SAHM 4/19 - 4/25



  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Melissa - Great job on all the weight loss! That's terrific!

    Dolphin - Hope you can get outside! Great way to burn a ton of calories and very satisfying to see your yard shape up!

    Katie - The bathroom looks awesome! (boys are super cute too) :P Glad you had a fun weekend....we all need times like that. :)

    Kim - long car rides are difficult! ;P When I was about 7 months pregnant with dd2 my hubby, daughter and I drove to MN straight without stopping except for bathroom breaks. That was rough! My legs swelled and didn't go down till about 2 months after having the kiddo! :P Hope the rest of your trip is fairly comfortable!

    Trish - It is not splurging to have a few treats to help you from falling off the bandwagon. As long as you are careful to maintain the correct amount of calories or else burn them off there is no problem. My mom would save up her calories over the week, so that at the end of the week she could have a nice treat. :P Whatever helps you to keep going without quitting! :)

    We think we have figured out the cause of the migraines I've been getting almost everyday the past 2 weeks. My old glasses! The nose pieces are almost non-existent and the ear pieces are no longer comfy. Went with contacts the past two days and no headaches! Whew. My workouts have not been happening due to these nasty headaches so I'll be glad to get new ones and be able to get back into the swing of things. On a plus side, I've been eating well so I've still been under my calorie count almost everyday. When I start working out I'm gonna need to find some things to help fill in those calories I'm burning. I'm thinking of splurging for lunch and having something other than PB&J. :)

    Hubby helped me clean the house up a bit today. We also started war on the backyard which will be continued tomorrow. It's such a great way to burn calories because it's so satisfying to see our yard start to shape up and become a nice place to spend time. :) My hubby is very grateful because I've been taking the kids all day and doing all the chores, etc while he's been taking a nice long break. He was dead on his feet and I didn't think it would be good for him to try and handle the kiddos on his own next week if he's exhausted. :P My parents are taking them for half the week so that should help. My mom was teasing me saying it takes 3 of them to do my job! lol! I'm so looking forward to this break. Ever since all the sickness and then headaches I've had a lot of trouble getting back into a good routine. I never had a chance to recover so this will be nice to recharge and plunge into the next long haul of cleaning and chasing kids around. :)

    Have a great hump day everyone!


    Goals for tomorrow:

    Pull more weeds and trim down the bushes in backyard
    Pay the bills
    make an appt for the eye doctor
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    val--that's great that you figured out the problem. hopefully you will not be sidelined by those headaches any more.
    isn't it amazing how many weeds grow thru the rocks in a desert?! dh just sprayed down the whole yard + sides the other night. i just don't have the desire/patience to go pick out all those weeds. not my cup of tea.
    anyway, keep up the good work!

    trish--i don't have a good answer. i think it depends on you, your personality, your tendencies, how long you've been at it, how ingrained your new habits are, etc etc.
    but also from what you describe, your splurges are within reason. kashi cookies--not 2 slices chocolate silk pie from village inn! kwim?
    so, i don't have any advice but am impressed yet again by how much you have achieved!!

    i changed my exercise goals for this week. aiming for 30min 4-5days. one hour is just not happening.
    this way i can feel like i accomplished something and don't give up b4 i even start.

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Trish ~ I agree with everyone else, I don't consider it cheating when you stick to your calories and it's not every meal is 'bad'!

    Val ~ Awesome news about the headaches, glad they are gone!

    Thanks for all the compliments on the bathroom!

    The other family decided to rent elsewhere!! The house is ours for the taking :):) Just waiting for him to email me the contract. Hoping we can bring it to legal tomorrow and then sign! So excited! A little nervous since we aren't actually going to see the property other than pictures...but I don't want a good one to get away, KWIM??
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Stacey - so true about those weeds! It's crazy especially after all the rain we had a month or so ago they just overtook the yard! Also, good idea about cutting back a bit on the exercise. It's better to do smaller amounts and develop the habit and then increase, than to try to bite off too much and never get it done! :)

    Kate - Yay about the house! I'm so glad it's all worked out! about half the weeds in the back yard pulled. THese are tougher, as half the backyard is grass so we use these little weed diggers. But slowly but surely it's being transformed from a wilderness into a functional space! Whew! Burned a lot of calories doing it. The weather was fantastic today! Never had to turn on the air, beautiful cool breezes flowing through the house. I was in heaven! :)

