Why have I not lost?

chocolate_cake Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

I started this fitness plan last Monday and have RELIGIOUSLY been sticking to it, I have been out jogging and walking throughout the week....weighed myself this morning and I havn't lost 1lb!!!! I am absolutely gutted and feel like throwing in the towel but I soon came to my senses and knew that I had to continue!

Can anyone explain why I wouldn't have lost at all this week, my exercise gave me extra calories which I didn't use...should I have used them?

I'm seeing my dietician tomorrow night and hopefully she will shed some light on the issue but was just wondering if this had happened any of you



  • goldsguy
    goldsguy Posts: 58
    It could be a lot of things, as I have the same problem as far as not seeing any weight losses. 1 week is to soon to fret, give it some time and the pounds will fall. Just stay away from the Chocolate Cake :-)
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,385 Member
    It took a few weeks for my loss to kick in. My problem is the opposite of lots of folks on here. The weight is coming off, slowly, but almost no change in measurements. Maybe a male versus female thing. My weight went on pretty evenly so I guess it's no big deal.

    I wouldn't worry yet.
  • Like someone else said, 1 week is too early to throw in the towel. If you are eating right and not cheating, then what is happening is your body is adjusting to your new routine. Your body is getting use to how you are feeding and exercising it. The biggest thing not to do is skip any meals. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You need to give your body something to eat within the first 30-45 minutes after you get out of bed in the morning. If you do not, then your body will go into "starvation mode" and will stay there all day regardless what you do. It does this because it thinks you are not going to give it anything, so it fights to hold on to all of the stored fats and food you already have. Also, your body will start to chew away at the muscle while in starvation mode.

    Give it another couple weeks, or so. Also, you may want to do a full body cleanse to purge all of the bad stuff from your body.

    The weight will start to fall pretty soon...just stick to it.

  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    Just give it some more time before you really freak yourself out. Some people notice changes in measurements before seeing numbers change on the scale. If you stick to your routine, the pounds will eventually come off.
  • jessw86
    jessw86 Posts: 29
    I'm not sure how much exercise you're doing a day or weekly but I think it's beneficial to eat at least some of the calories you burn when you exercise. I know before I joined MFP I wasn't counting calories but I was trying to cut way back and it made me miserable on the days I exercised and it made it hard to stay on track because I would be really hungry! That makes sense because even after you stop the workout your muscles and body still need fuel and energy to keep going. I found afer i started eating some of my exercise calories that I didn't get as hungry as often and the weight came off a little easier. I agree with everyone else though one week is way too soon to get discouraged... keep it up and I'm sure you'll see results! Good luck.
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