skinny friends who eat tons of junk food

I've realized lately that even though I've been totally on track during the week, I always consume more calories than I plan on during the weekend because that's my social time, and everything my friends want to do involves food. The problem is they are all so tiny but they have really fast metabolisms, so they think nothing of downing an entire order of garlic fries as well as pizza and milkshakes all in the same meal. I know obviously the rules are different for me, and I'm done complaining or pitying myself for not having their metabolisms, but how can I prevent myself from giving in to temptation and eating the way they do?


  • escapeartist90210
    escapeartist90210 Posts: 56 Member
    Some people just naturally can eat more and that's not fair but then again when was life ever fair? I know it blows, I see dudes and chicks eat more than me but then I think, wait a's just food. Think body over food and I know from my friends that, they're actually hungry and their bodies are able to take on more calories efficiently.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Here's what I tell myself: "It's just food. They'll still be making the same stuff next time you come here. This is not a once in a lifetime opportunity."
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    This is a really interesting topic-- and one that I ponder about from time to time. I have a lot of naturally svelte friends who will eat a hamburger and shake in one meal, but if I hang out with them all day, I'll notice that they eat fairly light the rest of the day because they're simply not hungry after a big meal. A small snack here or there, lots of water, etc. I realized that *I* was the one with a warped sense of eating. *I* thought that you had to have 3 full meals a day with snacks in between (without considering that one of those meals was 3/4ths of my calorie allotment for the day . My thin friends are also counting calories, but they tend to do it unconsciously-- which is why they can maintain. There's also the fact-- as escapeartist alluded to, that because they don't yo-yo so much with their weight, they have an efficient metabolism.

    I think there are a lot more factors than the ones I mentioned. At least for me, when I look at my skinny friends, I notice a huge difference in our attitudes toward food and eating (that I am working to change for myself).
  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
    This is what I think, it's really will power. I know what you mean, I would love to eat like that too, but my goals are more important. It just takes will power.

    Also, I think this to myself (even though it's sort of awful) people who eat like that now, can't eat like that forever and stay thin. And I just think I let it catch up to me once, but I won't let it catch up to me again!!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I've realized lately that even though I've been totally on track during the week, I always consume more calories than I plan on during the weekend because that's my social time, and everything my friends want to do involves food. The problem is they are all so tiny but they have really fast metabolisms, so they think nothing of downing an entire order of garlic fries as well as pizza and milkshakes all in the same meal. I know obviously the rules are different for me, and I'm done complaining or pitying myself for not having their metabolisms, but how can I prevent myself from giving in to temptation and eating the way they do?

    Get new friends... LOL> J/K. My doc actually sort of explained this the last time I saw him (not at my request but I digress)... He said it is not rocket science... He said we all see folks that can seemingly eat anything they want to and not gain anything.. .others of us cannot. He said that in most cases, this is because they are simply more active throughout the day. This would explain the middle-aged spread that many of us gain as we go from more active jobs to the higher paying but more sedentary assignments as we progress in our careers. Actually though, it really goes beyond that... muscle tends to burn fat faster than fat so by building a strong muscle base and increasing your lean body mass, you can consume more calories at rest. Also we can all make up our lack of activity by increasing exercise. Therefore I would suggest increasing your activity level on the weekends if you can and enjoy the time with your friends. Also, even if they are having a milkshake, does not mean you cannot make a healthier choice at the same restaurant. Choose wise choices for you and join in with the revelry in moderation. Also, if you happen to go over a day or two a week, the world is not over (as long as you don't go over like 3000-4000 calories those days... just enjoy a day or so and eat a bit more moderately throughout the week. Best wishes as you continue your journey.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Define "tons".

    You'll find a lot of these people don't eat that much outside of these "big" meals you see them eat. I have a friend - skinny as a rail, just a couple centimeters shorter than me - and who weighs 50kg (110lbs); and I'm light for my height/weight of 5'5'/121lbs.

    Yet he eats junk food daily.

    Why is he thin, then? Well, since he too is trying to bulk up, I asked him what else he'd eaten (we were at McDonalds, I was eating a bar of Green&Blacks, he was eating a bigMac) - his response was "nothing". To put it straight, he just didn't really think or care about food all that much, except for when he was hungry.
    Completely foreign concept for most people.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    They probably eat the same amount of calories but substitute normal meals with something like soda and don't eat normal dinners like others.

    Plus, if they do have extremely high metabolisms they'll have opposite problems like not being able to gain muscle mass. It's just a different side of the coin. IE: Yea, they might have abs, but I'll trade a 6 pack for a girl who has a decent chest >_<
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Actually no, the rules aren't different for you.

    They eat well, they fuel themselves properly. This increases their metabolism. When you try to starve yourself (AKA, eat too little) your metabolism slows down. This is why the Anorexic girls (not saying you're one, just an example) have a hard time when they're trying to recover because their metabolism is completely shot.

    Also, these skinny friends of yours are active. Not necessarily meaning working out. But they're always moving around etc. People in Asia are thin because their lifestyle makes them move a lot, increasing their metabolism. Which is why many of them can eat butter deep fried in butter served on top of butter filled bread
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    To put it straight, he just didn't really think or care about food all that much, except for when he was hungry.
    Completely foreign concept for most people.

