Zumba Instructor Training

Going to try to make a long story short..... my question is what is the instructor training like? Do you get breaks during the training? If so how often? I know every training will be different... I have been taking Zumba for a few years...and have a friend who works with parks and rec who is over the fitness classes and she has offered me a position as an instructor if I'll go get certified. I am a below knee amputee. I did a zumbathon that lasted a few hours and had to go a few times and dry my leg out b/c it got too sweaty... I don't want to pay for this certification which is over $200 and then them tell me I can't get it b/c I can't get through the training without taking multiple breaks to dry out my leg... usually it would be about once an hour or so.... I just have no idea what to expect and am SO hesitant in taking this training... with having a prosthesis there are some moves I just can't do... and I don't know if that would affect me with getting certified or not... I had someone tell me that if you pay for the certification class and go then you'll get certified.... but just want to make sure that I could take breaks if I needed...an all day event I know will be a little much... but I think I could get through it... I just wanted others opinions on it... Thanks in advance for your response!