    So, I ate leftover dinner for lunch, half a quesidilla and then a bertolli's oven bake (half of it) and a piece of garlic cheese toast for dinner and I still have about 600 calories left! I was laughing to my hubby that this was a nice problem to have! I used to struggle to stay under and now I struggle to eat enough calories. It helps that I suddenly don't have a strong desire for chocolate, etc. Makes my stomach upset to eat too many sweets. Also, red meat no longer has the same seduction for me. :P I prefer chicken/turkey/etc. The occasional ground beef. :P But there is that dove chocolate bunny that has been sitting around being resisted since Easter. I may break off a few pieces as a reward for all my hard work. *wicked grin. to put the kiddos to bed. I'm super bummed....was going to have a baked chicken tonight with all kinds of veggies that bake with it. but forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer! :( So it is now thawing for tomrrow and tonight it's the quickie bertolli bake. *sigh At least I have something to look forward to for tomorrow!

    Have a great end to your week all!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    quiet this week....

    i went over my cals by 300. better than in the past. and i did not go have any more choc chips--nor did i bake anything!

    girls, my tummy is still a mess. i only feel ok for part of the day and i can't figure out what triggers it! i have an annual coming up soon and i'll ask him--get a referral to a gi maybe. i did 2 weeks of miralax but that didn't settle things out.
    i guess b/n now and the visit i will seriously limit milk and see if that helps. and try to do that more regular exercise to see how that helps. and no more macaroons---i think that may have set things off today. :(
    it's like as soon as i went sliding down the hill--my tummy rebelled. which makes sense. just thinking out loud here.

    i feel like i got a lot accomplished today and we're doing pretty well with limited tv this week for turn off the tv week.
    time to turn in--going to start a book abt a parrot who thought he/she was a dog. non-fxn

    see you in the AM!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stacey ~ Hopefully cutting out milk will help!

    Val ~ Thanks, we're pretty excited! And I ate your extra 600 cals yesterday! OOPS! Back on track today :)

    Here's some pics of the house if you're interested!


    I am the most excited about all the trees in the neighborhood, there aren't many down here, LOL!! I love the huge driveway for the kids riding bikes. And it has an invisible fence for Buddy. 4bed/2bath + an office, 2 Living areas...the landlord seems really nice and laid back. He will let us start rent in August if the get our security deposit to him before then. The contract looks pretty good so far, just a couple questions for him. We are hoping to get into legal today to have them look it over. The current tenant is calling me this afternoon so I can ask her questions. It's close to a park, and most important, the MALL!! (can you tell I live in a town where the highlight is going to Walmart?? I'm so excited to NOT have to shop there anymore!)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone!

    Katie- I like the house! It looks really nice!

    Stacey- I have the same issues now that I am older, I just can't eat the stuff that I used to. I have learned to live with it.

    Goodbye plateau!!!!!!! I am officially under the weight of my plateau! I weighed in at 164.8 this morning. :drinker:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie, I don't blame you for being twitterpated with that house-- I am, too!

    Stacey, tried acidophilus? We take it when we've got tummy issues. We get ours at the grocery store in the pharmacy. They come in large chewable tablets.

    Nicole, way to go, that's wonderful!

    Rainy today, so no playgroup. Slept awful last night. Body refuses to believe it needs to be 2 lbs lighter this week, LOL. Will get work done in studio today with Jazz. Grace has cough and sinus funk again, ugh! Didn't we just do this?
    Taco salad for dinner tonight.
    Positive note: In 5 weeks I will hopefully be 185 and no longer obese! At least that's what MFP says.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks for the advice trish--and the sympathy from you, katie and nicole.
    and trish--that's just sooooo close! you will get there!

    katie--i LOVE the house! can i move in too? hehe looks like a wonderful place for your family. :)

    goals today:
    get in that exercise!
    log my water to be sure i get to 50oz
    don't go over 1600 cals

    later chicas! have a GREAT morning!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    YAY Trish on the 185. It iwll be here before you know it! Bummer about Gracie! You guys are not having the best winter for the gambu are you?

    Stacey- I know you can reach those goals today!

    Kyle is taking his state testing this afternoon, I guess we will see how much I really taught him this year!:tongue:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Stacey - I know what you mean about tummy troubles with eating habits. :P Now all my old favorite treats give me tummy troubles. I hope its something easy to fix and that it calms down soon!

