Biggest loser intersting facts



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    According to statistics (Livestrong), over 50 million people in the U.S. do various diets and programs every year and only 5% of them keep the weight off.

    It doesn't seem to matter what program or diet people use. Even WW has a disclaimer in small print on all of it's advertising stating 80% of it's participants regain their weight.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I was reading some research studies on weight loss and such and I was kind of surprised that in several, weight watchers folks actually faired better than the average person on their own. It was still only just above 50% that managed to maintain the weight loss over a follwoing 5 year period, but compared to only around 10% of people who lost weight on their own, it wasn't bad. There were a lot of confoudning details in it all though, including well known facts like rapid weight loss doesn't teach better eating habits and that portion control is still the biggest issue.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    That was exactly what I was thinking, yes a few put on some major weight, but the majority of them have kept off the majority of their weight and should be applauded for it!

    Reading a few of the stories I wonder if some of the more minor weight gains aren't from maybe gaining muscle or whether the person is still relatively healthy regardless of gaining some. Just as an example it mentions Mark Kruger ended at 156 but is now 189. In his bio though it mentions how he's about to run his first marathon and he still works out 2.5 hours a day. Weight isn't the only measure of a person and how healthy he/she is.

    If you are ONLY looking at scale numbers then I can see why you think only 6 kept the weight off. I feel like I read a different article than what you described. I see way more success stories than 6.

    And this... are we all reading the same article?
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I'm confused..... I read the article you posted and the first thing I noticed was that it only had up to season 11, they are currently in season 14. Second I only counted maybe 10 of the contestants out of the 57 listed that had gained a major portion of their weight back . You have to keep in mind that their "final weight" is what they got themselves down to in order to try to either win the show or the at home price and not necessarily a weight they were comfortable with also they may have gained muscle weight since then as well (mainly the men) So for them to only gain 20 or even 40 pounds back once they are living in the "real world" again when they had loss 100+ pounds during the competition should be looked at as a victory and not defeat! IMO

    I agree with this!!!!! You cant expect people to stay their smallest weight, but MOST of those people are still doing so much better than they were when they were on the show. There have only been a few that have gained back everything they lost. And If you manage to keep off even half of what you lost originally you are doing well.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    The only way to lose weight is to move more and eat less. There is no magic supplement nor secrete training. Better to lose a pound a week rather than the high amounts on that farce of a show.
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    Wow... one more reason why I hate that show.
    It means well but like most of the people on here are saying, it doesn't teach a lifestyle. It teaches a quick fix.
    Not only that but Jillian Michaels is a royal b!tch. Can't stand that woman. :grumble:
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    They overworked because the contestants were facing serious health risks. This is not a good strategy for maintaining a high/above average metabolism.
  • jackoninny
    jackoninny Posts: 39 Member
    We may as well start yelling at disabled folks and kicking puppies.

    I'd watch that show.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Big fan of the show, my wife not so much. Going back to the real world has to be hard. They are sheltered and directed at the ranch. Then they go back to familier, dinner out, birthday parties, snacks at the office. Just like us, they have to learn self control, and maintain some form of excercise and proper eating habits. Just like last night they were given suggestions on soup to eat, and breakfast from Subway. That has to carry over at home, or they will have issues. I noted that numerous families that they will go back to have esignificant weight issues. BUT, Bingo's Mom is down FIVE dress sizes, and Joe's brother has lost as much weight as he has. When you have partners to work and eat with, the potential to maintain that healthy lifestyle can be so much better. I know I have difficulty by myself, but working out in a group, or eating the same healthy stuff, makes it a lot easier.

    AND, go Danni!
  • robert_gonzalez
    robert_gonzalez Posts: 11 Member
    Seems like something a lot of people never get to see is that, when the contestants are brought to "the camp", they are literally plucked from their unhealthy environment and thrust into an environment where they have a free, endless supply of healthy foods, a team of trainers and medical staff working with them every day, a full free day to workout every single day and absolutely none of the influences of regular day-to-day life that has helped them become out of control in their health. For a reality TV show that is about as far from reality as you can get.

    Once all the one-on-one training is done, and the food isn't free, and the work schedule takes over your workout schedule, all the contestants are left with is trying to resolve that massive change in their new healthy lifestyle. That can't be any easier than trying to resolve the massive change in their unhealthy lifestyle when they went to camp to begin with. Still, as I see it, there seems to be a lot fewer people that have went right back to what they were before than there are those that did in fact regain all the weight. So while I think, personally, that the show is very unrealistic in terms of how to properly change your lifestyle for the better, I do believe it does serve a positive purpose in most of the contestants' lives.

