tell me if i'm right...?

basically I let myself go a little at dinner... I did fill up on mainly roasted root veggies and at least 2-3 cups of grapes and oranges, so it wasn't BAD junky food, but i definitely weigh 3 lbs heavier than i did this morning.

SO i know weigh ins at different times of the day will produce skewed measurements, but i just need to hear that the extra 3 lbs is water/food weight.. and that letting myself be 400 cals over my daily intake all because of the dumb fruits and veggies isn't going to be as influential on my weight loss as if i had been eating starchy carbs or even sugar?

i know this is a dumb post but i just really need to hear other people's thoughts.. thanks xoxo


  • GaryTeamrad
    Your right, even if ur wrong ur right learned never to argue with women lol,

    as its fruit would have thought it would run straight through you by the morning taking some extra with it.
  • GaryTeamrad
    damn forgot that pic was on there
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    you're fine. you will weight maybe five pounds more at night than the morning. don't stress about fluctuations. and one day, even if you went crazy, will not change your true weight by 3 lbs.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Try this.
    Put 16 oz of water in a glass and go to your scale. Put the glass aside and weigh yourself. Now drink the whole glass of water and weigh yourself again.
    What do you observe?
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Try this.
    Put 16 oz of water in a glass and go to your scale. Put the glass aside and weigh yourself. Now drink the whole glass of water and weigh yourself again.
    What do you observe?

    This is an excellent idea. I never considered doing that to prove to myself that the scale is not the best way to measure.

    To the OP, 3500= 1 lb, so 3lbs=10500. Did you eat 10,500 calories at dinner?

    If you did, you should not be worried about losing weight, and should instead become a professional competitive eater :wink:
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    basically I let myself go a little at dinner... I did fill up on mainly roasted root veggies and at least 2-3 cups of grapes and oranges, so it wasn't BAD junky food, but i definitely weigh 3 lbs heavier than i did this morning.

    SO i know weigh ins at different times of the day will produce skewed measurements, but i just need to hear that the extra 3 lbs is water/food weight.. and that letting myself be 400 cals over my daily intake all because of the dumb fruits and veggies isn't going to be as influential on my weight loss as if i had been eating starchy carbs or even sugar?

    i know this is a dumb post but i just really need to hear other people's thoughts.. thanks xoxo

    Water weight or food weight. A 400kcal surplus is nothing - probably still in a deficit by the end of the week with that.

    If you ate a lot of fibre with the meal, that could've done it. Bloats me up something terrible and gives me gas like mad. Then again, MY idea of "a lot" of fibre is a whole KG of pumpkin smothered in butter, cinnamon and stevia, so maybe I'm just stupid.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    and that letting myself be 400 cals over my daily intake all because of the dumb fruits and veggies isn't going to be as influential on my weight loss as if i had been eating starchy carbs or even sugar?

    Firstly 400 calories over is 400 calories. It really doesn't matter what it was (except in terms of how full you feel and the nutrients you got).

    But if you're using MFP totals 400 calories over is still less than maintenance so it's not like you will have actually put on weight. There's no point at all to comparing morning and evening weights.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    You'll be fine; don't sweat it. :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Put your scale away. Weight yourself once a week at the most.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Your weight is not like a bank account... the effect of deposits and withdrawals are not instantly reflected in the account.

    Think of it more like a credit card... transactions are often posted two three days after the fact and show up on your bill at the end of the month.

    If you spend like a freak and don't pay down the credit... come weigh in time, your statement will freak you out. But if you make wise choices, and step away from the scale... you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

    In English.. don't weigh so often, and don't sweat a 3 lb change over a day. Rather watch for a trend
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Gaining three pounds of fat would require eating 10500 calories more than you burned for the day.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Try this.
    Put 16 oz of water in a glass and go to your scale. Put the glass aside and weigh yourself. Now drink the whole glass of water and weigh yourself again.
    What do you observe?

    OMG worst cliff hanger ever! dying to know what happened? someone please PM me the results, i don't keep a scale in the house for exaclty this reason. ahhhhhhh. might not be able to sleep until i know what happens?
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you are set for at least a one pound loss per week, you are still within your calorie allowance for a net loss (500 calorie deficit built in)... If you are set for a two pound loss per week, you are 600 cals under maintenance. If you are only 3 lbs heavier at the end of the day, you will likely wake up weighing equal to or less than you did yesterday morning.. even if not, there is a variance of a few pounds of water retention on a daily basis. Don't sweat the small stuff. If you only went over 400 calories, that is likely a good day.