Havent lost any weight since starting MFP!!

I am about to make my diary public and try out some opinions but basically i started mfp about a month ago. I had lost about 45lbs give or take and ever since i started MFP i have maintained my current weight and i am about to go crazy! Before, i was not counting calories, just eating healthier and exercising moderatly. i have now upped my exercise and counted calories on MFP and nothing is taking the weight off. I have even done measurements and they have not budged(hopefully i am measuring right!). I just started TRYING to up my calories this week to see if this helps but i feel fatter than i did before i started this. I did lose about 5 pounds and gained it all back within about 3-4 days...how? i have no idea, i didnt change one thing. I want help and advice. Please no rude comments or snide remarks, i just want advice and a few similar stories that started out like me and had good results. Oh and my body fat was around 29% last wednesday, checked it today and it is back up to 32% but down 1 pound!!! How the hell does that happen??!!?? I am on my cycle this month so if your opinion thinks that is whats caused the fluctuation please let me know.


  • Kbriner0223
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Just looked at your diary, and I think the fruit and veggie intake is great. Your numbers are pretty good...only a couple days over sodium. I'm stumped, too. Hopefully, someone else will have some good suggestions.
  • Kbriner0223
    Thank you for taking a look. I have talked to my nutritionist and hes pretty stumped as well. I did notice the sodium and have been trying to control that because i heard about the salt bloating or something like that lol! I really hope someone can help me out. I only have about 20 more lbs and about (if i go by the 29% body fat;)) 9-12% body fat left to lose...anything between 17-22% body fat would be find with me really. If i had kept the 29% body fat instead of jumping up to 32% i think i would feel a little better but with that jumping and a whole month of not really losing much of anything including inches with measurements i am about to pull my hair out!!! lol
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    When you are on your cycle you will retain water and feel bloated, gain weight, and it'll look like your body fat went up. Counting calories is only really needed if you have issues with portion control or really don't get this "healthy eating thing". When you plateau it could be for a number of reasons... sometimes you aren't taking in enough calories (make sure if you increase your calories it's with super healthy food), sometimes you're taking in too many calories (if you're eating a healthy diet it's easier to exercise more than to cut back on food and risk not getting enough nutrients), sometimes you're just on a plateau and your body is adjusting and will start losing weight again. Your goal should be to be healthy so making sure that you're eating nutritious foods, getting exercise, and finding ways to reduce stress and enjoy life is really what it's about.

    A note on stress: it'll make your body hold onto fat. If you're going through a stressful time in your life and you have no way to reduce the stress you need to work on ways to handle it. I meditate for an hour each day. Taking epsom salt baths are also a fabulous and healthy way to relax. Getting a massage, going for a walk, reading abook, listening to music... whatever makes you feel good.

    I don't know what your diet is like but make sure you are eating very little processed foods and lots of green leafies. Water is also vital to being healthy and losing weight so if you aren't drinking it, start. If you don't like water you can drink herbal (non caffeine) teas, or add fruit to your water to flavor it (not the flavor packets, actual fruit!) Juicing is another great way to get hydrated with lots of vitamins and minerals.

