Can't drop a pound!!!!!!!

ham0423 Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I recently have started dieting after years of never having to which makes this that much harder. I am 5' 7 3/4" and weigh about 162 right now. I know to some this isn't a big deal but I have been hyperthyroid for much of my life so I am use to about 130-135 on my body. Marriage seems to be a quick way to put on 25 pounds. I would like to lose 20 pounds in the next 6 months because my husband and I plan to start a family. I am 30 years old so I know that it won't be easy to lose the weight after the baby so better start being smart now. I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, cardio kick box, and also hip hop abs at least 3-4 times a week and I also walk 5 miles 3 days per week at a 4-4.5 mile pace. I eat about 1200-1300 net calories per day and have done so for about 2 months and so far haven't lost a pound. Does anyone know how to jump start this weight loss stuff because 2 months with no real progress (1 inch on the hip and 1/2 inch on the waist is all i have lost, no weight at all) isn't really cutting it for me. I am really getting frustrated.


  • I have a theory on exercise, diet and weight loss for women regarding that very problem.

    ME: Time to eat right, exercise.
    MY BODY: Oh yeah?
    ME: I will lose weight.
    MY BODY: You think so, huh?
    ME: Seriously. I'm dieting, exercising, and as a direct consequence, I will lose weight.
    MY BODY: Not if I have anything to say on the matter.
    ME: You're on, b**ch.

    I guess it isn't a theory.
  • Callmecj
    Callmecj Posts: 2
    there are a few things that might help, not sure if you are already doing them or not.
    1st make sure you get all of your 8 glasses of water in.
    2nd you might want to increase your calories a little, your body might be holding onto your weight because it thinks it is starving and needs to keep what it has because it isnt going to get more. try increasing it to 1500-1600 for a couple weeks and see if you get some change.
    3rd make sure you are getting the right kinda calories for you motabolizm.. you should check what kinda oxadizer you are.. fast, slow, balanced, and then eat the foods that your body needs.(Jillians book, winning by losing is a good resorce for looking into this)
    4th make sure you get 7-8 hrs of sleep so that your body can recoporate.
    5th try mixing up how many calories you get in one day... so do 1500 one day and 1350 the next and then 1600 the next and so forth.. that way you keep your body guessing and it can help get you jumpstarted

    above all.. keep strong and dont give up, your on the right track
  • hmmm that is strange... have you tried doing some kind of cleansing? usually with that alone will help jump start the weight loss. look into it. and try. something to clean your system :)

    hope that helps you
  • ham0423
    ham0423 Posts: 6
    Oh good so I am not alone in this. DangerJones, I loved the theory and think my body may be in cahoots with yours because it has that same theory. Callmecj, I already try to get at least 8 glasses of water a day sometimes more. I may try the increase of calories and switching it up a bit to see how that works. I will have to see what kind of calories I do use. I may have to look into that book, hopefully I can find it, I am overseas with my military husband that makes it hard. I hope these tips work though because I need something. Thanks to both of you.
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    ham what did they do to help your thyroid? a lot of the hyperthyroid cures can make you hypothyroid which makes it harder to lose weight. are you on thyroid replacement medication now?
  • lmurdock42
    lmurdock42 Posts: 4 Member
    def make sure you are eating enough calories. you are a little taller than me by 2 inches and it says on here that if i were to lay in bed and do nothing all day i should eat at least 1600 calories. so if you are working out, on those days you may need a few extra calories. really try and use the exercise and database b/c it really helps. and may want to get your thyroid checked again.
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    I recently started dieting so I haven't lost that much, from previous dieting experience (and there have been quite a few, some more successful than others...) although i haven't lost weight as such do notice less body volume, to some how describe it. So don't despair keep at it you are actually doing well although it may take a bit longer than expected.

    Geripink, 37 :flowerforyou:
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with geekyjen - have your thyroid checked as it can go from hyper to hypo. And yep, marriage weight does seem to show up and is hard to lose. I was just TOO comfy and then kids and my thyroid added to it. Mix up your routine. My part-time fitness trainer at work swears by working out in the morning to rev up your metabolism. He also eats ALL DAY LONG! I do better when I have 4-5 small meals/snacks, too, but it is very hard because you are never quite full. You really have to plan your food that way, but it really does work.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    My body did this at first too. I was dieting on my own (eating 1200-1300 cals a day) and exercising 6 days a week. I just couldn't drop the weight. I started here. I dropped my exercise to 3 days per week, ate my exercise calories, corrected a Vitamin D deficiency, and dropped 11 pounds in 5 weeks. I'm now exercising 6 days a week again but still able to lose now. I think I had to work my way into doing so much exercise. Going from nothing to pushing it most days kinda threw my body into shock.
  • ham0423
    ham0423 Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone for the support and the tips. I found the Jillian Michaels test online and found out I am eating a little wrong for my body type. Also I have had my thyroid tested about a month or so ago and everything was right in the normal range so unfortunately it is just my body saying "sorry lady you need to lose weight." :happy: I also am going to try to cut down my exercise for the next week or so then build it back up and see how that works, I am also doing a cleanser now so hopefully this combo helps.
  • ham0423
    ham0423 Posts: 6
    I finally started losing weight. I actually went up to 164 for a while and now I am at 158. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and ate whatever while I was gone (mostly fish and seafood because I love it and can't get it in Guam) and now I lose weight. I feel motivated again. I hope to keep this up.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Sounds like your body is finally starting to listen to you and your new life style, congrats. :) As a side note, you were doing a lot of exercise - be sure you eat your exercise calories!

    Keep up the good work!
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