I've lost my motivation!

Okay, so I seem to have lost all of my motivation and drive. I feel like crap, haven't been exercising, try to watch what I'm eating but then just eat something awful for me, have gained 3 pounds back, and am miserable. It's been a month since I've lost my way. I think part of this is stemming from the fact that I'm broke, stressed out, running out (quickly) of my staple foods, and just plain don't feel like it. Bah! I was doing so well with getting up in the mornings and working out, putting myself on track for the rest of the day. I loved meeting my daily calories and workout goals. Now I don't even want to look or try. I really need to pull myself up by my bootstraps and get back to it...but I just can't find it in me! What's wrong with me!? :sad: I'm making myself go to Curves tonight and will find something healthy to make for dinner, but I want to WANT to workout and count everything like I was. I think maybe I've burned myself out...dunno...I'm going to try switching up my "treadmill Tues/Thurs" and do a workout video that is only about 30-45 minutes instead to see if that gets me back into it. Bah! Thanks for letting me vent. Sorry to be such a downer. Anyone have some extra motivation and drive that they could send over my way? LOL


  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Okay, so I seem to have lost all of my motivation and drive. I feel like crap, haven't been exercising, try to watch what I'm eating but then just eat something awful for me, have gained 3 pounds back, and am miserable. It's been a month since I've lost my way. I think part of this is stemming from the fact that I'm broke, stressed out, running out (quickly) of my staple foods, and just plain don't feel like it. Bah! I was doing so well with getting up in the mornings and working out, putting myself on track for the rest of the day. I loved meeting my daily calories and workout goals. Now I don't even want to look or try. I really need to pull myself up by my bootstraps and get back to it...but I just can't find it in me! What's wrong with me!? :sad: I'm making myself go to Curves tonight and will find something healthy to make for dinner, but I want to WANT to workout and count everything like I was. I think maybe I've burned myself out...dunno...I'm going to try switching up my "treadmill Tues/Thurs" and do a workout video that is only about 30-45 minutes instead to see if that gets me back into it. Bah! Thanks for letting me vent. Sorry to be such a downer. Anyone have some extra motivation and drive that they could send over my way? LOL
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    Broke, Stressed ou ? Thats the trouble. Try to resolve whats troubling you. Perhaps mild excercise to some light music. Yoga, or Tai chi for a while.Make sure your eating healthy. I think eating the right foods help. Aim for calming things. Hope you feel better soon. If you need to talk I'm here for you. Sincerely Anise
  • stricklandsam
    I feel like that on a regular basis.

    My suggestion... make the exercise more about fun. We all know that running on the treadmill can become boring, draging us away from our goal.
    Try calling a friend and going for a long walk with them instead of watching a movie, a cost effective move cause it's free.
    Play a new sport, something like racquetball (whether or not you're good at it doesn't matter) my roommate and I suck but that's part of the fun. The extra running around we do trying to catch up to the ball burns those extra calories just as well as running in place. Best part I feel like I've spent quality time with a friend, caught a laugh, met my goal and burned enough calories to have that piece of cake I eyeballed all day.

    Hope it helps. Stay strong!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey :smile: You obviously still have a shred of motivation left in there somewhere's or you wouldn't have bothered to post for support. SOOO Good for you for coming forward and venting instead of keeping it to yourself and not bothering to post about it. I have days where I feel similar, usually if I make myself eat healthy anyways I feel a whole lot better about my situation when I lay down at night for bed. I can then think, "Ok so life is hard and there are some crappy things that I can't control, but I CAN control what goes into my body and I'm doing it and I'm going to lose this weight!" I have a bad habit of talking to myself :laugh: Anyways, don't give up, get back on the horse. If you don't, you'll be looking at yourself 2 months from now and saying dammit if I had just stuck with it, I could be 15 pounds lighter by now. (or however much u may lose in that amount of time) Ok, done rambling, good luck!
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    I have felt the same way. After losing 22 pounds, it was like I hit a wall. I then gained a pound, lost 2.5 lb the following week and then today weighed in and gained 1.5 lb. I also haven't been going to the gym like I should. I don't know what happened to make me feel this way but it's like I just woke up and didn't want it as badly.

    My mind is turning a little. I tried on some shirts that were tight on me after having my baby and they all fit great and I don't want to gain that weight back.

    Give yourself time. Maybe your body is having too much with stress and is telling you to cool off for a while.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Kristie, I know you can do this. I know that motivation is something we all struggle with at one time or another. It is ok when you take a break but you can continue on. You are looking awesome and I know that you have the interest and you are still here. Take a deep breath and take it one step at a time. You can get past this.

    Make a plan for food. We are here for you. :flowerforyou:
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for all of your support. I love this site. :)
  • ctimmb01
    ctimmb01 Posts: 10
    :sad: I completely understand how you feel. I have been trying to lose weight since X-mas. I have reached 19.5 pounds but no more want to come off. I am mixing up the routine some but I am afraid of becoming bored and gaining weight back. I am in my early 30's but feel 50. In my mid 20's I was 125-130 but now I am 165, that is with the weight loss. I still want to lose at least 15-20 more pounds. I have done the weight loss in the past and had no problem but this time I want to make it the the goal and maintain it. I always tried fad in the past, well this is the thrid time. I always came to the 175 mark but the last time I reached my high of 184. I never thought I would ever weight that. I am 5'8" but still I never weighed that even at 9 months pregnant. But finding this sight and counting calories sure is making a difference. I sure hope you find your way, sounds like you just need to switch it up. What helped me is now that summer is coming I pictured myself in a bathing suit with my current weight and with my goal weight. knowing how great I could look sure is inspiration to keep losing. Just find the focus and I believe you can get back on track.