Stories of weight loss during injury??

I'm having a pity party. For the last three years I've had a lot of issues with my left leg/hip. I've tried everything, everyone has a theory on what it may be. A week an a half ago I had a cortisone shot in my bursa and this dr seemed so confident everything would be better. Well, starting last Wednesday I now have horrible hip/groin pain. I'm back to limping. I'll need to lay off the exercises I enjoy most - boxing, spinning, circuit training. Even core work seems to irritate it. I feel very discouraged. I want to be active. I'm going to have to give in and start swimming lengths (I really don't enjoy swimming).
Can anyone share stories of success even when unable to be active??


  • Kaathmandu
    Kaathmandu Posts: 129
    Hey, sorry about your hip.
    Years ago I had an avulsion fracture of my lateral malleolus - an ankle injury. I am a swimming teacher and an aquafitness instructor. The first class I did after my injury, I sat on a chair and told 'em what to do. That was not me. So the next class I got in and lead the class on one leg. As time went by, and healing happened, I was able to use my foot more. A friend who had the same injury - also an aqua instructor, kept teaching from the side. Took her two years to get over her injury. I was good as gold in six months.
    Then I had a motorbike accident. Long story short, I have permanent damage to my foot and ankle and use a walking stick to get around. As soon as my wounds were healed, I got in the water to do my own rehab. Before too long, I was back taking classes. I call water the great equalizer - few can keep up with me - even when I stacked on heeeeaps of weight after the accident. But it also is great exercise, keeping me fit and toned and burning those calories.
    Water, quite literally, takes the weight off your joint, your flexibility is increased and, with the resistance of water (fifteen times more than air) you are able to build up your muscles to help support you on land. There are days when I'm struggling with my foot and after a class it will feel much better.
    So, I guess I'm saying find a good instructor and take up aquafitness. A good one will be able to tell you what you need to be careful of and what you may need to modify. I know I will use boxing, cycling and circuit moves in my classes ... you may find you enjoy it.
    And ice! If you ever feel that burning twinge while working, ice your hip for 20minutes after class.
    Hope they find out what the problem is, so you know better how to treat it.
    Good luck :smile: