discouraged and i don't want to give up but

I have been doing p90x this is going to be my third full week(i restarted week one because i wasn't pushing myself) so i decide to get on the scale... well it said that i have gained 3 lbs which makes me feel more confused than anything. especially because what i see the scale disagrees with. I see real change improvement, definition.. and i just cant explain the weight gain, i don't know if its muscle or fat... I guess in the end all that matters is how i feel and how i look. my clothes fit different, i feel more confident, but the scale tells a different story... what is it!


  • amillward27
    Muscle weighs more than fat! Also, it could be water intake. Don't get discouraged, keep up the good work! Just remember, how you look and feel is more important than how you weigh. If you have more definition, feel stronger, can exercise longer, and have clothes fitting looser then you are definitely doing things right :-) hang in there!
  • maemalcy
    maemalcy Posts: 31 Member
    hi.. i feel for you... i'm in the same situation here... i've been working hard at controlling my food intake and been exercising like mad but when i weigh in yesterday with my personal trainer, i logged in extra fat %!!! This is so frustrating... :(
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    that is VERY true. muscle mass weigh waaaay more than fat. soooo im sure its not fat that you gained like you said. you can see more definition and tone. soooo that has to be muscle that you just gained. :) dont get discourage about that. keep doing what you are doing. and you are right . its better to feel happy and confidence than to not. :)
  • electricgypsy
    electricgypsy Posts: 32 Member
    you got muscle!! check your measurements rather than weight and see if they've improved :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    More likely, your muscles are holding water for protection. If you're feeling sore, I guarantee this is the case. You might try taking a day off exercise, watching your sodium, drinking lots of water, and getting good sleep. Then try your weigh in again. Also, if it's close to your monthly you can hold 2-5 pounds of extra weight. I do this every single month. It's annoying but I don't freak out about it anymore. I just know it's going to happen.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    For the record, muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. They weigh the same. 1 pound of rice and 1 pound of steak is still going to be one pound - they just look different. Muscle is leaner and takes up less space but they weigh the same.

    But essentially... you will see a difference in your body & may "gain" weight but it's muscle. Don't fret!