Anyone watch "Hungry For Change"

Has anyone watched the documentary "Hungry For Change" on netflix and if so what did you guys think of the topics proposed there. I am interested about changing this journey of mine from a diet to a lifestyle change. I dont want to be the person that can't have certain foods but become the person, that can have those foods but does not want them. I found it really interesting the part about cleanses and juicing and was wondering what you guys thought about this. Thanks hope your all having a decent Monday :)


  • katied37
    katied37 Posts: 25
    I saw it! While some of the "reenactments" were a little cheesy, I did like the film as a whole. I think that turning plant-based eating into a lifestyle is the way to go. I am constantly saying to myself, "I can have that, I just don't want it," instead of always thinking that I "cannot" eat something that I want.

    You should also check out Forks Over Knives and Vegucated!
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    I liked it, but I always read that when you juice you lose out on the fiber, and how good it is for your body to digest those whole foods. Those in and of themselves seem cleansing to me. And also, it's a huge investment for a good juicer $300~ I'd rather just eat my fruits and veg whole. But it definitely convinced me to give up all artificial sweeteners, for good. :happy:
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    I watched it, and I certainly enjoyed a few parts. Overall though, I wouldn't recommend it to others. There was a whole lot of fear mongering and not a lot of personal responsibility when it came to food. I know that some people swear by it, but I tend to roll my eyes whenever people talk about food being equivalent to cocaine, or another hard drug.

    Some of the speakers were very positive about changes you can make in your life, but some others just seemed a little over the top "eat clean or you'll die!".
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    Wow this the second time I've seen this mentioned today (not here). In my netflix queue and can't wait!
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I just watched it and found it fascinating. I was a little worried for a few minutes that it would turn into a juicing commercial – luckily it didn't. I took a lot away from it. As healthy as I try to eat, I am certainly guilty of the sugar addiction and that is something I will absolutely keep in mind in meal planning. I liked how it simplified the notion of man-made = bad, nature-made= good. Quite a few other little things resonated with me. I liked that the interviewees were both people who had transformed their own lives speaking from experience as well as physicians/doctors/medical experts. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone and have already recommended it to one friend.
  • chubtofit
    chubtofit Posts: 67 Member
    I have watched it several times in the past couple of days - I find it really helps to reaffirm that eating natural unprocessed foods is the way to go. There are some things I won't give up but living in Canada we don't have as many additives to our foods as you guys do in the US (especially where milk is concerned). I don't believe that juicing should done everyday but certainly incorporated into a diet. I'm thinking of getting the Nutribullet (need to do a little more research first) but it seems to break "everything" down and have no (or little) pulp. This way you are getting more of the fibre than by juicing alone. I would highly recommend people watch the film if only for the demonstration of how as a population we have become reliant on fast and easy food choices instead of planning our foods carefully and giving our bodies what they need.
  • HarlowAudrey
    It made me want to juice, that is for sure!

    I have heard about the loss of fibre due to jucing so I have been blending and having green smoothies in conjunction with clean eating :)

    Also started using vital greens.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Cleanses are kind of dumb imo...if you eat a healthful diet your body will cleanse itself. Juicing is a good way to get a lot of nutrients in your body with little effort, but I'd never only juice, just add in as part of a healthy diet.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    No but I will now
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    Watched it today. Good to be reminded that it matters what kind of food you eat. Whether it's real food or junk.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I liked it, but I always read that when you juice you lose out on the fiber, and how good it is for your body to digest those whole foods. Those in and of themselves seem cleansing to me. And also, it's a huge investment for a good juicer $300~ I'd rather just eat my fruits and veg whole. But it definitely convinced me to give up all artificial sweeteners, for good. :happy:

    Juicing is good for getting a lot of vitamins and minerals into your diet quickly. You can juice way more than you can eat. Also you can get enough fiber for the day just from eating your normal diet. Juicing makes me feel so good. I have not been able to juice that much for financial reasons but I hope to start juicing more in the future.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Just watched Hungry for Change. Loved the concept of adding the good whole healthy food so you eventually don't have room for the bad food. This is a great alternative to thinking that you have deprive yourself while being on a diet. The woman who made the most sense in the documentary was the one who talked about overdoing it on the sugar. Sugar is not evil - we just eat too much of it.