1200 cals/working out/not eating back calories. Wrong?!



  • Wow! So much info! It sounds like everyone here pretty much thinks that a bit believe TDEE is the way to do it. I have to admit, the idea of eating more to lose weight freaks me out. But, my body feels like it's missing out on proper nutrition as I work out hard, limit myself to under 1200 calories, and don't eat by the cals I burn.

    One thing is unclear, here. So I figure out my TDEE, eat around 20% below that, and that's it? I don't additionally eat back calories, cuz the TDEE was figured based on my active lifestyle, right? I just wanna make sure I'm doing this the best way for optimal health.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Wow! So much info! It sounds like everyone here pretty much thinks that a bit believe TDEE is the way to do it. I have to admit, the idea of eating more to lose weight freaks me out. But, my body feels like it's missing out on proper nutrition as I work out hard, limit myself to under 1200 calories, and don't eat by the cals I burn.

    One thing is unclear, here. So I figure out my TDEE, eat around 20% below that, and that's it? I don't additionally eat back calories, cuz the TDEE was figured based on my active lifestyle, right? I just wanna make sure I'm doing this the best way for optimal health.

    If you're going off of TDEE minus X%, I don't think you eat exercise calories. It should already be factored in.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    One thing is unclear, here. So I figure out my TDEE, eat around 20% below that, and that's it? I don't additionally eat back calories, cuz the TDEE was figured based on my active lifestyle, right? I just wanna make sure I'm doing this the best way for optimal health.

    There are two methods

    1 - calculate your TDEE based on absolutely no exercise (sedentary) - in this case you DO eat your exercise calories back

    2- calculate your TDEE including your presumed level of exercise - in this case you DON'T eat additional exercise calories back as they are already factored in and spread out equally into your daily calorie goals.

    I personally use method number 1 as my exercise can sometimes be sporadic based on what work I have on, plus I find it motivates me to get to the gym so I can "earn" more food!
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    One thing is unclear, here. So I figure out my TDEE, eat around 20% below that, and that's it? I don't additionally eat back calories, cuz the TDEE was figured based on my active lifestyle, right? I just wanna make sure I'm doing this the best way for optimal health.

    There are two methods

    1 - calculate your TDEE based on absolutely no exercise (sedentary) - in this case you DO eat your exercise calories back

    2- calculate your TDEE including your presumed level of exercise - in this case you DON'T eat additional exercise calories back as they are already factored in and spread out equally into your daily calorie goals.

    I personally use method number 1 as my exercise can sometimes be sporadic based on what work I have on, plus I find it motivates me to get to the gym so I can "earn" more food!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Are you hungry or tired or worn down? If not, keep doing what works for you.

    If you are, eat more and maintain the exercise schedule.
  • Google TDEE and see how many sites have these calculators? Well just for fun I used three of them. Entered the exact same info in all of them and came up with 3 totally different numbers. So how can TDEE be accurate if the calculators don't even agree? I don't get it.
  • shumbri
    shumbri Posts: 15 Member
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You have to do what is right for you..

    I coudln't eat the amount it tells me too.. I'm full on what I eat now.. which is something like 4-500 under what my TDEE calcuates to.

    I try to eat back exercise calories, but if I'm not hungry.. what can I do?

    I like the ifcalculator.. gives you a range, a number for rest day and one for exercise days.. and it seems to be attainable. *for me*

    Basically.. if you eat less calories then you burn in a day you will lose weight.. if you very hungry, you aren't eating enough. you shouldn't be hungry. If you choose the right foods, you'll always be full and you'll be in a clalorie deficet. Some people on here know what they are talking about, but in the end.. as long as you eat less then you burn and you're satisified and not hungry then that is what your body needs. I've had to stop listening to others and start listening to my body. It knows what it needs and what it does not need.
  • LoriA6724
    LoriA6724 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for starting a great topic! I'm on the 1200 calorie track and I'm not losing anything.

