Hi guys,

I've been working out now for two weeks , not something I've ever liked to do but I'm doing it anyway.

I'm 188, female, 26, 5ft 5. I started off eating about 1200 healthy calories a day in 3 meals. I lost around 30 pounds like that in the past before. I do Hip Hop Abs in the morning around 6am and Insanity about 7pm after work. I do this 6times a week as I my weekly Insanity break day is Saturday, whereas Hip Hop Abs is Sunday. I realised after week 1 that I'd gained 2pounds so looked up the BMR calculation and realised I was not eating enough calories for what I was expending. I decided to up my caloric intake using all the correct formulas as I was certain my body was in starvation mode. I was astounded that the calculation came out as 2315. I then decided to eat more frequently. The first day I lost 1pound after eating about 1900 calories. Eating that much was hard tho. The next day I upped it to 2400 but the weight has not helped things. When I started my Body Fat Percentage was 39%, it went down to 37.1% on the day I ate the 1900 calories but is now up to 37.7% after yesterday. I am also eating my 5th meal at around 9pm after my Insanity workout as I get home from work at 7pm.

I'm finding it really hard to figure out what my caloric intake should be. I'm not sure if my exercise regime is too intense. Am I working out at the wrong times? I am drinking enough water but because of my job not sleeping enough. I sleep about 6hrs a day. I'd love to do the Insanity in the morning but because of my apartment block, all that jumping could affect my neighbours. Please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong as I am tempted to go back to my original weight loss regime which was for me easier as it involved only walking. It's just that I don't get as fit as I want to be at the same time.

I look forward to hearing your tips.


  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    do you sleep after you eat your last meal??? cause if you eat and then go to sleep a little after that. you the food will basically still be in your body trying to digest. if not. then i dont know. but maybe try eating before you go work out.
    a body after eating and before going to sleep should be 3 hours before you head to bed. so the food can digest properly. and effectively.

    hope that helps :)
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    My thoughts are that you are over training. I am that way too, and really have to check myself. If I did all the activity in the day I wanted too, I would also be having to eat 2000+ calories. I find it hard enough when eating healthy to get in my 1500 or so(1200+whatever I burn in exercise). I use to do a morning 20-50 minute DVD workout, Wii Fit or Wii Biggest Loser at nap time (around 13:00) and then go to the gym for 1-2 hours of cardio. It is just too much. Especially if you are trying to loose weight. Slow it down a bit and that will shake your body up a bit too and get it to burn differently again. Make sure you get at least 1200 calories, including eating what you burn in your workouts. MFP calculates this in. It will add back in to your food diary the calories you log as burned in the exercise log. I am sure you know that it is just as important to eat enough as it is not too much. I hope this helps. Give it a week or two of less exercise and you should see a difference.
  • justesje
    justesje Posts: 37 Member
    @fabiolaenvy, I eat around 9 and sleep after midnight. I wake up at 5:30 again to workout I guess I'm not sleeping enough either. Thank you for your tip. Since I work 8:30 to 6:30 everyday, I guess I will need to take all my meals at work so I can digest my food properly. Thanks a lot.

    @Bleux, I will work on cutting down one exercise. I really would like to keep going with Insanity but as I mentioned, my neighbours will not be pleased with all that jumping. I will continue on with just Hip Hop Abs and when I complete that take on something else that is also less jumpy. That is great advice. Thank you so much.

    I will soldier on now with my newly found motivation. :smile:
  • rschwa
    rschwa Posts: 27
    Have you talked with your Beachbody Coach? They should be able to help you more with this, but offhand, yeah, I'd say you're trying to do too much and expecting too fine-grained results. Trying to tie a specific pound of weight gain or loss to a specific day's calorie intake or exercise output is futile - you need to stick with something consistent for a good couple of weeks before you can really make a call like that.
  • justesje
    justesje Posts: 37 Member
    @rschwa Thanks for your advice. I've stuck to the plan for two weeks now with not even a pound shifting. I began to alter my diet on Thursday after realising there was no change whatsoever. When I lost weight in the past, I'd lost at least 3/4 pounds by week two. I try to weigh myself fortnightly but I wanted to see if my caloric intake made a blind bit of difference at all. I will stick to one exercise regime and see how I fair on. Thank you