    Katie - The house looks awesome! I'm so excited for you! I hate moving in terms of the packing, moving and unpacking. But it's fun to be in a new neighborhood and house when it is an improvement. :) I'm jealous about the park....the only downfall to our new house is no park in the neighborhood to walk to. :(

    So...had some bloodwork done since I hadn't had a physical for about 5 years or so. Turns out my thyroid and cholesterol is high. Huh...I just figured the two little kiddos were what was making me tired and such. But the thyroid explains my tiredness and my headaches too. It wasn't super high, but I'm hoping when we get it taken care of I'll drop even more weight. :P Trying to think positive! Also, almost cut the tip of my finger off cutting up potatoes for my baked chicken. Got the bleeding to stop now just using Ibprofen to help stave off the achiness. Go figure. :P 3 days till I leave for my cruise! I'm super excited! Turns out they have a lap pool as well as their fitness center. Got my ipod all set for some runs on the elliptical machine but I'm super excited to swim again! Was a swimmer in highschool and college, but couldn't afford the gym membership so haven't been able to for a long time. It was my favorite way to stay in shape so that's another highlight for me (and will help keep the weight gain from being all 14 pounds back!) :P Have a happy Friday everyone!


    Goals for tomorrow:
    Pay bills
    clean the kitchen
    drink lots of water
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I'm still here! It has been extremely crazy around here since last Tuesday. MIL came in on the 13th to help out because Tony had his shoulder surgery on the 14th. So between taking care of him and the children, it's been hectic. He's healing well though, so that is a blessing. And on top of that, last weekend we realized we needed to make an extremely hard decision about our 13 yr old Great Pyrenees "puppy". She has really gone downhill the past couple of weeks. We couldn't do anything about it before Tony's post-op visit. We have an appointment at the vet tomorrow afternoon. She is such a part of the family. Samantha is especially attached to her. She will go over to love on Isabelle every chance she gets. I think Isabelle will actually listen to Samantha better than she listens to anyone else in the family! It's so cute to watch them together!

    On a more positive note, you runners have been such an inspiration to me! I actually ran for the first time on Saturday! Granted, short distances, twice, during my mile walk. I usually walk more, but knowing I was going to try running, I shortened the walk to make sure I could get back home! :laugh: The funny thing is that it's actually easier on my bad toe than the fast walking. I took 2 days off, but even after only running 4 days, I've noticed it's already starting to get easier. And yesterday, even tho my boss forgot that it was Administrative Professionals Day, he was majorly forgiven for that because he told me that it looked like I'd lost some weight! :bigsmile:

    I don't know if I'll be back on here before Monday considering how this weekend will probably go. But I wanted to let you all know that I'm still here, and you're still inspiring me!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Keeping up with the kids has been exhausting. You would think that running after that would get this weight off. I keep saying food is my drug of choice and it is such a struggle as I am awake the whole time. Glad to see Iam not alone in eating over calories.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    went over by 200 cals
    drank all my water

    did not walk--just too busy baking and keeping kids occupied and happy.
    dd1 did a cute milk jug decoupage project, i baked earth day bars and low fat lemon blueberry loaf (and there are the extra 200cals!), and dd1 made tissue paper flowers with neighbor boys and ds. that part was very cute!

    my tummy was SO MUCH better today!!! i did not have any direct milk (there was milk in the scr eggs, parm cheese sprinkled on dinner, and in the lemon blueberry loaf). also i had my oatmeal at lunch instead of bf. the eggs and toast seemed to hold me over better in the AM. hmmm...
    ***and NO cookies and NO chocolate!!!!*****

    will do the same tomorrow and see what happens. thanks for all the kind support! it's so silly, but when i can't digest right, i just altogether feel icky and irritated.

    val--sorry the blood results were not great--but at least you know why you haven't been feeling well. hope you get some results.
    michelle--hang in there. you have your hands full! and you ARE making progress. :)
    and amy--glad to hear from you, girl! that's wonderful that tony is making a smooth recovery so far. and how fab that your boss noticed your wt loss! wtg on the running, too! you have been a busy lady!

    don't know if i will exercise tom or not. want to look at some more rentals. choice #1--landlord being difficult abt cleaning up/painting the place. and i'm not spending my $ on it w/o a reduxn in rent!'s the biggest of the houses we've seen and the only one left that is 4 bedrooms....
    choice #2 got rented. bummer.
    so we'll see.

    sorry such a long post--gn ladies!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    GM! well, maintained this week.
    i would've liked to see a loss, but realistically my axns did not = losing wt.
    i still have today thru sunday to throw some exercise in the mix and hopefully that will help too!

    keeping my goals
    --50oz water to be logged
    --1500 cals
    --do something active and fun with kids :)
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Happy friday, not much to report this week. I'm feeling really good with my running and so amazed at how far I have come in such a short time. 10K still makes me a bit nervous but I know I can do it and i'm looking forward to seeing what my time will be. I also get to meet up with Nicole!! how cool is that!!
    We are headed out tonight for a weekend of camping, I won't be able to log in my food but i'm confident that I can do well and hope to see good numbers on monday :)
    hope everyone is having a great day, the sun is shining here so I need to get my kiddo's ready for our walk..
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Wow, what a busy week for me, I've been checking in and reading the posts, but just haven't had time to comment. Tis the season (springtime!) to be so busy.