    This. There's no getting around the fact that if you eat more calories than you burn off you gain weight. Yes, some people do have more efficient metabolisms etc but honestly the main difference is probably how your friends eat when you're not watching them. Also notice do they actually finish everything? One of my problems is if it's there I'll eat it. So if I've got fries on my plate I keep eating. Skinny friends may have the same meal as me but if they're full they stop eating.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I would say for the vast majority of people like this, their eating will catch up to them as they get older if they don't eventually make some changes. I know it is so frustrating though!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    They don't have "fast metabolisms". They are just managing to intuitively eat right around their TDEE, so their weight stays about constant.

    Unless you have some medical condition, the rules are not different for you; they are exactly the same.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    There are exceptions though. My old roommate tall and lanky guy. His maintenance calories are insane. He sits and eats McDonalds and loses weight. He joined the Marines and I helped train with him and even they had trouble putting size on him. He gained a little bit of weight when they gave him double portions of everything, but when he got home and sat and did nothing he lost ALLL of his gainzzzz.

    To put it this way I think he's 6"4 and when he joined the Marines he was 143 lbs. He might have gotten up to 170 then is back to his skinny self again. He's not a particularly active person I know this because we became friends at work. We had the same schedule, we'd eat the same stuff, and I actually was more active them he was, but alas...The good news is... I can make gaaaainz way easier than he can.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    They don't have "fast metabolisms". They are just managing to intuitively eat right around their TDEE, so their weight stays about constant.

    Unless you have some medical condition, the rules are not different for you; they are exactly the same.


    They eat at a level that is equal to what they expend.

    You eat past that level.

    That's all there is to it.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    This is a really interesting topic-- and one that I ponder about from time to time. I have a lot of naturally svelte friends who will eat a hamburger and shake in one meal, but if I hang out with them all day, I'll notice that they eat fairly light the rest of the day because they're simply not hungry after a big meal. A small snack here or there, lots of water, etc. I realized that *I* was the one with a warped sense of eating. *I* thought that you had to have 3 full meals a day with snacks in between (without considering that one of those meals was 3/4ths of my calorie allotment for the day . My thin friends are also counting calories, but they tend to do it unconsciously-- which is why they can maintain. There's also the fact-- as escapeartist alluded to, that because they don't yo-yo so much with their weight, they have an efficient metabolism.

    I think there are a lot more factors than the ones I mentioned. At least for me, when I look at my skinny friends, I notice a huge difference in our attitudes toward food and eating (that I am working to change for myself).

    I agree with this. Although I agree that people can have variable metabolism. It's not that much of a difference. Your friends eating burgers, fries and shakes in one meal usually eat lighter the rest of the day. They actually debunked this myth one time between a skinny friend (who supposedly eats a lot) and a fat friend (who supposedly watches what she eats). They tracked their calorie intake for weeks and the fatter friend just simply eats more calories in a day. Perception is all relative. If you come with your "naturally thin" friend to go get your BMR tested. Their metabolism wouldn't be so much more different from you. It's not rocket science, they simply just eat more and move more thats why they weigh less.
  • alitap
    alitap Posts: 38 Member
    i do envy such friends...but you have to realize in order to introduce a good change in your life, you need to make sacrifices. plus, for all you know, they might be very unhealthy. just because they're skinny doesn't mean they might not have high cholesterol levels or diabetes....
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Maybe stuff yourself on salad and high fiber low cal foods so you will be too full to eat fried things when you go out?
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I used to be that skinny person that ate greasy food and didn't care. It's not worth getting jealous over. I hated it at the time. I used to get a lot more nasty comments about being almost underweight than I ever did when I was obese. I didn't feel like I had any more control of my weight and my metabolism when I was 105lbs than I did at 165 lbs (I'm 5'2"). I believe that my weight is controlled as much by my thyroid hormone levels as is is controlled by what I eat and how much I move.

    I also have a friend who is 95lbs that eats like that. It turns out she has Celiac disease. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. She eats, but she doesn't retain most of the nutrients. Her intestines let the food slide right through her without letting her have the benefits of eating. Trust me, when you have constant gas, diarrhea and you look like a skeleton, you would not be grateful to be eating so much high calorie food.

    Personally, I'd rather be fat.

    Besides, fast food isn't really worth getting jealous over or longing after. If we were talking about a farm fresh, home cooked meal, yeah, I'd want to eat that in quantity... but burgers, fries and shakes? Uh, no thanks.
  • lyndabraczynski
    try to choose a restaurant that offers their cravings but also some healthier choices like a smoothie in place of a milkshake skip the fries and one slice of veggie pizza can fit your plan. i have the same problem especially when I go home to visit.( I recently relocated). Anyway this is how I try to go with the flow without killing my diet. Good Luck
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    if you can't resist, have a couple of bites and throw it away
  • succubaeangel
    Define "tons".

    You'll find a lot of these people don't eat that much outside of these "big" meals you see them eat. I have a friend - skinny as a rail, just a couple centimeters shorter than me - and who weighs 50kg (110lbs); and I'm light for my height/weight of 5'5'/121lbs.

    Yet he eats junk food daily.

    Why is he thin, then? Well, since he too is trying to bulk up, I asked him what else he'd eaten (we were at McDonalds, I was eating a bar of Green&Blacks, he was eating a bigMac) - his response was "nothing". To put it straight, he just didn't really think or care about food all that much, except for when he was hungry.
    Completely foreign concept for most people.

    So true. Also, junk food is still junk-you can be normal weight and suffer heart attack because of the crap you've eaten all your life.
    Try not to think about food and enjoy hanging out with friends and not staring at the stuff they're devouring.