    So, again, if you're eating healthy don't cut back on calories you're body will just hold onto the fat, instead increase the intensity of your exercise. Drink water, relax, and focus on being healthy not skinny. :)
  • Kbriner0223
    Thank you for the advice :) The part about retaining water when on your cycle makes since and i am hoping that this is what it is as far as the past week everythign fluctuating. I do think i eat really healthy. I try to incorporate lean protein such as chicken(just bought fish so it will be in the diary more soon ;)). The whole stress thing and holdign onto fat makes a great deal of sense as well. Me and my husband are goign through infertility and the closer the urologist appointment gets the more stressed and upet it makes me. I think tonight i will try the epsom salt bath with dim lights and some music to see if maybe that helps my mind a little! And i drink water like its going out of style! About a gallon a day-thats why i hardly put in my diary the cups of water, i drink it in a gallon jug so i just keep clicking the arrow up intil im satisfied lol! I am really looking forward to this month and hoping that the weight/fat% starts melting away after my cycle and some more clean eating and exercise...we will see but if it is the same i might just rip some hair out again!
  • MonDeee
    MonDeee Posts: 37 Member
    Sounds like you've hit a plateau, girl.
    Things that I've found that have helped me:
    Up the exercise (cardio especially)
    Cut your sugar, take it out completely if you can
    Cut your carbs, I'm not saying don't eat any, I'm just saying eat less of them
    Eat as much "real" food as you can. Fruit, veggies, lean protein and whole grains. Avoid packaged and frozen foods.
    And finally, don't give up! You may be stalled here for a bit, but the scales will budge again.
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    Just looked at your diary, how exact are you keeping track of things? I'm seeing quite a few missed meals even though your calorie totals are about where they should be you shouldn't be skipping meals. Also, lots of processed carbs and dairy. If you have a sensativity to these it's going to cause inflammation in your system and make it more difficult to lose weight. Plus with the excess sodium (salt) you're going to be retaining water. The only way to flush the water out is by drinking more water. It really boils down to how serious are you about getting to where you want to get? It would require a different way of seeing food and enjoying preparing your own meals. I'm a Certified Health Coach so if you have any other questions feel free to send me an email. :)
  • Kbriner0223
    I think i will up my cardio a bit-how much though? Would about 20 min extra on the treadmill help? The treadmill discourages me when it ads calories because it is so much lower than the other machines!! I was walking/jogging outside but i am miserable when im cold and it is discouraging so i have been at the gym most of the time this week. And doing jillian michaels most of the days of the week as well(about to go start W1D4 of ripped in 30 now to prepare for the gym ;)) I have been thinking of lowering the carbs now that you mention it, i do eat sandwiches a lot but its on 100% whole grain(i have it set with honey wheat bread and just dont feel like doing the math to change it but i should probably do that just to be more accurate! lol)! When do you think the scales will budge? I am horribly impatient which doesnt help at all! Do you think the inches will come off soon as well?
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    I took a look at your diary. I'm glad to see the changes you have made in the last few days. Earlier you seemed to be setting yourself up for failure: scanting yourself on calories while working out, missing meals- eating junk (Poptarts are junk) not eating veggies - consistently coming far under your macros in protein and fiber and over in fat and sodium. Try to eat a balanced diet with less processed food and lots of lean meats, whole grains and fresh produce. Don't fret about slight (1-3 pound) fluctuations in what the scale says - that's normal - especially with girl hormones (your cylce is always good for a bunch of water weight) and sodium intake causing water retention and lack of fiber causing retention of solid wastes. The best and most effective weight loss strategy is to aim for a pound or so a week, so be patient, and give your body the nutrients it needs (pay attention to your macros) and you will get there - in time - and be healthier while you are at it. Good luck.
  • Kbriner0223
    My diary is about 90% accurate, every now and then(especially on the fruit and veggies) there are so many different variations on the lists when i search that i just pick the one that looks the most accurate(i try to get the higher amounts just to be safe). I do miss meals often, mostly in the mornings because i never wake up at the same time and its hard for me to eat breakfast in the morning and to remember to eat the small meals(just changed the settings about a week ago to the 5-6 small meals, i was eating 3 bigger meals and im trying to adjust). The processed carbs come mostly from 'smart ones' meals, which i plan to start cutting out in the next couple of days.
  • Kbriner0223
    I took a look at your diary. I'm glad to see the changes you have made in the last few days. Earlier you seemed to be setting yourself up for failure: scanting yourself on calories while working out, missing meals- eating junk (Poptarts are junk) not eating veggies - consistently coming far under your macros in protein and fiber and over in fat and sodium. Try to eat a balanced diet with less processed food and lots of lean meats, whole grains and fresh produce. Don't fret about slight (1-3 pound) fluctuations in what the scale says - that's normal - especially with girl hormones (your cylce is always good for a bunch of water weight) and sodium intake causing water retention and lack of fiber causing retention of solid wastes. The best and most effective weight loss strategy is to aim for a pound or so a week, so be patient, and give your body the nutrients it needs (pay attention to your macros) and you will get there - in time - and be healthier while you are at it. Good luck.