    I'm going to have to take some time to read through all of these replies and see if I can come up with a better number. I think I just get so confused and frustrated that I go back to the 1200 routine. It isn't working anymore and I need to come up with something else.
  • KathrynKennewell108
    KathrynKennewell108 Posts: 72 Member
    You need to make a long term experiment with your calories in vs calories out. Stick with a regimented schedule. If you are burning 300cal a day in exercise... try and maintain a similar burn every day. Don't workout to the point that you feel burnt out. THEN...

    ...the thing you must do is experiment with your 'calories in' each day. Stick with 1200 a day for a while and closely monitor your weight (yes, I know, we females sometimes have that added bonus of fluid retention). Long term you'll see a pattern though. If you are losing X at 1200cal a day and want to slow it down, add 100cal a day for a week or so and see what your body does. Move up or down by 100 calories a day gradually til you find the set point you want to remain at. Don't alter your calories in frequently. Give your body a week to react and give you the feedback you are looking for.

    Rule of thumb for maintenance (esp. for females). If you are hovering within 2 kg or your desired set point, you are maintaining. Work with that. Hope it helps, hun. x

    PS. Keep in mind if you are under-eating you may be holding onto what you've got. I'm very tall for a female, so I struggle with the fact that I need closer to 1500 cal a day. Some days I just can't do it without resorting to eating crap, which defeats the purpose.
  • Back2Biz
    Back2Biz Posts: 67 Member
    If you're eating over 1200 calories a day and still starving, then increase the amount of vegetables in your diet. PROPER nutrition at 1200 calories a day should be plenty even with burning 300-500 calories a day. Some days (i.e., hormonal fluctuations around you time of the month) may make you feel more hungry so on those days bulk up your plate with steamed veggies or change your breakfast to a low calorie high volume option. (I eat a decent sized egg beaters omelet with 2 slices of light multigrain bread and coffee in the mornings and that is usually around 250 calories - lots of protein, very low sugar & carbs). PROPER nutrition is KEY - eat less processed foods, watch your sodium, sugar and eat more veggies! :0) Good Luck!!
  • loriepaulin
    loriepaulin Posts: 88 Member
    So I have come to this conclusion. Calories are just a number and they are different for everyone. What I have come to realize if that if you are fueling your body with the right nutrients you won't go hungy. For example, my lunches are made daily and I have finally after 2 yrs of the change stepped away from the frozen meals. What we do is we go to our local BJs and buy two rotiserre chickens and shred them on Sunday. We then put them on a food scale and I weigh out mine and my boyfriend weighs out his. We put each daily serving into ziploc bags in the fridge for the upcoming week. He takes a little more for the day then I do. I then buy a box of quinoa from Near east from Walmart and get the blend that has the brown rice and in Walmart I also buy a bag of salad greens and a big bag of the normandy veggies (yes frozen but for me that is just how I do it). My food diary basically is oatmeal in the morning to feel full or oat cereal with berries, I have either almonds (back to nature brand - california almonds) as a snack. For lunch during the work week I mix it up between wild alaskan salmon burgers with a side salad (with some added chick peas and beans if needed) or for the other days I do the chicken (about 3 oz), 1/2 cup of Quinoa, and veggies. Afternoon snack is either greek yogurt, banana, or a gala apple. I am not hungry throughout the day with this at all. I also do a protein shake after my morning workout so with the almonds it normally goes with it in the mid morning. I don't spend alot on food and I am satisfied throughout the day.. I also try to drink water or vitamin water zero. Hope this helps. I try to do one night a week of allowing what I want to eat. I also found great soups at Target from Archer farms that I want to start doing for dinners...they have a great variety and alot less sodium then the canned soups I have been seeing at Walmart. I do like the Progresso Garden Vegetable low sodium soup, it's really good.

