Stonglifts? what do you think? For females too?

Hey all, I have been hearing bits and pieces of people starting the stronglifts program. I was wondering if anyone has had some good results. The creator of it seems to focus on men, but can women do it to and look good? I did get the e-book and I have been reading it bit by bit. Does it require a major purchase of equipment or what. I just really wanna know a little about it from someone other that the ones promoting it. Thanks.



  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    YES, YES AND YES all day long.

    I started doing Stronglifts 5 x 5 just 7 weeks ago. I have lost loads of inches, weight and my body has totally changed its shape - for the better. I have never felt so good in all my life. Lifting rocks.

    I currently squat 100 lbs and deadlift at 140 lbs and I find even normal things in my life are so much easier and I feel so much stronger generally. My mood is always lifted.

    Considering it, then consider no longer and just do it, you really won't regret it. There is a group here on MFP Stronglifts for Women with all the information you will need.


    ETA - I workout at home in my spare bedroom. I have squat stands, a bench, a barbell and weight plates. Using a Power rack or Squat rack would be far safer that the stands, but I use a single bed and the bench as 'catchers' when squatting to at least be a little safer. There are always weights and equipment for sale locally.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Yeah, women can do it and look good. Women don't need special women-specific weight lifting programs. There are lots of women here on MFP who do Stronglifts 5x5--there is even a group. You should join and speak to them.

    As for equipment, If you don't have a squat rack, bench, and olympic barbell + plates, you would need to either buy those things or join a gym.