Interesting NY Times article about Exercise & Weight Loss

00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just came across this article discussing how weight loss is extremely difficult without changing one's diet. Here's a bit from it... and here's the link

It also says for women especially, it is important to maintain exercise once one has achieved a desired weight. In a study, of the women who returned to their normal eating habits but continued to exercise after meeting their goal weight were MUCH more successful in maintaining that weight or limiting the pounds they put back on. I recommend reading this article for some great information.

"Those who stuck with either of the exercise programs regained less weight than those who didn’t exercise and, even more striking, did not regain weight around their middles. The women who didn’t exercise regained their weight and preferentially packed on these new pounds around their abdomens. "


  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks for posting! Losing is one thing, but I'm concerned with the keeping off long term. I really appreciated that read. :-)
  • sessy1011
    sessy1011 Posts: 30
    very interesting... makes sense though :)
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Thanks for posting this as most of us have the losing weight thing down but not the keeping it off!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Thanks for posting this as most of us have the losing weight thing down but not the keeping it off!

    I will second that!! I lost a lot of weight last year. It was much easier losing than it is maintaining! But I maintained the same exercise routine and that has definitely helped me maintain my goal for a year now.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I think that's spot on. I lost around 100 lbs several years ago and when I stopped exercising it crept back on me. AND it seemed to accumulate around my stomach more than I'd had before. Now getting rid of that stomach is my main goal. I've lost 24 lbs so far and it seems like I've lost more from my legs and hips than my stomach. : (
    I want this belly fat GONE!
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