
I've never tried "detoxing". I know there are drinks you can make, smoothies, pills, etc.
Does anyone have any recipes for drinks/smoothies that work for detoxing? Or if not, any product that you've found which works well?


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    detoxing what?
  • AllisonConnell1301
    Haha I don't know, I've just heard such good things about detox drinks. Are there different ones for different things!? Learn somethin new every day haha
  • hellokittyykat
    hellokittyykat Posts: 66 Member
    I know they sell drinks and pills that help detox the colon/liver. You can buy drinks at vitamin stores like GNC, and I know they sell something called "Super Cleanse" by Natures Secret that's supposed to help cleanse your colon. There's different kind.
  • AllisonConnell1301
    Do any detox drinks help you lose weight? I probably sound stupid right now haha sorry!
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Detoxes and cleanses are a waste of money. Unless there is something wrong with your liver and kidneys, in which case you should be seeing a doctor, your body gets rid of any unnecessary wastes just fine.
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    I used a gnc detox whole body cleanse.....

    I followed their program, and must say in a week I dropped 4lbs but the best part was it cleaned me felt so good,energized and all over happy:)

    no laxatives all natural ingredients and just check it out.
  • commonnerd195
    Famous "cure all' Detox is just Purified water, Lemon juice, Cayenne Pepper, and Maple Syrup. You drink it all day (and probly sit on the turlett all day) and you should be clean..... yeah.....

    Another is the 'Green Juicer' Detox which is basically, if its dark and green or red, juice 'n' drink it.

    Cranberry/Apple Juice Detox (which i have used in the past) you drink 100% real apple or cranberry juice (1 glass a day) per week. Your body will, noisily, be happier.

    There are other ones and its just mostly, if its good for you, then drink it.
  • hellokittyykat
    hellokittyykat Posts: 66 Member
    Do any detox drinks help you lose weight? I probably sound stupid right now haha sorry!

    Some people recommend drinking a detox drink or taking detox supplements to help boost your weight loss in the beginning. I didn't do it. I guess it depends on the person. It's like getting rid of all what's inside you so when you start your dieting, you start fresh. Well, that's what I've been told.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    No. Detoxes and cleanses are a waste of time and money. You don't need to 'detox' if you have a functioning liver and kidneys. There are no strange 'toxins' inside of you that a juice will get rid of. Your digestive system does not need a break. Its job is to digest food. You wouldn't go on a breathing machine to give your lungs a break; you don't need to rest your stomach/intestines.

    Any weight lost would likely be water weight, and would return immediately when you start eating normally again. Just eat a moderate diet and exercise.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    Drink water only for 3 days

    reduce the fatty foods
    reduce the caffeine foods

    eat high fibre cereals

    why waste your money on faddy products

    I don't mind admitting I used to have a wind(gas) problem (its gone now )

    Since I dropped the caffeine intake, had a fibre cereal for breakfast and generally changed my ways my body feels cleaner for it

    Don't get me wrong - I still drink coffee, i eat bacon or sausage, just occasionally and not a lot

    I last had fast food such as the golden arch variety in 2012 ( september ) etc etc

    try it - its free and you will see the benefit
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Detoxes are generally a waste of money.

    Cleanse your body by eating whole foods/ natural smoothies/green juices, and don't break the bank to do it!

    Health is rarely ever in a pill.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Cleanses are great, for cleansing your wallet.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    There is the Master Cleanse which I love. You can Google to get the recipe and even to read the book online for free. I can help you find it if you can't. It was written by Stanley burroughs. I had amazing results from it, lost weight, didn't gain it back after a year, but never went back to junk eating again either. It cured a lot of bad habits from me. The book will explain what you detoxify from and how. I would explain it here but it is quite lengthy. People are incorrect when they tell you the body cleanses itself. There is more to it than that, once you read the book you'll see what I mean. Expect to be rid of bad habits from this (caffeine, sugar, soda). You won't even crave or desire it when done unless you take your first bite or sip of it again. I haven't gone back to many of my bad habits afterward.

