gained weight/lost muscle and want it back ASAP!


November 2012 I reached my goal BF% and felt amazing. I was the happiest I\d ever been when looking in the mirror!

Unfortunately after a long and stressful 1st term at uni involving an undiagnosed series of chest infections, I became really ill over christmas and wasn't able to work out/be very active at all because I felt constantly faint and exhausted.

Due to some emotional issues causing insomnia and general exhaustion as well as a very slow recovery from illness, the past couple of months I have been no where near as active as I had planned and have probably eaten way more. I didn't log during this period and have just restarted (more because I was worried I wasn't getting enough nutrients because i'm catered at uni but I'm lactose and gluten intolerant as well as having a bunch of allergies that makes getting enough good food very difficult).

I've just ended a year long relationship and want to get some self esteem back. At my goal BF% I'd been doing 2 lots of rowing training/erg work a week, walking about 40 minutes a day at least plus occassional basketball matches etc. I haven't been able to do that this term and I really want to crack it again over Easter holidays (5 weeks long).

Any advice that could be given would be so helpful. My diary is open. Also, please add me as I have no friends on here!

Thank you!