Long day... motivation to get to gym?



  • Pkeenan1229
    Pkeenan1229 Posts: 51 Member
  • high5girl
    high5girl Posts: 90 Member
    I used to tell myself that I would just go for 20 minutes, and then once you're already there it's easy!

    ^This! On the days I cannot stand the thoughts of working out, I say - ok just 20 minutes. Once I'm there it's easier to keep going and I find this level of motivation. I'm already sweating my butt off, might as well keep going and burn as many calories as I can!
  • jchenks
    jchenks Posts: 164 Member
    I basically tell myself I have to make it to my "appointment". If you had a trainer you would show up wel in this case you are your own trainer.

    Like the few posts above me, go for at least 20 minutes and when you are there its SOOOOO much easier to stay there to complete a full workout.

    I also watch motivational YouTube videos, or listen to heavy metal music in my car on the way there (pumps me up)!
  • girlsjustwanna
    try and think of it a "you" time. Listen to your favourite music and find a pace that makes you sweat but not exert! Once a week exert yourself though or mix up the routine and work different muscles! Makes a difference as muscles too get bored of same old, same old!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    It's me time. My time. Zen time. Decompress time. At the end of a long day of work and grad school I need sometime to just "do me." I do me in the gym rather than on the couch watching TV. It also helps that I rarely watch TV so just going home to do that does not appeal to me. Going to the gym makes me happy! I have never regretted a workout. I have however regretted not working out.
  • jchenks
    jchenks Posts: 164 Member
    It's me time. My time. Zen time. Decompress time. At the end of a long day of work and grad school I need sometime to just "do me." I do me in the gym rather than on the couch watching TV. It also helps that I rarely watch TV so just going home to do that does not appeal to me. Going to the gym makes me happy! I have never regretted a workout. I have however regretted not working out.

    Great post! I love that I love going to the gym and to miss a workout does in up with regret.

    I do watch TV and I was watching Big Brother and the contestants were shown working out and it made me want to go work out. Even though I had already been haha!