    Stacey, hopefully you have figured out your tummy problems, we try to limit dairy in our house, we have one that has asthma, and it seems to exacerbate his asthma, so he doesn't get much dairy, for the rest of us, we just limit it, don't go overboard, and seems to be okay for us. Hope the rental hunting turns out for you.

    Michelle, I hear you on keeping up with the kids, I have 5 as well, range in age from 2-11 and it is truly exhausting, not just physically but emotionally. Oldest is in middle school this year, and it has been so challenging dealing with her, and all the changes, good luck!

    Amy, I'm glad to hear you started running, I seriously need to start, I know I can do it, just getting out there and finding the time, I can come up with a million excuses, hopefully soon, I'll just do it. Keep it up, I think you will love the rewards it brings.

    Nicole, YEAH on getting past the plateau, I think I've made it past my plateau as well, but I'm going to give it a few more days, I had the stomach bug earlier this week, so not sure if that factored in with the few pound weight loss or not, I think I'll weigh myself Monday.

    Well got to get busy with laundry and cleaning up the house a bit. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Amy - I'm sorry about your dog! :( But it's great to hear about your running!

    Stacey - So glad your tummy is doing better! Hope it keeps heading back to normal!

    Been working on cleaning up the house, finishing off any bills and stocking the fridge and cupboards for my hubby. Tomorrow I pack and Sunday it's off for my cruise!!!!!! I'm so excited to have a break! Planning on running on the ellipticals for 30 min everyday (have my Ipod all stocked with my favorite music) and swimming laps for 30 minutes a day. I'm so excited to have the workouts be the only energy draining activity. The rest of the time will be spent relaxing and sleeping and eating. :P I look forward to trying some new foods, and even better to practice making fun but healthy choices. (For example, at the poolside grill getting chicken instead of a big honking burger! What's ironic, chicken sounds yummier to me now.....way different than even a few months ago!) I'm so stoked!!!! Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll do my weigh in tomorrow and check in with you all then I'll be gone for a week!


    Goals for tomorrow -

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi all! yesterday was a GREAT day. went to 2 parks with kids. took ds and dd1 to sweet tomatoes for lunch (dd earned the outing for her great behav all week)--and controlled myself.

    found more rental properties that would work. and we are putting in an application on one of them today.
    it isn't perfect (3 bed instead of 4, and mstr just will barely fit our bed and so dresser will have to be elsewhere), but there is a HUGE bonus room which we will make good use of and nice size bckyrd w/grass. plus just walking a cpl blocks to HUGE park--covered, picnic, grass, bball, tennis cts, etc. plus this part of town has walking trails galore. so...put in an extra good wish that we can get this house and be settled on this matter.
    feeling VERY grateful.

    shera, glad that your week turned out well. amazing on the progress (and confidence lift) on your running. have fun camping! as for logging--i've used a small notebook to just track the kind/quantity of my food when i otherwise cdn't get to mfp. i didn't worry abt cals, just made careful choices. anyway, enjoy the great outdoors!

    val--your cruise sounds WWWWOOOONNNNDDDDEEERRRFFFFUUULLLL. enjoy this time for YOU!

    dolphin, enjoying that spring weather is so important. yesterday was perfect here. sun (but not summertime intense), gentle breeze to keep things cool, temp just right...ahhh. it was a pleasure to be out at the parks. :)
    hopin to do more of the same today.

    alright, time to get showered.
    trish--how's your hand???
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hands are doing well! Thanks for asking, Stacey :)
    Have been bandaid free for 2 days now. The wounds are ugly, but the new skin underneath looks healthy :)

    Met up with friend Laura at gym today (we are born a day apart & both love horses), and had a good workout. Completed my first 10 mile week! Hubby got paid yesterday, so I am getting some more new clothes today. He says he wants me to have a pretty new dress for church (and frankly, I would like one too!)

    Off to make up grocery list. Keep up the great work & have a wonderful day, girls!
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