The most satisfying vegan dinner!

I have to give myself a little pat on the back for tonight's dinner... I don't usually like to cook for just myself, but I was in the mood!
Here's a little about my dinner:
It was three separate items. The first was a steamed kale salad with camalized onions and garlic. On to of the kale salad I put 1/4 cup of cooked quinoa. The second was a portion of a sweet potato that I cut into french fry slices and baked in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and a dash of salt and pepper. On the side for the "fries" I made a spicy avocado dip that was wonderful! The dip was 1/2 of an avocado that I added jalapeno, a little garlic and a little of the carmalized onion. I also added a dash of pepper, some fresh lemon (I was out of lime) and some chipotle powder along with about 2tbs vegetable stock and a little cilantro. I put it in a blender until it was the consistency of guacamole, and ta da!
A wonderful, yummy and healthy dinner! :)