    Now if they could just figure out a way to have a weight loss show involving full time working single moms who have to live on a budget that would be awesome since at the end of the day almost all of us have to work, have some form of home obligation to tend to daily and are not overflowing with cash to buy our food. But maybe some TV exec is already working on that. Who knows?
  • Now if they could just figure out a way to have a weight loss show involving full time working single moms who have to live on a budget that would be awesome since at the end of the day almost all of us have to work, have some form of home obligation to tend to daily and are not overflowing with cash to buy our food. But maybe some TV exec is already working on that. Who knows?

    As a single mom with 2 kids that makes juuuuust too much for food stamps, they are very welcome to come watch me. That is, if they can fit in my miniscule kitchen and think people would enjoy watching me shove food in my mouth while I run around accomplishing all that needs to be accomplished on a week day!

    Very good points, though. How many of us have lost some friends along the way as we changed from eating whatever, whenever to focusing on losing weight/getting healthy? It is VERY hard to live in the same environment and yet change how we act. I am always thankful that my boyfriend and I can do it TOGETHER, even though there are days when I'm taking a fork to the freshly made brownies, or he's elbow deep in a bag of chips. ;)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    According to statistics (Livestrong), over 50 million people in the U.S. do various diets and programs every year and only 5% of them keep the weight off.

    It doesn't seem to matter what program or diet people use. Even WW has a disclaimer in small print on all of it's advertising stating 80% of it's participants regain their weight.

    That's mainly because its not a lifestyle change.. its all about the number on the scale.. the more you lose quickly the more likely your program is to make money from referrals.. Hey I lost 20 lbs in 5 weeks on so and so you should try it.. then when they regain that weight (cause it wasn't a lifestyle change) guess where they go.. right back on the program. Money In + Referral + Repeat business...

    Biggest Loser is just for Entertainment, take a bunch of people offer them a chance to win a large amount of money, humiliate them on TV, get ratings, rinse and repeat.. cause people are inspired by the show that one day they can lose weight too.. Guess what, change your lifestyle, get rid of all the junk you eat daily, and you can get there.. maybe not in 4 months.. but its attainable.

    If they had a show that paid $200k for you to gain 300lbs the fastest, would you try to go on there?
  • By the way, I'm reading over the website and although many have put weight on, it seems for a lot of them it is a very minimal gain. Not a fan of the show still, but to be fair to these individuals, many have continued with a healthy lifestyle.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Reading a few of the stories I wonder if some of the more minor weight gains aren't from maybe gaining muscle or whether the person is still relatively healthy regardless of gaining some. Just as an example it mentions Mark Kruger ended at 156 but is now 189. In his bio though it mentions how he's about to run his first marathon and he still works out 2.5 hours a day. Weight isn't the only measure of a person and how healthy he/she is.

    If you are ONLY looking at scale numbers then I can see why you think only 6 kept the weight off. I feel like I read a different article than what you described. I see way more success stories than 6.

    This. Reading the OP you would have thought they had gained ALL of their weight back, but after reading the article, most of them seem to be keeping most of the weight off, yes some are struggling, but most are doing great. It would be nice once I hit my goal weight that it will stay there forever, but I'm sure I'll have the normal weight fluctuations, though I hope to keep it within 5lbs.

    BTW: Love Danni! Hope she wins it all.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I think you are misinterpreting the article. Yes many have gained weight, but weight is not the only indicator of health. Many seem to have put on a lot of lean muscle, and are competing in very difficult athletic events. I only really saw a handful that appeared to be back out of the normal-healthy range.

    Btw, anyone else amazed that Danni put on 19 pounds of muscle?! She's the biggest loser overall now I think, and the biggest muscle gain. If it's actually true, that is the way to do it!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    My mind is boggled that Danni gained 19lbs of muscle in 11 wks....


  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    My mind is boggled that Danni gained 19lbs of muscle in 11 wks....


    That was my thoughts exactly.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    My mind is boggled that Danni gained 19lbs of muscle in 11 wks....


    Holy damn what is she on? :laugh:
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I actually read the article and it looked like most of these folks were fabulously successful. Congrats to all of them!