I am back

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'd been having a rough couple of weeks, I either tried to stay on course but failed, or like this last week, just gave up altogether. Stopped logging food, stopped working out, gained back about 5 pounds in the last few weeks and ate out almost every day last week because I lacked any motivation to cook or go to the store.

But starting today I am back, I came too far to let it all go down the toilet. I am eating healthy today, I am back to drinking my water, I'm going for a walk on my lunch and going grocery shopping after work so I can cook tonight. I will lose what I gained back, and then lose the last 15 pounds to my goal. It's really crazy how bad being lazy can make you feel....I've been down in the dumps lately and couldn't figure out why, but I think it's been my poor diet and lack of exercise. The less you do, the more crappy you feel, resulting in not doing anything and round and round we go.

But today I am back and I WILL succeed! :happy:


  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Yes you will succeed. Hang in there!
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Welcome back! Hey, I'm in the same fight you are. I'm constantly falling off the wagon, especially with my food choices. I'm still fighting, though!
    Don't give up, ever.
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