Meals for one

rockerbaby2003 Posts: 42 Member
I live alone and have limited freezer space. Does anyone have ideas for small meals to make and freeze to rotate through? I'm not the best cook, but Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice are getting expensive buying all the time, though they are convenient!


  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    I work til 5 then after my commute home most nights everyone else is finished with dinner before I get here so I often do "single serve meals" my best investment has been my George Foreman grill. I can do frozen shrimp, chicken breast, fish ect very quickly on it. Add some veggies or single servings of rice and it's pretty easy and not to pricey. I will warn you I do tend to be a creature of habit which ends up getting me "burned out" on certain things so make sure you add some variety in there!
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    When we have extra chili or homemade veggie soup or goulash or just about anything we freeze the leftovers in single serving size containers. It makes it easy to get a quick lunch or dinner that way. It might be easier to find recipes for 2-4 servings and then freeze the extras. It will save you time too.
  • kelleyannclemons
    kelleyannclemons Posts: 71 Member
    One quick meal I enjoy making is chicken cordon bleu. Either buy the prepackaged frozen chicken tenderloin pieces, or take a chicken breast and use a meat mallet/tenderizer on it. I like to put a bit of cayenne pepper on the chicken before I dry pan fry or grill it. Then put a slice of swiss cheese and a couple slices of ham lunchmeat on top, put some water in a hot pan and cover to steam until the cheese is melted. Pair with some steamed veggies.
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    You could also cook chicken breasts ahead of time in the slow cooker. Shred it and freeze it. It thaws quickly and can easily be added to a serving of pasta, a salad, or a sandwich. Frozen individually packaged fish fillets are easy to prepare also.
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    I agree with the George Foreman grill. Although this is not the brand I have, my clamshell grill saves so mulch time! I am also noticing a lot of products have cooking directions for clamshells now. You won't regret getting one, unlike a juicer or any other small kitchen appliance (I seem to have a kitchen full of them)
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    Find some great crock pot meals and make those and freeze in small portions. I usually halve those recipes and freeze them since I only cook for myself and sometimes my bf too and one full recipe could fill up half my freezer.