free weight anxiety/spotters

hey everyone,

i'm sorta new (my first post, in fact), but i've been logging for about three weeks now. my main goal is to tone up/lose some weight (i'm a healthy weight to start with, so i'm going nice and slow.. :wink: ), and reading what i have been reading, lifting HEAVY WEIGHTS could help me out a lot.

my dilemma is: i go to the gym alone, and i feel SO self-conscious entering into the boys' club that is the free weight zone. i normally wouldn't care, and i do some moves (bicep curls, triceps, dips, pullups) over there regardless, but i'm nervous to try doing moves from stronglifts 5x5 (i'm basically nervous to do anything that requires the bar, since i feel like i should in theory have a spotter...).

i should add that i'm living in madrid, spain, and i am very not-spanish looking (strawberry blonde), and i HATE unwanted male attention....

does anyone have any suggestions about how to learn the moves while not looking like an idiot? videos/whatever? and is it necessary to have a spotter?

any ideas about how to get creepers to eff off?



  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    Hey, I know how you feel! It's quite scary going into a new environment where everyone seems to know what they're doing apart from you. Maybe you should go with one of PT's in the gym so they can help you at first. I also suggest seeking out some help from one of the guys in the free weight section! They're not all boneheads you know! Some of them are all too happy to help you! :)
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    It's not required to have a spotter.

    For squats make sure you have the safety rails up on the squat rack.

    For Bench, don't put the clips on after the weight, that way if you need to ditch the bar the weights will just slide off.

    The other lifts in SL's don't require a spotter.

    Lift light until you are confident with the lifts.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    First off, every time you are in the gym, go to the "boys" area that you are worried about and do one excercise there. Do this and you will slowly loose your fear. You don't have to do much at first but make it a personal goal that you will at least walk up there and do something if even for a minute.

    Youtube has a lot of video's on proper lifting.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Also, if you have a PT with you the first few times, no one will interrupt.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    hey everyone,

    i'm sorta new (my first post, in fact), but i've been logging for about three weeks now. my main goal is to tone up/lose some weight (i'm a healthy weight to start with, so i'm going nice and slow.. :wink: ), and reading what i have been reading, lifting HEAVY WEIGHTS could help me out a lot.

    my dilemma is: i go to the gym alone, and i feel SO self-conscious entering into the boys' club that is the free weight zone. i normally wouldn't care, and i do some moves (bicep curls, triceps, dips, pullups) over there regardless, but i'm nervous to try doing moves from stronglifts 5x5 (i'm basically nervous to do anything that requires the bar, since i feel like i should in theory have a spotter...).

    i should add that i'm living in madrid, spain, and i am very not-spanish looking (strawberry blonde), and i HATE unwanted male attention....

    does anyone have any suggestions about how to learn the moves while not looking like an idiot? videos/whatever? and is it necessary to have a spotter?

    any ideas about how to get creepers to eff off?


    If you're wanting to do Stronglifts, you can search Youtube for Stronglifts workout A and workout B and Medhi's videos will show up so you can see how to do each exercise. People are probably going to get sick of seeing me reccommend this, but can also get a copy of the book "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe on Amazon for about $10 USD. He explains a lot about form, and about how to do barbell exercise correctly.

    ETA: I don't think spotters are always necessary, just be sure to lift a little more carefully, and don't over-estimate yourself.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You tube Mark Rippetoe for form on exercises.

    I rarely lift with a spotter. Only when I'm doing about 91%1RM.

    With the whole guy thing I would say be open to the possibility that not all of them are trying to hit on you. Some of them DO want to help and some of them DO know what they're talking about.

    If you get a creepy vibe from them just tell them to stuff off in Spanish
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member

    With the whole guy thing I would say be open to the possibility that not all of them are trying to hit on you. Some of them DO want to help and some of them DO know what they're talking about.

    By the way, the only time I did struggle with a lift (OHP) a guy came over to help, and helped me rack the weight without dropping it... And that was the ONLY time any guy has actually approached me while lifting.
  • thissnbites
    thissnbites Posts: 17 Member
    thanks everyone, great advice and good points.

    it's not fair for me to assume most guys are being creeps... it's just been my experience a few times at the gym/especially in spain.. haha.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    With the whole guy thing I would say be open to the possibility that not all of them are trying to hit on you. Some of them DO want to help and some of them DO know what they're talking about.

    If you get a creepy vibe from them just tell them to stuff off in Spanish
    This. I only pretend the guys lifting weight to heavy for them (throwing the weight around with terrible form and doing half reps) are secretly doing it to impress me but I only pretend so I don't think they're stupid.

    Also recommending starting strength+stronglifts5x5