P90X started April 12th

JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello all,

I started round 2 of P90X on the 12th. I decided to follow the classic schedule. There are a few things I am doing differently with this round. I teach Turbo Kick two days a week and run 4-5 days a week. Since I have this added cardio, I will probably skip KenpoX most weeks. I am also experimenting with the pull-up bar this time. My first round, I was too scared to use it and resorted to heavy resistance bands with the door attachment. For week 1, I used the chair to assist me and I was sore the days after! My goal is to do at least two without the chair.

Is anyone else doing P90X and just started recently or will be starting soon? Please join me here for support, tips and motivation. I'd love the company! :happy:


  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I just finished day 2 of my second week of classic. I use bands because I have no place for a chin up bar. When I am at the playground with my kids I try to do some. I can't get up yet though lol
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I am on my first recovery week of the Lean program. After I complete Lean then I will move on to Classic.

    I'm having diet problems. I have really bad willpower and still eat anything I want so I'm not noticing a whole lot of change yet. It's a work in progress! I'm loving it though! This is the longest I've stuck with any specific routine, aside from running!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    mommyhof3 and klouttit, welcome! I never thought about going to a playground to try a chip up, great idea! Okay, new goal....do at least 2 pull ups at a nearby park within 90 days! :laugh:
    Choosing whole, nutritious foods is probably 80% of the factors leading to success. klouttit, tell yourself you have GREAT willpower and eventually you will! Positive thinking helps more than you can imagine. What are your trigger foods? Let me know if you need some ideas or suggestions.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    mommyhof3 and klouttit, welcome! I never thought about going to a playground to try a chip up, great idea! Okay, new goal....do at least 2 pull ups at a nearby park within 90 days! :laugh:
    Choosing whole, nutritious foods is probably 80% of the factors leading to success. klouttit, tell yourself you have GREAT willpower and eventually you will! Positive thinking helps more than you can imagine. What are your trigger foods? Let me know if you need some ideas or suggestions.

    Trigger foods...chocolate! I used to keep peanut M&M's in the freezer but I could never just stop at 10 so I don't do that anymore. I also love fries.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I know my trigger foods so I NEVER buy them. Gourmet jelly beans are my trigger and I can sit and eat a whole bag in a day. I just bypass them. Leave them in the store. Actually one night I broke down and went to the store to buy some and they were all out lol Good thing for me
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I just bought the DVDs and am starting day # 1 tomorrow. Honestly, I'm not totally sure what to expect! Currently I run 4-5 days per week, do a suspension band TRX class twice a week and one day of other weights/strength training on my own. I'm really interested in more definition and tone and have heard so much about this that I wanted to try it. My fiance is doing these too, actually started last week and loves it so far, so here goes!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    mommyhof3 and klouttit, welcome! I never thought about going to a playground to try a chip up, great idea! Okay, new goal....do at least 2 pull ups at a nearby park within 90 days! :laugh:
    Choosing whole, nutritious foods is probably 80% of the factors leading to success. klouttit, tell yourself you have GREAT willpower and eventually you will! Positive thinking helps more than you can imagine. What are your trigger foods? Let me know if you need some ideas or suggestions.

    Trigger foods...chocolate! I used to keep peanut M&M's in the freezer but I could never just stop at 10 so I don't do that anymore. I also love fries.

    I hear you girl! Chocolate is a tough one. I try not to buy it unless it is dark chocolate. I go for the 70% or above. Here's a trick, I break up squares and put a them in snack bags for individual servings. If I allow myself one bag per day, I am happy. It's so rich in flavor. I can't buy M&M's, they are addicting! LOL!
    Have you tried making homemade fries with sliced potatoes or yams tossed in olive oil? So good!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I know my trigger foods so I NEVER buy them. Gourmet jelly beans are my trigger and I can sit and eat a whole bag in a day. I just bypass them. Leave them in the store. Actually one night I broke down and went to the store to buy some and they were all out lol Good thing for me

    It's like the jelly bean gods were against you! It's a sign! :wink:
    I have to walk VERY quickly past the icecream aisle at the store. That's my trigger and I just can't have it in the house. I might make my own popsicles with pureed fruit this summer to help.
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I just bought the DVDs and am starting day # 1 tomorrow. Honestly, I'm not totally sure what to expect! Currently I run 4-5 days per week, do a suspension band TRX class twice a week and one day of other weights/strength training on my own. I'm really interested in more definition and tone and have heard so much about this that I wanted to try it. My fiance is doing these too, actually started last week and loves it so far, so here goes!

