Can someone take a look at my workout?

I have chronic ankle pain. Anyone able to take a look at my program and see if it makes sense? I assume all liability, no one but me is liable, I am the only one liable for what I do to myself. I tried my Day 1 this afternoon and it's been ok so far :)

Can't squat with weight, can't deadlift, gotta do something. Staying away from leg extension and leg press machines. Since I'm returning, starting with 4 weeks of highish reps. Narrow rep range to 8-10 for another four weeks, after that.*

Warm-up: 2-3x10-30, at least one from each group, 4-5 minimum


Feet-elevated hip thrusts (feet on ball or bench, well-supported up to knee)
Donkey kicks


Front kick, side kick, rear kick (left)
Front kick, side kick, rear kick (right)
BW squats (slowly! stop with pain)

Core or upper

Leg raise with reverse crunch
Pushups off ball
Scissor kicks

Day 1
2-3 x 8-15/20

Leg curl machine - use a 'size' setting higher than advised - leaves room to adjust or shift if uncomfortable
Dumbbell row
Glute ham raise
Dumbbell incline press
Cable kickbacks (attached high, even above knee), weighted
Lat pulldown
Stationary bike - quads addressed here. Start with 20-30 minutes no resistance; add resistance as strength increases; stop if painful; with improvement, intervals

Day 2

2-3 x 8-15/20

Leg curl machine
Overhead press
45 degree reverse hyper
Horizontal cable row
Cable kickbacks, weighted
Rowing machine, 20-30 minutes. Stop if painful. If foot placement on rower is only awkward, and not painful, position folded towels (or paper towels) to support & set ankle at a comfortable angle. If not - bike.

Off-days: Swimming with pull buoy, or taking GREAT CARE with ankle; Pilates.

When things hurt less: Bodyweight squats and lunges with limited ROM and/or distance between legs; single leg bodyweight movements for progression.

*Being extra careful


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I think the program looks pretty solid. I don't know if you're hitting the quads with enough strength resistance to build lean muscle though. I'm assuming that lunges are not possible due to your ankle pain? If you can do even bodyweight lunges (walking), that would be pretty effective, especially if you can put a little dip in walk (take a step, lunge, tiny up down dip, then rise to take next lunge, etc.). Another option for quads could be hack squat machine, if you have access to one? I warm-up on one with no plates and I actually feel it a bit on my quads.

    Here's a tricep exercise that you might be able to fit into your program. Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension ( May be a Day 2 exercise, right after horizontal cable row?

    All-in-all, for someone with ankle pain, I think this is a tremendous program. I admire your effort and dedication.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I think the program looks pretty solid. I don't know if you're hitting the quads with enough strength resistance to build lean muscle though. I'm assuming that lunges are not possible due to your ankle pain? If you can do even bodyweight lunges (walking), that would be pretty effective, especially if you can put a little dip in walk (take a step, lunge, tiny up down dip, then rise to take next lunge, etc.). Another option for quads could be hack squat machine, if you have access to one? I warm-up on one with no plates and I actually feel it a bit on my quads.

    Here's a tricep exercise that you might be able to fit into your program. Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension ( May be a Day 2 exercise, right after horizontal cable row?

    All-in-all, for someone with ankle pain, I think this is a tremendous program. I admire your effort and dedication.

    Oh wow, thank you! To be honest, I can't rightfully take your cred - I only tried to shuffle bits of existing programs together, with a bit of emphasis on things I wanted to work on (note the glutes everywhere, lol).

    It's very reassuring to get feedback that it's largely ok :)

    I'd try the hack squat, except just as the minute, my ankle can't really be trusted with comparable movements (leg press; squats with even 10lb dumbbells). But I'll try it, once things feel better, thank you!

    I've been staying away from lunges because there's pain, and also because I'm wobbly. Then again, that might be a reason to do them, if I pay attention and start with just a few repetitions.. I'm supposed to be doing calf stretches anyway, that's in the same family :)

    Thank you so much for responding - it's really appreciated!