Green Coffee Bean Extract



  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Anyone heard of this?

    Does this really work? My mother says she's lost 7 lbs in 4 months, but I'd like to know if anyone else has had experience or knowledge of it.


    Seven pounds in four months? That stuff must be retarding weight loss. I lost 20 pounds in 4 months eating healthy food and exercising in moderation.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    A good diet and weekly exercise works. Green coffee bean extract is just another fad going around. No offense, Dr. Oz's information should be taken with a grain of salt, too.

    ^^^^ This this this! There are no miracle pills, special combinations of foods, or magical elixirs. Dr. Oz panders to people who are looking for a quick fix.
  • ImmortalSpirit67
    That's what I need. Energy. I was thinking of getting it, but it's too expensive. Does anyone know where to get it cheaper? :flowerforyou:

  • staci5678
    I think Dr. Oz has good intentions, but there is no miracle, or we would all be on it. LOLOL
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    Omg, I was just wondering about this yesterday @ work -as I am drinking a Starbucks Refresher-

    That's hilarious. I used to be a barista @ the Bux and I loved these drinks. About two months after quitting, I have my first "green coffee extract Refresher" for the first time again yesterday. I was wondering if the hype was true as well.

    I honestly don't know. I have yet to read everybody else's replies, so sorry for the premature comment. Interested
    to see what I learn.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    That's what I need. Energy. I was thinking of getting it, but it's too expensive. Does anyone know where to get it cheaper? :flowerforyou:


    It's not really energy. It's just a surge from the caffeine. Drink some coffee. Or better: get enough sleep and nutrition from healthy food. I have tons of energy. I think if is all the vitamins and minerals from the fruit and veggies I eat.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Anyone heard of this?

    Does this really work? My mother says she's lost 7 lbs in 4 months, but I'd like to know if anyone else has had experience or knowledge of it.


    I would not call a loss of 1.3 pounds per month a smashing success story, and I certainly wouldn't pay money for any product that would give me "results" like that.
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    I was wondering the same thing. THANK GOD I didn't ask this question...sorry that people were/are so rude to you :(
  • staci5678
    Doesn't matter if it has already been asked, I was wondering about it myself. And somebody may ask again tomorrow. After reading about it, I think I will save my money and stick to what I am doing so far. :happy:
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm currently taking the Green Coffee Bean Extract. It's too soon for me to tell whether or not it's a waste of time & money because I'm only on day 3. But one thing's certain is that nothing can replace diet and exercise. Supposedly, the Coffee Bean pill can enhance the efforts you're already making.
  • staci5678
    I agree with you, if I wanted rudeness, I would argue with a 10 year old, bwahahaha!!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. THANK GOD I didn't ask this question...sorry that people were/are so rude to you :(

    I've reread this whole thread. I don't see any rudeness. I see some honest assessments that this is a worthless expense that does nothing to promote weight loss. And I know rudeness: I teach middle school.
  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    I am currently taking them. I've never been one to try fad's or diet pills, but I was in Whole Foods and I overheard some women talking about it, so on impulse I bought it. I am still exercising regularly and trying to eat a healthy diet, so any weight loss I may have I couldn't attribute solely to the pill.

    The bottle says to wait 15/30 minutes before eating after you've taken the pill so it does act as a reminder for me to slow down and not just eat the 2nd I feel a hunger pain or am bored. For me, even if it's just the placebo effect then I'm cool with that. I won't be buying a 2nd bottle but it's helping give me a jump start on weight loss. I know there are other, cheaper, ways to remind myself of those things, but for right now this is what's working.
  • JohnJason1973
    Green coffee bean extract is something that actually levels out blood sugar after eating and keeps your blood sugar from taking the dips that lead to cravings. When we crave food, we eat more. It isn't a weight loss pill, but it is something that can lead to weight loss because you are controlling cravings more. I think it is much more profitable to develop self control in the areas of cravings rather than to simply let a pill help you do that.

    It's not a bad product and won't really harm you - but take it understanding what it does and is meant to do.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. THANK GOD I didn't ask this question...sorry that people were/are so rude to you :(

    I've reread this whole thread. I don't see any rudeness. I see some honest assessments that this is a worthless expense that does nothing to promote weight loss. And I know rudeness: I teach middle school.

    the "rudeness" card is played here whenever somebody (usually new) doesn't get the response he/she wants when asking a question on these forums.

    in reality, what they are objecting to are blunt answers or answers that tell them their assumptions are wrong.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. THANK GOD I didn't ask this question...sorry that people were/are so rude to you :(

    Next time you'd prefer we'd say "Go for it! It'll be great for you, (even though it won't be.) Please ignore all these studies and experiences in saying that it's a waste of money, we WANT you to waste your money! That's how we support you!"???