    Welcome!! I'll be here for support if you need advice on how to fit running in. I was training for a marathon the first time I did it and am doing the same now. Which schedule are you going to follow? Classic or Lean? That's awesome your fiance is with you on this!!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    So now I know what everyone is talking about! Ok, so chest and back was intense and I wasn't able to do the pull up/chin up part yet because I don't yet have a bar at home, but Ab Ripper X was intense! I had illusions of being in decent shape before that, I honestly couldn't finish some of the exercises. So, things to work towards...

    JessicaFB, what is the difference between classic and lean? And I am interested to know how you worked your running schedule around the workouts. I ran 6 mi today b/c it seemed more like strength and then was thinking I would just do plyometrics alone tomorrow?
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    So now I know what everyone is talking about! Ok, so chest and back was intense and I wasn't able to do the pull up/chin up part yet because I don't yet have a bar at home, but Ab Ripper X was intense! I had illusions of being in decent shape before that, I honestly couldn't finish some of the exercises. So, things to work towards...

    JessicaFB, what is the difference between classic and lean? And I am interested to know how you worked your running schedule around the workouts. I ran 6 mi today b/c it seemed more like strength and then was thinking I would just do plyometrics alone tomorrow?

    Nice job on getting started! The first few weeks are always humbling. P90X will give you so much room to improve and challenge yourself. Don't get discouraged and just keep pushing play! Listen to your body and go at your own pace.

    There are different calendars for the Lean and Classic schedule in the program booklet. I think Classic has one more weight lifting day and incorporates plyometrics. To fit my running in, I try to do the weight lifting in the morning and run in the evening. On plyo day, I don't run. To work with my schedule, I skip Kenpo to fit a run in. Kenpo is similar to kickboxing. I teach a kickboxing-like class two nights, so I have that covered. Kenpo is a great workout though. It's a tough balance. If I feel to tired to run, I don't. I hope this helps!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Today was the start of week 2. I did Chest/Back & Ab ripper this morning. I tried the pull-up bar with chair again. I also used the push-up handles for the first time. Wow, does that make it tough! I predict a sore body when I get out of bed tomorrow.

    How did all your workouts go today?
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I just started doing the classic version a week ago. MANY sore muscles since then! I too have a problem with pullups- I use the chair every time (I have a pull-up bar at home). I would LOVE to be able to do at least 2-3 without the chair. Any tips on how to improve?

    As far as the nutrition goes- I know the first phase is the "high protein" type phase, but, being a (poor) college student, I can't exactly afford pricey protein powders/bars or anything like that or the recovery drinks that they advertise. I also don't eat meat or dairy (personal choice) so I'm having a really hard time figuring out where I can get enough protein. Any suggestions?

    I ran a half-marathon last summer and I would like to start training for a full marathon. I'm recovering from an ankle/achilles injury so I'm really starting from the very bottom (only ran 2 miles yesterday after not running for a couple of weeks) and would be interested in seeing how I can incorporate running into this workout as well.

    I thought I was in decent shape too but the Ab Ripper X really kicked my butt!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I just started doing the classic version a week ago. MANY sore muscles since then! I too have a problem with pullups- I use the chair every time (I have a pull-up bar at home). I would LOVE to be able to do at least 2-3 without the chair. Any tips on how to improve?

    As far as the nutrition goes- I know the first phase is the "high protein" type phase, but, being a (poor) college student, I can't exactly afford pricey protein powders/bars or anything like that or the recovery drinks that they advertise. I also don't eat meat or dairy (personal choice) so I'm having a really hard time figuring out where I can get enough protein. Any suggestions?

