No More Excuses -- Week 24

justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Great job everyone, after such a great week last week, I think we did still did quite well as a team. As you can see, yours truly put up some decent numbers for a change. Not sure if it was the stress about the Church BBQ or allergies (lots of allergy meds), but I have been losing weight all week without hardly trying. I have been pretty strict on my diet, but I actually stopped exercising on Thursday because I thought I was getting sick.

The best part about this week for me is this week I hit my goal weight. I haven't been in the 180s since I was single, and that was over 12 years ago. Keep up the good work everyone.


OK, who is going to put out the challenge for this week?


  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Great job to all the weight losers! Jack, wow way to go.

    I have a few suggestions for this week

    * Do something active at least 5 days this week.
    * Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day
    * Get your daily fruits and veggies in
    * Avoid processed or fast food. (This one will be tough for me:)

    Have a great week everyone. Hawkeye
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday team...Hope you are all doing well. Congrats to all the losers! I just got back from the gym and got in 30 minutes on the bike plus the Nautlus machines and my crunches and push-ups. I am still doing mostly girl push-ups with a few regular ones. I missed the gym every day last week except one so my goal this week is to make it to the gym 2 more days plus do some kind of cardio on the other 3 days and drink lots of water. I have to get the rest of this birthday cake outta here before I eat every bit of it.

    Jack...Way to go on hitting your goal weight. You are my inspiration! We need to see some before and after pictures of you!

    Ann...I hope your back feels better soon!

    Hawkeye...Thanks for the challenges. I have been pulling into the drive-thru way too often lately and then I can't figure out why I'm not losing anymore weight!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Great job to all the weight losers! Jack, wow way to go.

    I have a few suggestions for this week

    * Do something active at least 5 days this week.
    * Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day
    * Get your daily fruits and veggies in
    * Avoid processed or fast food. (This one will be tough for me:)

    Have a great week everyone. Hawkeye

    it will be my goal to do all of them!!!! The avoid fast food is going to be tough for me as well!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Great job everyone, after such a great week last week, I think we did still did quite well as a team. As you can see, yours truly put up some decent numbers for a change. Not sure if it was the stress about the Church BBQ or allergies (lots of allergy meds), but I have been losing weight all week without hardly trying. I have been pretty strict on my diet, but I actually stopped exercising on Thursday because I thought I was getting sick.

    The best part about this week for me is this week I hit my goal weight. I haven't been in the 180s since I was single, and that was over 12 years ago. Keep up the good work everyone.


    OK, who is going to put out the challenge for this week?

    WTG JACK!!!!! Congrats on hitting goal! I agree with Tammy....before and after pictures would be great!

    Everyone did great so let's keep this train rolling in the right direction!!! ;)
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I've decided I hate red. I challenge myself to be green next week. I don't know what happened, except too much partying.

    I road my bike 6 km tonight. Not much but a start for the 17 km on May 8th. I completed it and wasn't tired so I will try to go farther tomorrow. I also walked for an hour at lunch. So I hope by tomorrow I will get rid of that pound.

    Congratulations Jack - way to go.

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Great work all. Been really busy this last week. Went golfing yesturday for 9 holes, picked up the kids from Grandma's (they were there for the weekend), and now just getting ready ot go to step aerobics tonight. Will try to be more active on the board this week, but this is the start to our busy season, we are farmers.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...Not feeling well today. I think I may have strep. If I'm not better tomorrow I will go to the doctor. I've been laying on the couch most of the day eating ice cream. Sounds like a good weight loss plan, huh? I'll try to check in tomorrow.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Morning Team,

    Hope everyone is having a great active and healthy week so far.I normally do a mid week weigh in just to see how I am doing, but decided not to today. Right or wrong, I am thinking that by not knowing will keep me more focused on sticking to my plan. If I weigh in and see that I am under, I may slack off a bit and if I am over while it could motivate me to work harder, it may not. Anyway, we shall see what happens on Monday morning when I offically weigh in.

    Have a great rest of the week.

  • Good Morning everyone! I am looking forward to a great day today. I plan on eating great today. Not sure about exercise though, my knees are hurting really bad today. I hope you all have a great day!!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. All I can say for this week so far, is man have I blown the eating. Scale is tipping higher, not drinking my water. But I still am doing my step aerobics twice a week, and walking or treadmill on the off days. Will hopefully get back at it soon, but today will consist of fast food, then Friday we are talking about having a wing night.

    Tammy hope you are feeling better. Hope everying else is doind well.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning team!!!! Nice to see all the activity this week. Love reading everyone's posts.....

    Tammy...hope you feel better. STREP.....YUCK!!!!! will be seem to be able to "blow it" and still loose!!!! ;) You can still make smart choices with fast food!!! They are just harder.

