Does anyone else have this problem?

xDeannaGarciax Posts: 675
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a stay home mommy to 5. I am busy, busy, busy, from 6:30am to 8:30pm all week long and I sometimes find it hard to sit down and eat. I can't even tell you how many days I have gone without eating the entire day. I'll be running through the kitchen and scoop up a handful of wheat thins or munch down a banana after sending 3 of my 5 kids off to school but never really have the time to just eat a litle (healthy) meal. Iknow this is un-healthy and a terrible way to loose weight, if you loose any at all this way. I eat healthy when I do eat, but my biggest issue is just finding time to sit down and eat, there's always something more important to do! Anybody else have this problem, any advice is very welcomed :smile:


  • mellers1313
    mellers1313 Posts: 105 Member
    I'e only 2 kids lol, one at school and the other at preschool.
    It's hard work being a mammy and keeping The house and the kiddies happy.

    we always sit to breakfast and Dinner together. Everything gets put to one side so we can have the time to sit , chat and eat.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    yep! You are not alone! It's the busy mommy curse! I really like Larabars, they aren't exactly a whole meal, but they give you fiber, protein and cals. They are great! Another thing to try is making a bunch of hard boiled eggs ;they are easy to eat on the go and packed with lots of healthy stuff (you can omit the yolk). My other adivce is eat when the kids eat. :) It's had, but important to take care of yourself so you can stay a strong, healthy ,mommy. :):heart:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Wow, you do have your hands full:-) I have 2 sons still at home, and currently I am on Jenny Craig. Every night I "play restaurant" for their meals, then fix my own. Its hard to be selfish and think of your self, when there are others counting on you. But think of it like this, would you send your kids out the door without breakfast, or no coins for their school lunches? Of course not. That is what you are doing with you though. You are worth the time to fix meals so you can be the person you wish to be. If this takes a "family meeting" to get them to understand that their Mom deserves more time to do the things that need to be done, like pre-making lunches for the next day for you, or exercising to a dvd. Best of luck to you.....:-) Rebecca
  • Thank you for your input and advice ladies. Always very, very much appreciated. I actually sat down and ate a very yummy meal last night with everyone!
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