running and not working

just wondering if anyone else encountered this so i have been running for almost a month now, haven't noticed any change in weight so far, but also i still get really bad cramps like i have to stop after 10 min cause my stomach really starts hurting, anyone else experience this any tips help? lol


  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Are you following a program where you gradually increase your running time, like C25k? Maybe try something like that. I've been doing it for 4 weeks and I still get cramps and stitches in my shoulder when I start the next level. You just gotta build up your endurance and cardiovascular system.
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    Are you eating or drinking before you go? This can cause cramps for some. It also can bring in excess air that is trapped in your digestive tract.

    Make sure to practice controlled breathing, in through your nose, out through your mouth.

    If you get a cramp, try raising the arm on the side of your cramp high above your head for a bit.

    If nothing else, run until you start to feel an inkling of a cramp, slow your pace, control your breathing and then if and when it passes, resume your run.

  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    This used to happen to me. A doctor friend told me that it was commonly caused by consuming dairy products (though most people who consume dairy products and run will not get this type of stomach cramping...but a small percent do). I cut out most dairy and it fixed the problem. Might be worth looking into. :)
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    In response to not losing any weight in the month.... are you logging your food accurately?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Are they stomach cramps or are you getting a side stitch? If it's a stitch then it's from breathing. As someone above said, you need to control your breathing. When I first started running someone told me to try using my steps to control my breathing. For example, I would breath in every 3rd footfall and then out every 3rd footfall.

    Also, when you get a stitch try exhaling forcefully as you land on the foot that's on the same side as the stitch--so if the stitch is on your right side, force air out aggressively as you come down on your right foot. Repeat until the stitch is gone. The cross country coach at the HS where I work taught me that--I don't know why it works, but it does.

    Oh, and I dropped a bunch of weight when I started running, but I was still pretty heavy at that point.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    You can't out exercise a bad diet. Whatcha eat? How did you determine how much you should eat? And some strength training would help a bit too.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    I have to run on a completely empty stomach or wait at least a few hours after eating. Would try following C25K program or something similar and go slow to start til you build up some endurance.
  • weightlose88
    weightlose88 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone for so many quick responses, well sometimes i dont log but mostly my diet is good, and i read about eating and running so now i try to have atleast a 3 hour gap between my run and food.

    Other than that im going to try to gradual thing, i used to do alot of sports so i was used to running alot and i have the leg muscles for it and surprising my legs dont cramp just my stomach really starts to hurt.
    This used to happen to me. A doctor friend told me that it was commonly caused by consuming dairy products (though most people who consume dairy products and run will not get this type of stomach cramping...but a small percent do). I cut out most dairy and it fixed the problem. Might be worth looking into. :)

    Thats a great idea, im going to try to cut out diary, i do confuse some good amount of diary products especially milk,
    thanks for the suggestion will try this out with other things :)

    and hopefully ! its spring soon then i get to run outside, fresh air is so much better for unning
  • hanababe
    hanababe Posts: 16 Member
    Running is a much harder workout than other equipment like the elliptical. I feel like I can go farther and burn more calories on the elliptical, and you may find the same. I would switch up your cardio. Choose a different machine or try a group class instead of running for a while.