Vegetarian/Vegan support

Hi everyone!
My name is Hailey, i've recently started researching and educating myself in meat-eating and everything that comes with it and have pretty much decided to stop eating it. Originally I wanted to do a trial month but everyday with the more research I do I continue to feel strongly about becoming vegetarian. This is huge for me as i've grown up eating/loving meat without much thought. I'm also considering the option of vegan but have a feeling I will have a really hard time with this- i'm mostly looking for support and advice from any vegan/vegetarians so feel free to add me or message me,
thank you!


  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Ahhh yes that wonderful world of transitioning into vegetarianism! I'm the right one to talk to ! :D

    So currently I have decided to become vegetarianism my permanent lifestyle. I use to go on and off but now I've made the decision onto making it permanent. When I first started I gradually winged myself off of meat meaning...

    First- I started with the red meats. - Instead of having it twice a day, I cut back having it once a day. I took me personally about a week or so to cut back from red meats .
    Then, I made sure I incorporated more veggies into my meals daily. More veggies = more healthy full longer. When I started doing that I also cut back on my white meats. I would try and have white meat twice a week.

    During time I slowly just stopped eating meat completely but I still eat fish and shellfish :D

    Hope this helps alittle !
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Your path seems to be very similar to mine. I had started researching vegetarianism – mostly the ethical animal issue but also the human health and wellness factors – decided to transition but, through my research, I just decided transition wasn't necessary. I woke up one day and never ate meat again (unless you count accidentally swallowing a bug while riding my bike. :laugh: ) I have never looked back. I feel like every aspect of my health has improved – physical, mental and spiritual. Feel free to add me and/or message me anytime.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    I'm not really the best person to be giving advice, as I love my carbs a bit too much, but I've been vegetarian for nearly 4 years now. What I would definitely suggest is that you go in phases -- especially if you want to become vegan eventually. I cut meat out of my diet overnight, but I didn't even like meat so that wasn't a problem for me. However, giving up dairy and eggs would be majorly difficult and I think if you try to just do it "cold turkey" you'd be more likely to fall off the bandwagon. Start with being a vegetarian and consider the vegan option later.

    I have no immediate intentions of becoming vegan, although I do like to experiment with vegan alternatives almond milk instead of regular milk, etc. You could probably try this approach to introduce vegetarianism to start you off nice and slowly.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    You can do it (and leave more delicious meat for me in the process)!

    I could never give up bacon.
  • haileyro
    haileyro Posts: 38 Member
    this is good advice, with the vegan aspect later. i think i agree with it- its just too much cutting out too quickly so I will see how I do with vegetarian over the next bit. thank you!