Upgrading our fitness- how do you become a better runner?

nursekj Posts: 100 Member
One of our Olympic gold medallists was talking about 'upgrading' her fitness after each sucessive race. She requires a huge amount of power to get her kayak up to speed then stamina to get her through the race. So I assume she would do a fair amount of weight training too.

It got me thinking if you did a different workout each day of the week but repeated those weeks over and over (but making yourself run harder, bike faster rpm) would muscle memory kick in or do you have to go through drastic workout changes every month?

I realise it depends on your sport. What do you suggest for running?

any tips would be appreciated


  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    How do you become a better runner? Practice.

    It completely depends on what your goals are, what time and resources you have and what your current abilities are.

    I personally do run training with my coach 4 days a week, we do a lot of different things - different lengths, speed work, stair work, hill work, off road work, time work and just general form work. I'm only in training for the next 3 months before I break to strength training almost exclusively again so there's no need to change anything up except increasing distances and improving times (which we do EVERY week)

    On my off days I train myself, no running, usually strength and or HIIT. Bodyweight training, yoga or weights. I don't like to focus on my legs too much on off days because they get well worked with stairs/hills/sprints.