    Again, hope this helps, , I just recently started adding in the fish for lunch with veggies (normandy) and the quinoa as of today, but I will do that 2x a week during the workweek and then the other 3 days with chicken and quinoa. :) I should mention I too have a hypothyroid condition and my endo doctor has told me to stay at @1200 calories to lose weight if not lower as well. That's why I am trying to eat clean so that I feel full and my body gets what it needs.

    Best of luck!!!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    loriepaulin - your diet sounds awesome! this is the way to do it - a little pre-planning is all it takes.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    One thing is unclear, here. So I figure out my TDEE, eat around 20% below that, and that's it? I don't additionally eat back calories, cuz the TDEE was figured based on my active lifestyle, right? I just wanna make sure I'm doing this the best way for optimal health.

    There are two methods

    1 - calculate your TDEE based on absolutely no exercise (sedentary) - in this case you DO eat your exercise calories back

    2- calculate your TDEE including your presumed level of exercise - in this case you DON'T eat additional exercise calories back as they are already factored in and spread out equally into your daily calorie goals.

    I personally use method number 1 as my exercise can sometimes be sporadic based on what work I have on, plus I find it motivates me to get to the gym so I can "earn" more food!

    #1 is what MFP does, so you if that is your choice just follow MFP (which means eat exercise cals back)
  • ghostdivatonya
    ghostdivatonya Posts: 58 Member
    I have also been battling this topic. My doctor told me to eat 1100 to 1200 a day and to burn at least 300 to 400 calories min 3 times a week. I was also told to take the deficit.

    I have some underlying "issues" that I am working on with my doctor to get my hormones & metabolism (among a few other things) in check. I do realize that every person is different.

    I meet my calories every day. I have "free days" (one more free than the other) if I'm hungry after a work out (extra calories) I will eat a snack. I'm NOT starving or hungry. I drink a lot of water. I have tried both ways and both ways work but I do better not putting all of my calories back in. I feel better not eating dinner twice.
  • Running_Tanya
    Running_Tanya Posts: 14 Member
    Google TDEE and see how many sites have these calculators? Well just for fun I used three of them. Entered the exact same info in all of them and came up with 3 totally different numbers. So how can TDEE be accurate if the calculators don't even agree? I don't get it.
  • Marion_
    Marion_ Posts: 56 Member
    I would simply say: listen to your body. If you're starving, eat a bit more healthy food (even if it ups your calorie intake) and then see if you're still losing weight. It might sound obvious, but you have to find what works best for you.

    You will always have people here telling you what is RIGHT or WRONG, but since you are already seeing a doctor about your diet, just talk to him/her about your concerns (feeling hungry, loosing too fast, etc.)

    Good luck!!
  • devochkadee
    devochkadee Posts: 2 Member
    Has anyone here mentioned lower carb/higher protein and healthy fat eating habits?
    Before you guys get furious, Id like to say Im in no way Atkins supporter! That guy was too extreme.
    Im not saying to get rid of fruits and veg and eat steaks all day.
    Im saying get rid of most breads, pasta, rice, grains - save those for special occasions and cheat days.

    Try eating unlimited (within reason of coarse) amounts of veg like salad, tomatoes, asparagus, anything green and colorful (limit your yams, corn and starchy veg), good portions of lean meat, chicken, sea food moderate portions of fat like avocados, olive oil, cottage cheese, fish, small portions of fruits, nuts, seeds and healthier sweets like honey and dark chocolate?

    Ive found personally that eating like this you dont necessarily need to count calories, and ive been in a healthy range of 156-158 pounds for my height of 6"1 :)

    I get alot of info from these guys http://www.marksdailyapple.com if that helps?
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    Okay....so I did the fat2fitradio calculations.

    I am currently eating 1200 calories a day and I generally do not eat my exercise calories back. I am not STARVING but I kinda do feel "deprived".

    So it says based on the calculations that at sedentary level I can eat 1902 calories and still lose weight, but that it is okay to take off 200-300 to lose weight faster. So that means I could eat 1600 calories a day AND even my exercise calories since I did not factor them in to the calculation?