    I ran a half-marathon last summer and I would like to start training for a full marathon. I'm recovering from an ankle/achilles injury so I'm really starting from the very bottom (only ran 2 miles yesterday after not running for a couple of weeks) and would be interested in seeing how I can incorporate running into this workout as well.

    I thought I was in decent shape too but the Ab Ripper X really kicked my butt!

    We're totally in the same boat with the pull-ups. I am still using the chair. I guess the only way we'll improve is if we keep pushing PLAY!!
    Let me think...protein not from meat or dairy. I don't really follow the P90X nutrition plan. Do you eat eggs? I make a bunch of hard-boiled every week to have as a snack or add to my breakfast. Don't fear the yolk; there are a lot of nutrients there. Nuts and seeds are a good source. I buy bags of raw nuts from trader joe's and measure out single servings and put them in baggies. Do you eat fish? Quinoa is a high-protein grain you can try.
    I would complete P90X before diving into marathon training, especially after an injury. Slowly build up your miles by no more than a 10% increase each week. You can replace some of the cardio workouts (kenpo, plyo, cardioX) for a run. Try to keep plyo most weeks. It really does help you become a stronger runner, especially up hills!
    I hope you've found this helpful.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I know my trigger foods so I NEVER buy them. Gourmet jelly beans are my trigger and I can sit and eat a whole bag in a day. I just bypass them. Leave them in the store. Actually one night I broke down and went to the store to buy some and they were all out lol Good thing for me

    It's like the jelly bean gods were against you! It's a sign! :wink:
    I have to walk VERY quickly past the icecream aisle at the store. That's my trigger and I just can't have it in the house. I might make my own popsicles with pureed fruit this summer to help.

    I bought jelly beans today and I took out a serving (30 jelly beans) and savored them. Then I logged them and I still have 500 calories left over which I did not eat. I don't eat after 9pm.

    On another note, does anyone have to force themselves to do the Yoga? I hate the Yoga
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    Thanks JessicaFB! I do plan on taking it slow with the marathon training. My goal is to do one SOMETIME in my lifetime but it might wait until next year (lots going on with graduating, moving, etc). I really enjoy running though so I will probably incorporate shorter runs into my p90x workout. Thanks for the advice!

    Starting week 2 today!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    mommyhof3: What you did with those jelly beans is awesome! Moderation and willpower are key. Way to go!! YogaX is a tough one for me to get through too. Every time I do it, I try to really be aware of how it makes me feel at the end. It really relaxes me and makes my chronically tight hamstrings, hips and back feel so much better. That feeling is what motivates me to start the workout.

    MegKacz: You're welcome! I am sure you will reach that goal when things settle down! Woohoo to week 2!!! :bigsmile:
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    Week 2, Day 1 Down. Chest and back is a KILLER. I'm really hoping that I can improve this workout. I struggle with upper body strength and so pushups and pull ups are definitely my weak point!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Day 11 today! I did X stretch instead of yoga X because I was running short on time this morning. I will do yoga this weekend. Tonight, I plan to run 9 miles, so the stretching was sooooooo good!!!
    If any of you are on facebook, I have a support thread going. I have a fanpage called Independent Beachbody Coach Jessica. Under discussions, there is P90X support group. Come check us out if you need some extra encouragement. All the people there started on the 12th.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Week one day three today. Plyometrics yesterday was intense but I liked it (only after I was done!) Ab ripper X continues to kick my butt, hopefully one day I'll actually be able to do all those moves (those V-ups!). Yeah, I've decided to not run on my plyometrics days but I am going to run again tomorrow with yoga. It's nice to find runners on here too. I am planning on running another marathon (it's been four years since my last!) but I'm looking at November/December races. I'm currently more or less maintaining while I do the P90x but would like to get my weekend long runs back to around 8 instead of the 6 that I'm at right now. So far so good!
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