Fallen off the Bandwagon...

BrittneyIU08 Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Weeks ago when I discovered this site... I was addicted. I met some awesome people who I learned a lot of great things from but recently I have been being bad. College has trapped me. I want to go out, drink and make memories with my friends but this is making this whole weight loss thing difficult. Hangovers lead to me just stuffing my face to do anything to make myself feel better... or the 3am call the pizza place after a long night out has also been getting me. Of course, by 3am... 1200 calories is no big deal right? I am trying to find some drive and motivation to push myself to follow through with my goals. May 1st I am starting Slim in 6... I'm hoping that will help me. Plus I think summer will help because campus won't be as crazy. Fingers crossed :)


  • slim88
    slim88 Posts: 2
    I konw the feeling....the day after I go out drinking is a write off. I sit on my couch, unable to move, only able to dial delivery numbers on my phone and have as much fried food and diet coke in me as possible. THE WORST. This semester I have really tried to tone down the partying. Last semester I was all for going out 3 or 4 nights a week and could be easily convinced to have a few 'casual' drinks (that always turned into raging nights) on top of that. This semester I have been trying to plan ahead and decide what nights I go out and limiting it to two night per week max. I know this may seem lame at first, but its amazing how much more efficient I have been and how many different projects I have taken on! This shouldnt be too surprising, but you can really get caught up in partying and getting FOMO (great term my friends use meaning fear of missing out....I HATE IT!). Also, on the days I know I will go out (and inevitably eat pizza as drunk food) I make sure to eat very little. So during the day I will try to limit myself to fruits and veggies and maybe some chicken or cottage cheese for protein, so I dont feel too bad the next day when Ive eaten two peices of pizza. Also LOTS of water helps a hangover which helps with the fried food intake. When it comes to working out, I make sure to schedule in a loooooong workout the day before going out as the chances of exercising the next day are slim. Hot yoga in the evening is usually doable though and will help get rid of nasty toxins. Its all about balance here!
  • slim88
    slim88 Posts: 2
    I konw the feeling....the day after I go out drinking is a write off. I sit on my couch, unable to move, only able to dial delivery numbers on my phone and have as much fried food and diet coke in me as possible. THE WORST. This semester I have really tried to tone down the partying. Last semester I was all for going out 3 or 4 nights a week and could be easily convinced to have a few 'casual' drinks (that always turned into raging nights) on top of that. This semester I have been trying to plan ahead and decide what nights I go out and limiting it to two night per week max. I know this may seem lame at first, but its amazing how much more efficient I have been and how many different projects I have taken on! This shouldnt be too surprising, but you can really get caught up in partying and getting FOMO (great term my friends use meaning fear of missing out....I HATE IT!). Also, on the days I know I will go out (and inevitably eat pizza as drunk food) I make sure to eat very little. So during the day I will try to limit myself to fruits and veggies and maybe some chicken or cottage cheese for protein, so I dont feel too bad the next day when Ive eaten two peices of pizza. Also LOTS of water helps a hangover which helps with the fried food intake. When it comes to working out, I make sure to schedule in a loooooong workout the day before going out as the chances of exercising the next day are slim. Hot yoga in the evening is usually doable though and will help get rid of nasty toxins. Its all about balance here!
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    Awe college.LOL Dont beat yourself up for it, these are days you will look back on with a smile. You can do this I know it.

    Try limiting your drinks when you go out. Have 1 to 2 glasses of water between each drink. I know it sounds odd but it will cut back on the hangover in the morning and help you not get dehydrated as your dancing the night away. And try a salad instead of the 3am pizza or maybe a sub, I know most pizza places do those now. And remember carbs are a good way to kick the hangover so dont stuff your face just have some toast or a bagel with a tiny bit of butter.

    Hope I have helped a little but remember you dont want to remember this time as the years you had no fun because you were more worried about your weight. Trust me when Talonacat, who is one of my bests, and I look back we arent talking about what size pants were we wearing. Have fun.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I tend to party a bit and what I do is plan ahead. I will make sure I do some good exercise during the day. Always make sure you have some food in you before drinking though! I tend to drink post mix drinks with diet soft drink or soda water as opposed to the sugar filled premix cans. Before going to bed, I will make sure I have a good amount of water and I know you Americans will think I am crazy but about 4teaspoons of vegemite (as it has HEAPS of vitamin B in it) and this has been my sure fire hangover preventative.

    Then in the morning, I have been giving myself hangover exercise challenges :P See what sort of % of my sobre ability I have. Helps to sweat it all out quickly I find :)
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