    Or would you rather we give you correct information? If you really want to be told whatever it is you want to hear, there are boards better suited for that.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Uh Oh! you mentioned Dr. Oz now half the people will immediately go on a rant about how evil he is - they don't care if he told you to exercise and cut calories - they don't want to hear his name. Dr. Oz does not promote any specific products and does not make money from selling products - he makes money from advertising slots based on number of viewers just like every other talk show. He continually talks about weight loss and labels too many products with hype inducing names like "miracle in a bottle". That does not negate the actual product but does tarnish his name/show as over promoting these products to gain larger viewership.

    What you have to remember is never expect a “miracle in a bottle”! This can lead to disappointment, and disappointment is the killer of weight-loss! Green Coffee Bean Extract can be a "helper", but you should always keep expectations in check with a realistic outlook. The results will more than likely be minimal; a small percentage of fat loss over a long period of time.

    Dr. Oz did perform an audience experiment with 100 women taking the pills for 2 weeks. Half took the GCBE and half took a placebo.

    Total Weight Loss: 123lbs

    Pounds lost on Placebo: 41.5lbs
    Pounds Lost on Green Coffee Bean Extract: 81.5lbs

    Average woman on the placebo lost 1lb.
    Average woman on the actual Green Coffee Bean Extract lost 2lbs.

    How Green Coffee Bean Extract is supposed to work:

    Green Coffee Bean Extract Burns fat faster due to the Chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is a major polyphenol (antioxidant) in coffee that inhibits the enzyme G6P (glucose-6-phosphatase) that promotes the formation of glucose (sugar) in the liver after a meal. . If the enzyme is inhibited the body has to get its energy from fat cells instead of the release of glucose. Basically, Chlorogenic acid stabilizes blood sugar levels, reduces the absorption of fat from food, and boosts the metabolism; enhancing the burning of fat.

    For people saying to just drink coffee:

    However, you will not get the same results by drinking the roasted beans in coffee format. Roasting the beans significantly reduces the Chlorogenic Acid. This article published under the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, stated “When green beans were roasted at 230 degrees C for 12 min and at 250 degrees C for 21 min, total chlorogenic acid content was reduced to nearly 50% and to almost trace levels, respectively. The results indicate that roasting conditions play an important role in chlorogenic acid content in roasted coffee beans. A general correlation between total caffeoylquinic acids and pH was observed.”

    As for keeping you awake at night or giving you the "jitters" or it's all from caffeine:

    It is nearly caffeine free about 23mg vs. 100-200mg for a regular cup of coffee (or 400+mg in a Venti-large coffee). No participants in the studies or the Doctor Oz experiment reporting getting the “jitters”, and in fact most participants had reduced heart beats by 2 beats per minute.

    Normal disclaimer:

    There are no indications of any harmful side effects. As a precaution: The supplement is new, and there is no research on its effects on children. Therefore young people under the age of 18 and pregnant or breast feeding women should not take this supplement. You also shouldn’t take this if you have an allergy to coffee or caffeine.

    No! I do not sell anything myself, I just did my own research on it when I heard about it. Weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise. Eating healthy will always have a greater impact than any supplement (except maybe crack cocaine or meth). Something like this or Raspberry Ketones (or what have you) may provide only fractions of a percentage towards weight loss - and sometimes those small percentages add up over time. You have to balance cost vs possible results vs possible disappointment if you expect too much from it.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 677 Member
    I started taking it on March 1st, and I have lost 6 lbs. I am doing IF, exercising 5-6x a week mostly 5x, eating at a deficit, and trying to watch my carb intake keeping it around 100 g but I love chocolate to much so usually I end up around 125g. Iam going to keep up with what I am doing. Good luck to you!
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    yeah i took it for awhile worked to a point....but it isnt as wonderful as they said it was..
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Also, if you are really intending to purchase it, here are some suggestions:

    • Look for either Svetol® or GCA (Green Coffee Antioxidant).
    • At Least 45% Chlorogenic Acid.
    • 400mg capsules, 3 times per day, 30 minutes before meals.
    • Watch out for fillers and flow agents (anti-caking type additives) like Magnesium Stearate, Silica, or rice flour, and avoid “blends” with other diet aids like Green Tea or African Mango.

    Just sharing information.