Looking for a buddy :)

Hey y'all. My name is Tina. I just turned 41, have been overweight since the age of 13 and just re-started my weight-loss efforts again almost a month ago. So far, I've lost 20 lbs. Great, right? Sure. It is. But, there is also this harsh reality: most people would be done, or close to it at this point, but I have another 200 pounds to go. (sigh)

I'm really not as discouraged as that last sentence makes me sound...haha. It's just one of those sobering moments. I'm committed to see this through, but I think I need a little bit of extra support to make it to the end of this long road.

Though my friends and family are very supportive and I know several ladies who have lost their baby weight successfully, I don't know a single person who has lost 100+ pounds...well not without gastric bypass. Now, I'm not criticizing anyone who's had gastric bypass, that's just not the road I chose and those journey's are a bit different. So, anyway, if you have 100+ pounds to lose or are a bit further down that road than I am and would like to help a sistah out, please message me.

Thanks so much!