but being here has already helped me in terms of motivation and ideas.

25, fat and terrified of bad health in the future- joined for motivation and friendly environment- C25K week 1 and trying to figure out new, healthy foods to eat.


  • melil07
    melil07 Posts: 17 Member
    I hear you! Being fat isn't's being unhealthy that is literally. I am not perfect but I try. You can add me happy: