Eating and exercising : what is the good balance

Hey everyone ! I'm new here . I have been doing some exercises for 3 weeks now and I joined myfitnesspal recently. I'm quite satisfied with this app because doing exercices and eating healthy make me feel good. Today, I thought about something. After taking my breakfast, I did some jogging outside for an hour and after lunch I figured out that the application doesn't take in account the moment of doing the exercices during the day.

I was eating some pasta tonight when I thought about that (because I wasn't going to do more exercices after).I definetly banned the bad fats such as mayonnaise and junk food. I'm not a huge fan of cheese and stuff. Even if I was doing a lot of abs exercices for the last 2 weeks, I couldn't see the change (I only have belly fat, 66Kg/168cm). And I hate the feeling of being deprived of eating what I like.

I'm afraid that my efforts to control my diet would be in vain.
what do you think ?