    Another one is the fruit and veggie detox (again you purify from sugar addictions, etc). Find it on Google.
    Jay Robb has a great fruit and veggie detox you use with protein powder too. He is quite popular, an author, a former competitor, ( think). But he is very well known and so is his cleanse. Expect a 7 lb weight loss in three days. One lady even went to her spa to get a face analysis under the equipment both before and after to prove that cleanse DO work for more than weight loss.

    Another cleanse is by Tosca Reno that I have tried. Google "cleanse by tosca reno"

    There is also the juice fast. You lose a lb a day on it (like the Master cleanse). Most everyone does. They all rave about how clean they feel afterward, how energetic, how soft their skin is. The skin will be like a baby's skin because if you detoxify it releases toxins and then moisture can go from the inside to the surface of your skin (toxins get trapped in your muscles and under your skin)

    Any more questions email me or ask here. I have done so many and have done extensive research. I work in the health care industry.

    p.s. these won't break your wallet, bc you need to buy food to eat anyway. Oh and make sure all of these items above are organic or home grown when possible.

    Never detox with a "pill or potion" they are unnecessary and because they are unnatural, it seems counterproductive. The purpose of a cleanse is to drain your body of impurities. Why take something impure to become pure? To become natural, you ingest natural.

    YOu can cleanse though from anything. Some of my cleanses have been small such as I cleansed from diet coke. That meant I stayed with my regular diet, but no diet coke.

    I did the same with sugar. There are tons of ways to detox.

    When you detox you will feel ill at first, bc you are "detoxing". Like that of a drug addict. When your body does without its poison, it feels sick, it wants its fix (sugar, soda, caffeine, alcohol, carbs, etc) It will pass in a day or two.
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    If you're trying to detox heavy metals and toxins stored in your body then I recommend this product.

    If you're trying to just clean out the plumbing that's a different story. Just eating a clean diet of veggies, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds will eventually clean you out. Or just go and get a colonic by a registered practitioner.
  • chefwrx
    chefwrx Posts: 59 Member
    There is the Master Cleanse which I love. You can Google to get the recipe and even to read the book online for free. I can help you find it if you can't. It was written by Stanley burroughs. I had amazing results from it, lost weight, didn't gain it back after a year, but never went back to junk eating again either. It cured a lot of bad habits from me. The book will explain what you detoxify from and how. I would explain it here but it is quite lengthy. People are incorrect when they tell you the body cleanses itself. There is more to it than that, once you read the book you'll see what I mean. Expect to be rid of bad habits from this (caffeine, sugar, soda). You won't even crave or desire it when done unless you take your first bite or sip of it again. I haven't gone back to many of my bad habits afterward.

    Another one is the fruit and veggie detox (again you purify from sugar addictions, etc). Find it on Google.
    Jay Robb has a great fruit and veggie detox you use with protein powder too. He is quite popular, an author, a former competitor, ( think). But he is very well known and so is his cleanse. Expect a 7 lb weight loss in three days. One lady even went to her spa to get a face analysis under the equipment both before and after to prove that cleanse DO work for more than weight loss.

    Another cleanse is by Tosca Reno that I have tried. Google "cleanse by tosca reno"

    There is also the juice fast. You lose a lb a day on it (like the Master cleanse). Most everyone does. They all rave about how clean they feel afterward, how energetic, how soft their skin is. The skin will be like a baby's skin because if you detoxify it releases toxins and then moisture can go from the inside to the surface of your skin (toxins get trapped in your muscles and under your skin) like pus pools. That is why massage therapist say, "you have a knot" and he/she works it out. A "knot" simply means a trapped toxin like lactic acid, or chemicals from foods that got trapped, etc. When it is released, it flushes through your system. This is one way a cleanse/detox works. (find it on Youtube) the one I like is done by a dark skinned lady who looks like a super model. You'll recognize her in the searches. I know this about trapped toxins in the muscles due to my job.

    Any more questions email me or ask here. I have done so many and have done extensive research. I work in the health care industry.

    p.s. these won't break your wallet, bc you need to buy food to eat anyway. Oh and make sure all of these items above are organic or home grown when possible.