    Hawkeye....I like your theory of weighing in. Actually I think the battery on my scale is caputze so it wouldn't work for me this morning so I didn't get to weigh either!!! But it wasn't because I chose not too. ;)

    Laura....Keep at it girl.. you can do this even when you hurt because you are making conscious decisions about your food intake.

    Ya seems like every month I am posting how someone dear to me has passed on. DAD GOME IT!!!! I have had a hard time dealing with all this this week because on Sunday, I learned of 2 very dear people that passed away on Sunday. One of which was my own personal "Music Man". I cried so much my eyes still burned on Monday! Now......both services are on Friday. EGADS... One in the morning and one in the afternoon. It will be a really hard day, but I know both are much better off as they were sick for a while. And while my faith tells me I should be rejoicing that they are no longer suffering, I find myself feeling sorry for myself and the family that they will no longer be with us! Ok.....enough of this!!!!

    On top of it all, I am hiring for a position in my office. I LOVE MY JOB....I LOVE MY JOB.....I DO....I DO...I DO LOVE MY JOB!!!! ;)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Morning Team,

    Hope everyone is having a great active and healthy week so far.I normally do a mid week weigh in just to see how I am doing, but decided not to today. Right or wrong, I am thinking that by not knowing will keep me more focused on sticking to my plan. If I weigh in and see that I am under, I may slack off a bit and if I am over while it could motivate me to work harder, it may not. Anyway, we shall see what happens on Monday morning when I offically weigh in.

    Have a great rest of the week.


    I am bad. I weigh myself every morning and night. If I was at home I would likely weigh at noon too. Obsessed with the scale a wee bit methinks!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning Team,

    Hope everyone is having a great active and healthy week so far.I normally do a mid week weigh in just to see how I am doing, but decided not to today. Right or wrong, I am thinking that by not knowing will keep me more focused on sticking to my plan. If I weigh in and see that I am under, I may slack off a bit and if I am over while it could motivate me to work harder, it may not. Anyway, we shall see what happens on Monday morning when I offically weigh in.

    Have a great rest of the week.


    I am bad. I weigh myself every morning and night. If I was at home I would likely weigh at noon too. Obsessed with the scale a wee bit methinks!!

    I way myself every morning, just to keep me on track. Well I think I got all the junk eating out of my system, back to the grind tom. Still going to have wings on Friday, but I usually don't count Friday evening and Saturday anyways. Hope everyone had a good day.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. I am feeling a little better today. I have done nothing but sleep for days. I would type a little and go lay down. I am on an antibiotic now so hopefully it is working. I am going to try to get in some kind of exercise today, just something small to stay on track. Yesterday was gym day but there was no way that was happening. Maybe I'll go for a walk today. It will be my first time out of the house since Sunday, I think. Days seem to run together when you feel bad! Hope you all have a great day.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    hope you are back to normal soon! Being sick sucks.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    The post got cut off, so I will retry
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    TGIF Team, Hope everyone has an active weekend planned. If the bad weather holds off tomorrow morning, I will be walking a 5k with my wife. I have planters fasciitis so I can't run just yet. Either way, it should be fun and good excercise. It also for a very worthy feed the children cause. They always have tons of heathly food at the 5k's, so I should be able to eat right as well. I hope all of us are weight losers this week. Hawkeye ps: Hope you feel better Tammy.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team...Thanks to all for thinking of me. I am doing much better. I have a habit of over doing it when I feel a little bit better so I will take it slow. I am supposed to walk 5 miles tomorrow morning for Walk America but it is supposed to rain and I'm not sure I'm up to it. I will see how I feel in the morning and how the weather looks. I hope you all have a happy weekend.

    Ann...I have been a little behind this week. I'm not sure I commented on the loss of your friends. Are the services this weekend?

    Jack...Love the new picture. You have done a fantastic job!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all! What a week! Today are all my funeral services. One at 10 and then the other starts at 1 and am sure I will be there all afternoon! I put together a memory board for the family of our music director. I think I did it almost as much for myself as I did for them. That helped me to remember so many wonderful times with him.

    The eating thing isn't going bad, but I haven't gotten the battery for my scale yet, so weigh in will be a surprise. Like some of you, I usually weigh myselfe every morning as well, so I am going through withdrawls!!!!

    Everyone have a great day and we will talk to you in the morning!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Any day with 2 funerals can not be a good day. Hope you made the best out of it.

    My 1st week in maintenance mode has gone ok, I have been a pound or two heavy most of the week. I think I must have been dehydrated last week when I weighed.

    Anyway, I have changed my food settings from losing 2 pounds a week to losing half a pound a week. I am keeping up the exercise program for now, but trying to slowly be less hardcore about the whole weight loss thing. Tomorrow I am playing golf and building a fence around our garden, so I should be really primed for a good weigh in on Sunday morning.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Been kind of quiet around here this week.
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