Freaking *kitten* ~



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    they are tracking everyone's usage because they want you to do work. so why don't you do your job and follow policy.

    it frustrates me to think that people think that they are entitled to doing personal things on work time. you aren't being paid to track your nutrition diary, do it on your PERSONAL time.
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    They are watching?!! That is IT. I'm upgrading a much awesomer phone so I can do all of the fun stuff on breaks. I will also look busy when I am waiting for the bosses to show up for the meetings - the inevitable one straggler drives me bonkers.

    Shoot. I am already hog-tied to my computer and actual taking breaks is frowned on. Add to that the meetings with the donuts and the stress of unmanageable deadlines, and they might as well just add in a heart attack for fun. Grumble, grumble. I'll show them by getting skinny while they wonder how in the heck I have time for it. Time to hit the treadmill!!!
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    I try to plan , what i will eat the next day , as I do not have time to check MFP during my day.. There tends to be a reason why employers block programs such as MFP , and Facebook. It may be because they are a HUGE time suck and that is not what you are being paid for. Suck it up cupcake!
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I have an IPhone and downloaded the app for MFP. This has been handy when I am out for the day as well as working.
  • jquintinjr
    jquintinjr Posts: 191
    Could u use a proxy server maybe? or something
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    you might be able to use proxy. that always helped when i was at school i got to still use myspace and other site that i go on. just gotta be careful cause teachers were always watching lol

    they cant track that down. the only thing i can tell you is that. you might not be able to comment or anything. im not sure. but im sure you can keep track of your foods :)
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    im using the proxy right now :) the one im using is
    there is a lot you could use from. just depends which works best for you. just google it and you will find it at home before you go to work
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I work for a bank and they monitor EVERYTHING! We can't use proxy servers at work - all of them are blocked but I'm still able to use MFP because they're very big on work-life balance and wellness. Your workplace may not block the site. I think most workplaces have the same monitoring policy. I'd suggest trimming down usage - keeping it to breaks and lunch for now.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I'd just ask if you can use the site during breaks or lunch. Tell them it is for health purposes. Maybe they won't mind. My job supposedly tracks ours but I figure the "no-no" sites are blocked and I only do it when I'm on break. I only get on to log my water or if i eat something unexpected.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    they are tracking everyone's usage because they want you to do work. so why don't you do your job and follow policy.

    it frustrates me to think that people think that they are entitled to doing personal things on work time. you aren't being paid to track your nutrition diary, do it on your PERSONAL time.

    whatever ~ it's not like I'm not doing work (or sitting on here all day).....I need it to help track my calories too.
  • jquintinjr
    jquintinjr Posts: 191
    simona you can bypass blocking. run command prompt type in ping then a space then type the full web adress hit enter. it should give you an ip. something like #'s followed by . and : copy this full number then paste into your adress bar in your isp
  • sblim
    sblim Posts: 99
    Keep in mind that everyone is giving you potential things to bypass a certain type of block however all of your browsing activity will be logged by your company. You can't really get around that. If you use a proxy, the proxy will be logged and that in itself is probably enough to make them suspicious. Just make sure if you do try and go around it, they will still know you are doing something and it is quite easy to figure out if they want to research what sites you are doing. Anyways, in this environment, it probably isn't the best idea to give an employer a reason to terminate your employment. My 2 cents.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Keep in mind that everyone is giving you potential things to bypass a certain type of block however all of your browsing activity will be logged by your company. You can't really get around that. If you use a proxy, the proxy will be logged and that in itself is probably enough to make them suspicious. Just make sure if you do try and go around it, they will still know you are doing something and it is quite easy to figure out if they want to research what sites you are doing. Anyways, in this environment, it probably isn't the best idea to give an employer a reason to terminate your employment. My 2 cents.
    Same answer regarding the IP address.... if they seee and they see 1,000 entries they will wonder what that IP address/website is.

    Most people need the internet to do their job now a days, and they are not trying to catch everybody that visits a website that's not work related.
    I'm sure for a company to "start monitoring the internet" means that they are looking for someone that's abusing the internet. facebook, downloading movies, streaming video/radio - playing games etc.

    They will be looking at the top 10-15 websites that are visited for example and go from there.

    Seoid - Unless you have 10 other people all using MFP, you should be ok - Still not sure, be honest with your boss and ask them if it's ok to visit websites.

    Is it ok to check my lottery numbers?
    how about to see the weather/news/headlines/traffic reports?
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Just to let you know, the incognito features of chrome, safari, firefox or any other browsers have nothing to do with your work tracking you. If your work policy is to not use these sites, and they are tracking your usage, they will have a full record of all your visits to these sites regardless of what you do in your browser. My suggestion to you is to follow your work policy or risk losing your job.

    Please don't shoot the messenger, it is only that I work in the IT industry so I know what your company can do.

    If you want to know the technical aspects of this, feel free to private message me.
    I agree...keep your job and don't mess around on here if your not supposed to. Are you allowed to play online during lunch and breaks?
  • singcoz528
    singcoz528 Posts: 154
    When I know I can't get to the computer I plan my whole day out in the morning and stick to that plan. I pack snacks and a lunch and if I know I'm going out for lunch but don't know what I'm going to get I leave myslef a little calorie room and make sure to choose healthy. It seems to work for me!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Guy I knew had a work-around,,, had a back door. Surfed all day, porn, lotto, political stuff. He don't work here no more...

    Not worth it, comply with policy.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    they are tracking everyone's usage because they want you to do work. so why don't you do your job and follow policy.

    it frustrates me to think that people think that they are entitled to doing personal things on work time. you aren't being paid to track your nutrition diary, do it on your PERSONAL time.

    whatever ~ it's not like I'm not doing work (or sitting on here all day).....I need it to help track my calories too.

    right, but with certain positions there is a level of quality that is removed by surfing the net. track your calories on paper and add them at the end of the day. i don't even see the issue with doing that.