Here I go again

So this is the second time in my life that I have lost control.
The first time I was 189lbs which I managed to bring down to 121lbs in 2 years at the age of 28. These passed 2 years I have let myself go I think due to a life change (I went into business) and I just stopped exercise and ate whatever I found in front of me lol!!!
This is a pretty cool site as far as the calculation of food is concerned, the exercise and progress diaries and awesome. I also find the progress pictures posted on here incredibly inspiring!!
I know exactly what to do to get back to where I need to be and when I put my mind to something, it's done.
This time I'm doing a couple of things different. I am cutting out certain bad foods so that it will take me a shorter amount of time -than 2 years) to reach my goal. What's interesting is that I am so set and focused that I am not craving the bad foods. Kind of like when I quit smoking!
Cheers all!