    When you say macros are those the % of each 'thing'? like proteing to fiber to fat to carbs?? Sorry i am new to the whole macro and tdee stuff. My way of thinking has been calories in vs calories out and yes the past few days to weeks i have been trying to eat cleaner because i realized how much packaged food i was eating. A lot of times if my eating is a little poor for a couple of days and then gets better after its because i needed to buy groceries and was tryign to make due with what i had! lol!! I am really the only one in the house strictly making eating habits healthier and whatnot so its like buying 2 rounds of groceries every 2 weeks instead of one! What should i set the 'macros' to? And how do i go about doing that?
  • MonDeee
    MonDeee Posts: 37 Member
    OP: Yep the treadmill will work, up your incline if you want to burn more calories.
    JM is great, it adds strength training to your routine which will keep the lbs off long term.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Honestly, I'm in the "you're probably undereating by a fair margin" boat. For an active 21 year old... you're certainly eating well below your BMR. There could be too big of a caloric deficit.

    Check this out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    and be patient.. it takes the body a while to adjust to a shift.
  • adamalle
    adamalle Posts: 88 Member
    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    Don't be scared to eat more! I was too initially, but it really works.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    1. eat more.
    2. lift things up and put them down.
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    You might want to consider upping your calories a bit. You're getting around 800 calories some days, and a good bit of that comes from high sodium foods. Even if your sodium is low overall, if what you consume has a lot in it, you need to incorporate more foods that will balance things out. Your protein consumption is low. So one recommendation would be to up your calories, but make those calories protein.

    Yo may have over-estimated the calories you're burning through exercise. It's a little on the high side. A good estimate for cardio at your age and weight would be closer to 350 calories an hour. Obviously, your intensity will cause variations.

    I'm going to guess you're in a plateau. Happens as you get closer to goal weight or ideal body weight.
  • Kbriner0223
    1. eat more.
    2. lift things up and put them down.

    LOL! Thank you :) Sorry it was just humerous the way i read it-because deep within i know its true ;) I am working on changing my mindset because i have always been told 'eat less to lose more' so the whole eat more to lose less is a concept i am working on. Is it possible that i will gain a lot initially from uppign the calories? I am thinking about 1350-1400 would be okay? If not please correct me!
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Alright, I took a look and there are a few things. 1. eat more calories probably, make sure you're not eating (net) below your BMR. 2. be really careful about logging things, really make sure you're logging correctly, for example, the fruit, look at the diameter, was the orange really only 2 inches in diameter cause most aren't, for sandwiches it's best to log each individual ingredident, not just a beef sandwich unless you personally created that and use the exact same amounts every time, also oatmeal you log sometimes, do you make that with water or milk because you just log the packet so if you put anything in or on it, milk, sugar, fruit, raisins, etc. log that even if it's only going to be 10 or 20 calories, that adds up really quickly. 3. PROTEIN you eat VERY little protein, I saw a day you only had 31 grams, not okay haha, you should have way more, so add more high protein foods (plain chicken, yogurt, beans, lots of things), and 4. sodium, you go over or are almost at limit for sodium most days and that will bloat you up and it's not good for you, so watch sodium, try getting no salt added things, like for sandwich meats you can buy low sodium (hillshire farm has some) so that' would be good.

    RECAP: eat more calories overall but less sodium and more protein, also make sure you're logging very accurately and honestly.
  • Kbriner0223
    You might want to consider upping your calories a bit. You're getting around 800 calories some days, and a good bit of that comes from high sodium foods. Even if your sodium is low overall, if what you consume has a lot in it, you need to incorporate more foods that will balance things out. Your protein consumption is low. So one recommendation would be to up your calories, but make those calories protein.

    Yo may have over-estimated the calories you're burning through exercise. It's a little on the high side. A good estimate for cardio at your age and weight would be closer to 350 calories an hour. Obviously, your intensity will cause variations.

    I'm going to guess you're in a plateau. Happens as you get closer to goal weight or ideal body weight.

    Thank you for the advice :). I am getting a lot of people stating that the sodium intake is high so i am definately going to work on lowering that number! What type of foods should i eat to get more protein...i do eat fiber/protein bars but i know that i cannot rely on those soley for that intake. And about the calories burned- it has crossed my mind a few times this week that i may be overestimating...i go by what the machine tells me normally. I REALLY want a HRM that displays the calories burned for the day so that i can get it more accurate. I just really hope this plateau is almost over, this is the first one i have had suprisingly and i knew something wasnt going right so i took a leap of faith in opening my diary and i am so glad i did :)