Which is more important?

I am rarely home weekends and evenings (busy kids schedules and other activities) and therefore eat out a lot. I do really well during the week staying at or under my calorie goals, but usually go way over on the weekends. I don't usually eat any of my exercise calories back during the week, because I figured it would balance out with the excess on the weekend. However, I seem to have stalled in my weight loss. Which is more important, every day near your calorie goal - eating back exercise cals or staying at/under the goal for the week?


  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    i have no answer but i have the same problem where i eat great during the week and fail on weekends :/...puts me at maintence
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Ive noticed that I HAVE to stay at my cal goal everyday or the loss backs off. I dont eat my exercise cals either. Hope this helps!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eating correctly for your activity should result in a loss even if your over on the weekends, cause your week should balance out.. but if your jumping on the scale after your binge its not going to show anything. Of course huge deficits will cause you to stall as well.
  • mrslynch
    mrslynch Posts: 90 Member
    I just tallied up my weekend, and it put me just 652 cal over my weekly goal, which should still put me at a loss for the week. I appear to be up today, but I know I didn't drink much water over the weekend and was way over in sodium. So hopefully that's water weight... or at least some of it is...