    Never detox with a "pill or potion" they are unnecessary and because they are unnatural, it seems counterproductive. The purpose of a cleanse is to drain your body of impurities. Why take something impure to become pure? To become natural, you ingest natural.

    YOu can cleanse though from anything. Some of my cleanses have been small such as I cleansed from diet coke. That meant I stayed with my regular diet, but no diet coke.

    I did the same with sugar. There are tons of ways to detox.

    When you detox you will feel ill at first, bc you are "detoxing". Like that of a drug addict. When your body does without its poison, it feels sick, it wants its fix (sugar, soda, caffeine, alcohol, carbs, etc) It will pass in a day or two.

    It's this kind of unfounded garbage that confuses people... ScatteredThou is 100% spot on, your kidneys and liver clean/filter/cleanse your body.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    There is the Master Cleanse which I love. You can Google to get the recipe and even to read the book online for free. I can help you find it if you can't. It was written by Stanley burroughs. I had amazing results from it, lost weight, didn't gain it back after a year, but never went back to junk eating again either. It cured a lot of bad habits from me. The book will explain what you detoxify from and how. I would explain it here but it is quite lengthy. People are incorrect when they tell you the body cleanses itself. There is more to it than that, once you read the book you'll see what I mean. Expect to be rid of bad habits from this (caffeine, sugar, soda). You won't even crave or desire it when done unless you take your first bite or sip of it again. I haven't gone back to many of my bad habits afterward.

    Another one is the fruit and veggie detox (again you purify from sugar addictions, etc). Find it on Google.
    Jay Robb has a great fruit and veggie detox you use with protein powder too. He is quite popular, an author, a former competitor, ( think). But he is very well known and so is his cleanse. Expect a 7 lb weight loss in three days. One lady even went to her spa to get a face analysis under the equipment both before and after to prove that cleanse DO work for more than weight loss.

    Another cleanse is by Tosca Reno that I have tried. Google "cleanse by tosca reno"

    There is also the juice fast. You lose a lb a day on it (like the Master cleanse). Most everyone does. They all rave about how clean they feel afterward, how energetic, how soft their skin is. The skin will be like a baby's skin because if you detoxify it releases toxins and then moisture can go from the inside to the surface of your skin (toxins get trapped in your muscles and under your skin) like pus pools.

    Any more questions email me or ask here. I have done so many and have done extensive research. I work in the health care industry.

    p.s. these won't break your wallet, bc you need to buy food to eat anyway. Oh and make sure all of these items above are organic or home grown when possible.

    Never detox with a "pill or potion" they are unnecessary and because they are unnatural, it seems counterproductive. The purpose of a cleanse is to drain your body of impurities. Why take something impure to become pure? To become natural, you ingest natural.

    YOu can cleanse though from anything. Some of my cleanses have been small such as I cleansed from diet coke. That meant I stayed with my regular diet, but no diet coke.

    I did the same with sugar. There are tons of ways to detox.

    When you detox you will feel ill at first, bc you are "detoxing". Like that of a drug addict. When your body does without its poison, it feels sick, it wants its fix (sugar, soda, caffeine, alcohol, carbs, etc) It will pass in a day or two.

    It's this kind of unfounded garbage that confuses people... ScatteredThou is 100% spot on, your kidneys and liver clean/filter/cleanse your body.

    Maybe she wants to detox from bad foods by eating good foods? That is garbage?

    Look, she asked for some recipes on detoxing, I gave my favorite detoxes. Thus I answered her question. She didn't ask if detoxes work, she asked what are some recipes. I listed them. You get on here and make a claim as to something no one asked about. Additionally, if you want to make a claim then get your research in order. Otherwise quietly move on to the next thread. We are not up for debate. You're on here with unwarranted feedback by stating something which wasn't even asked in the first place. The answer you gave must belong in a thread where someone asked, "do detoxes work?"
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Eat lots of plants, drink lots of water- nothing toxic there!
    Except pesticides, fluoride and chlorine...
    Arh - just do your best!