restrart today- this time no cheating

Hey, im sue 19 and I have tried to lose weight since I was 14. I went from 55 kg (which is now my goal weight) to 79 kg in these years due to bad diets, giving in and making excuses. The most common one was I will just start over tomorrow.
so this is my last try, with eating healthy 1200 cal, no sweets or junk food, and exercising everyday!
my workout includes the 30 day shred and running 30km a week.
I. Log everyday and my dairy is open, I do not have a lot friends on here so please add me for motivation, we can do thi together!!
oh my goal is it to loose 15 kg till 1. July!

sry for my spelling and grammar but I'm not English and in typing this on my mobile :P:P


  • Leahsz
    Leahsz Posts: 81
    Hi and welcome. I too started dieting at 14 and all it got me was an unhealthy relationship with food. At 19 and your activity level you need to eat more. Setting such a low calorie goal only sets you up for 'failure' - you will be hungry and you will cave in to junk food and you will feel bad about yourself. I wish someone had told me this when I was your age - restricting cals so much is not necessary. Do a search for ' in place of a roadmap' thread here, it's incredibly helpful.
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey, im sue 19 and I have tried to lose weight since I was 14. I went from 55 kg (which is now my goal weight) to 79 kg in these years due to bad diets, giving in and making excuses. The most common one was I will just start over tomorrow.
    so this is my last try, with eating healthy 1200 cal, no sweets or junk food, and exercising everyday!
    my workout includes the 30 day shred and running 30km a week.
    I. Log everyday and my dairy is open, I do not have a lot friends on here so please add me for motivation, we can do thi together!!
    oh my goal is it to loose 15 kg till 1. July!

    sry for my spelling and grammar but I'm not English and in typing this on my mobile :P:P

    If you are working out every day and running 30km/wk and weigh 79kg, you will need to increase your daily calories. 1200 will not be enough. New workouts and change in diets with too few calories often leads to failure within the first month. Think about increasing your calories some.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    If you do not supply your body with an energy source (food) then your body will hold on to it's energy reserves. (fat)

    You must eat more if you want to actuelly burn fat. Not to mention you will be much happier as you go through your weight loss endeavours.

    You need more then 1200 calories. My wife is 4' 10'' and she eats more then that and looses weight. If you are to restrictive on yourself then you will get frustrated and see little to no success.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    As I'm not a nutritionist, or anyone trained in that field, I will refrain from commenting on the caloric intake.

    However, as someone who has also fought their weight their entire life, and gone through MANY different "diets" that created taboo or severely limited restrictions on foods, I will say that these diets work as long as you follow them. But, once you are at goal, and begin expanding the menu again, the all fall apart, and your weight will start creeping back in a hurry.

    If you need to set up restrictions, know those are going to be short term while you adjust to the new, healthier, life style. Then, you can begin re-introducing them, but in limited quantities. This will stop or at least help prevent binge eating and some of the negative effects of eating "what you should not".

    Feel free to add me if you want. But, I will warn you that I will continue to stress there is NO bad food, just some not-so-healthy choices in the QUANTITY of food,
  • fitmedstudent
    fitmedstudent Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all so much!
    I really want it to work this time and I dont want to make major mistakes right at the beginning, so how many calories do you think I should be eating?
    And I think I agree with you and I will allow me some "bad" food from time to time if it fits into my calorie intake!
  • Leahsz
    Leahsz Posts: 81
    Maybe reset your goals in MFP and see what it gives you if you set it to lose 1/2 - 1 pound per week? I'm on 1800 - older than you and not as active!