Help keeping carbs low!

kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
Hello all!

So far on my weight loss journey, I have kept my carbs/fat/protein at 55/30/15 as suggested by MFP. I want to change it now to the highly recommended 40/30/30. My problem is I eat too many carbs! Since trying to eat healthier, I've been having more fruit, and my carbs are terribly high.

So my question is, what kinds of food/meals can everyone suggest to help me reduce my carbs down to 40%, and keep the rest 30-30?? Please keep in mind, I am a college student with very, very little time (and sometimes no time at all) to make big meals.

Thanks everyone!


    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I tend to have mainly fruit and veg as my carb content, with only two portions of bread/pasta/rice type carbs a day.

    This means I eat more meat, but it does make it dificult to keep your fat below 30% doing this unless you just eat chicken and haddock. My fat is closer to 35-40% most days.
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Start by cutting your portions in half also try eliminating bread and pasta or at least reducing it to once in awhile. Your carb intake will drop tremendously just by doing that.